Ap vocab 40-60 Flashcards
A short pointed and memorable saying based on facts it is considered a veritable truth by the majority of people famous outages become popular due to the usage of a long period of time in fact an adage expresses a general fact or truth
Lacking proper respect or seriousness this is often associated with the impatience of youth
Use of language that suggests meanings other than the denotative language that connects with emotions or feelings not associated with the actual meaning of a word
Syntactical inversion
Inversion also called anastrophe in literary style in a torque these syntactic reversal of the normal order of the words and phrases in a senates as an English the placing of an Adjective after the noun it modifies a verb before the subject
A grammatical construction in which two elements normally noun phrases are placed side-by-side with one element serving to identify the other in a different way the two elements are said to be in apposition
Frequently used for those literary texts which are overloaded with informative realistic matter and are marked by the omission of graceful and pleasing details therefore becomes a derogatory term referring to the forms of literature that are ostentatiously door in a rude however some literature or entertaining as well as didactic
Figure of speech in which to Basley different objects are lichens together with the help of similes or metaphors This conceit can have a surprising or shocking affect on the readers because they are novel comparisons unlike the conventional comparisons made and similes and metaphors
Periodic sentence
Has the main clause or predicate at the end this is used for emphasis and can be persuasive by putting reasons for something at the beginning before the final points made it can also create the suspense or interest for the reader
A statement that appears to be self contradictory or silly but may include a latent truth it is also used to illustrate an opinion or statement contrary to accepted traditional ideas often used to make a reader think over an idea in an innovative way
Figure of speech in which words are used in such a way they’re intended meaning is different from the actual meaning of the words it may also be a situation that may end up in a quite different way than in general he anticipated the difference between appearance and reality
Stylistic devices that comes from a Greek word meaning to place or alongside qualifying were explanatory sentence clause or word that riders insert into a paragraph or passage
Grimly mocking sarcastic such a cool mocking in a humorous manner this is one of the tone words that describes writing that fits the meaning
A technique employed by riders to expose and criticize foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society by using humor irony exaggeration or ridicule it intends to improve humanity by criticizing its valleys and foibles Fictional characters for real people
Relating to or involving strongly critical controversial or dispute just writing in speech crucial hostile bitter sarcastic
Or fallacy of ambiguity is a word or phrase or statement which contains more than one meaning use ambiguity with purpose and intent
Also known as universal symbol may be a character I theme a symbol or even a setting many literary critics are of the opinion that archetypes which have a common and recurring representation in a particular human culture or entire human race shape the structure and function of a literary work
Function of archetype
Do you use of archetypical characters in situations gives a literary work a universal acceptance as readers identify the characters and situations in their social and cultural context realism
Tragic flaw
Literary device that can be defined as a trait and I character leaving to his downfall in the character is often the hero of the litter a piece this trait could be lack of knowledge lack of judgment and often it is hubris pride to be or not to be to die to sleep
When someone makes a statement investing his strong believe in it if it is true though it may not be he’s making insertion a stylistic approach of technique involving a strong declaration a forceful or confident and positive statement regarding a believe or a fact express ideas or feelings directly I have put my every effort to complete this task today
Type a biography which tells a life story of its author meaning it is a written record of the authors life rather than being written by someone else and autobiography comes through the person’s own pen in his own ways
A record of memories in particular events that have taken place in the authors life in fact it is the telling of a story or an event from his life and account that does not tell the full record of a life
Cumulative sentence
A loose sentence that starts with an independent clause or main clause which is simple and straight provides mean India and then add subordinate elements or modifiers it adds subordinate or modifying elements after the subject and predicate put forth man idea first provides details after I’m going with lots of commas and semicolons
A story/journey of the protagonist against maturity gradually and difficult to lead using the plot to fix a conflict between protagonist and the values of society finally here she excepts his values and they are excepted by the society ending the Dissatisfaction coming of age novel
A force illustration of something a deceptive impression or a false belief literally speaking an illusion is something that is faults and not factual it trips the human brain meant to mislead the perception of readers and see if their senses to see if sense of sight touch taste and sounds making them imagine what is happening but illustrating details I’ll tell you God’s truth I am the son of the wealthy people
Blank verse
A literary device to find as an on rhyming verse written in iambic penta meter in poetry and prose it has a consistent meter with the 10 syllables in each line
In literature foil is a character that shows qualities that are in contrast with the qualities of another character with the objective to highlight the traits of the other character may also be use for any comparison that is drawn to poetry a difference between two things
A sophisticated literary devices used in writing in fact it is a textual reference within the some text that reflects the text use as a reference instead of employing a reference or phrases from different literary works intertextuality draws upon the concept rhetorical or ideology from other text to be merged in the next text
Derived from the Greek word meaning symbol is a figure of speech which employs and understatement by using double negatives or in other words positive statement is expressed my naked teen it’s opposite expressions not too bad in place of pretty good would be an example