AP Notes 91-96 Flashcards
Propaganda- scrapegoat
Guilt by association to deflect scrutiny away from issues. Transfer balance to one person or group without investigating complexities of issues. Ex. Reagan put us in debt
Propaganda-artificial dichotomy
When someone claims there are only two sides to an issue and that both sides must have equal presentation in order to be evaluated. Used to dupe us into believing there is only one side to look at a issue, when there are other sides of a story.
Propaganda deification
When idea is made to appear special and therefore above the law. Opposite viewpoints are given appearance of treason. EX. God given right to …
Develop comparisons which is non likely but intellectually imaginative. Turns into conceit when writer tries to make us admit a similarity between unlike things
Someone give argument to support position, is called making a claim. Different reasons are usually presented to prove why certain point is right
Emotional discharge through which one can achieve state of moral and spiritual renewal or achieve state of liberation from anxiety and stress. Cleans emotions of characters