AP Lit Terms Set 1 (25 words) Flashcards
When something is unable to be touched or not concrete, it is?
When a concept or value can not been seen (love, honor, courage) which the writer tries to illustrate by comparing it metaphorically to a known, concrete object, it is a/an?
What is a sound device that is a repitition of initial (beginning) consonant sounds, it is?
What is the expression of an idea in language which gives more than one meaning and leaves uncertainty as to the meaning?
What is something out of its place in time or history (such as Julius Caesar riding a motorcycle)?
What is a comparison of two things, which are alike in several respects, for the purpose of explaining or clarifying some unfamiliar or difficult idea or object by showing how the idea or object is similar to some familiar one?
What is the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases for rhetorical or poetic effect, such as in Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address: We cannot dedicate -we can not consecrate - we cannot hallow this ground and whisper to their souls to go.
Who is the character in a narrative or play who is in conflict with the main character - this character may not even be a person, or can be the same person as the main character.
When a protagonist is the antithesis of a hero - graceless, inept, stupid, sometimes dishonest
What is a figure of speech in which a thought is balanced with a contrasting thought in parallel arrangements of words and phrases?
what is a brief statement which expresses an observation on life, unually intended as a wise observation.
What is addressing someone or something, unually not present, as though present.
What is a larger than life presence; a godlike paragon worthy of respect and reverence
What is a statement delivered by an actor in such a way that the other characters on the stage are presumed not to have heard them
What refers to the noble qualities of human beings and nature as opposed to the savage and destructive forces.