AP Latin Vocab 1-150 Flashcards
a, ab
from, away from, by (+abl)
ac, atque
and, and also, as, than
to, toward, near, about (with numerals and dates), at, by (+acc)
aut, aut… aut
or, either, either… or
as a preposition: with (+abl), as a conjunction: when, since, although
do, dare, dedi, datus
to give, put, appoint, grant, honor
et, et… et
and, both, also, even, both… and
hic, haec, hoc
this, these, the latter, he, she, it
ille, illa, illud
that, those, the former, he, she, it
in, on, among (+abl), into, onto, to, against, over, among, for (+acc)
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
himself, herself, itself, myself, yourself, themselves, very, he, she, it
magnus, a, um
great, large, huge, mighty, loud
nec, neque, nec… nec
not, nor, and… not, neither, neither… nor
not, no, by no means
omnis, omne
all, every, whole, as a whole
through, along, by, throughout (+acc)
(enclitic) and, also, even
qui, quae, quod
who, which, what, that, any
sum, esse, fui, futurus
to be, to exist
if, when, whether
video, videre, vidi, visus
to see, perceive, understand (passive: to be seen, to seem)
bellum, i, n.
castra, castrorum, n. pl.
(military) camp
civitas, civitatis, f.
consilium, consili, n.
advice, plan, council
down from, from, about, concerning, for (+abl)
dico, dicere, dixi, dictus
to say, set, appoint, administer, plead
dies, diei, m. or f.
day (taken with in: every day)
e, ex
out of, from, of, on, according to (+abl)
facio, facere, feci, factus
to do, make, achieve, carry out
fines, finium, m. pl.
borders, land, territory
fio, fieri, factus sum
to be made, to be done, to happen
Gallia, ae, f.
Gaul (region of Gaul)
Gallus, i, m.
Gaul (inhabitant of Gaul)
habeo, habere, habui, habitus
to have, hold, keep, make (a speech), take (account), regard, consider
Helvetius, a, um
hiberna, orum, n. pl.
winter quarters
homo, hominis, m. or f.
human, person
hostis, hostis, m. or f.
idem, eadem, idem
the same
between, among (+acc)
is, ea, id
this, that, he, she, it
iter, itineris, n.
journey, march, route
jubeo, jubere, jussi, jussus
to order
legatus, i, m.
envoy, ambassador, lieutenant
legio, legionis, f.
locus, i, m.
place, position, rank
miles, militis, m.
mitto, mittere, misi, missus
to send
multitudo, multitudinis, f.
crowd, multitude
navis, navis, f.
ship, warship (taken with longa)
noster, nostra, nostrum
pars, partis, f.
part, direction, side
possum, posse, potui
to be able, to be powerful, to be possible
in front of, before, for, as, considering (+abl)
proelium, proeli, n.
because, the fact that, for the very reason that (taken with propterea)
reliquus, a, um
remaining, rest of, other
res, rei, f.
thing, matter, affair, circumstance, supply, purpose, experience, republic (taken with publica), state, deed (taken with gesta)
_, sui, sibi, se (sese), se (sese)
himself, herself, itself, themselves, him, her, it, them, (as subject of infinitive) he, she, it, they
suus, a, um
his, her, its, their (own)
unus, a, um
one, only
ut (uti)
as, so that, to.., that
accidit, accidere, accidit
to happen
alius, alia, aliud
other, another, else, pl: others, some
alter, altera, alterum
the one… the other, another
annus, i, m.
arbitror, arbitrari, arbitratus sum
to think, consider
arma, armorum, n. pl.
weapons, arms
capio, capere, cepi, captus
to seize, take, (with consilium) form, make
causa, ae, f.
cause, reason, case
for the sake of (+gen)
coepi, coepisse, coeptus
to have begun
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitus
to learn, learn about
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactus
to drive together, collect, compel, force
conicio, conicere, conieci, coniectus
to throw, hurl
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutus
to place, station, establish, decide, determine
convenio, convenire, conveni, conventus
to come together, gather, meet
copia, ae, f.
supply, resource, pl: forces, troops, supplies
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessurus
to depart
eques, equitis, m.
horseman, pl: cavalry
exercitus, us, m.
existimo, existimare, existimavi, existimatus
to think, consider
facile (adv)
flumen, fluminis, n.
frumentum, i, n.
genus, generis, n.
birth, origin, kind, class
Germani, Germanorum, m. pl.
gravis, e
heavy, serious, severe
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectus
to kill
litterae, litterarum, f. pl.
letter, epistle, letters, writing, writings
far, at a distance, by far
manus, us, f.
hand, band, force (of an army)
mille (pl. milia)
mors, mortis, f.
multus, a, um
much, pl. many
so that not, not to…, (after clauses of fearing) that, (with quidem) not
nothing, not anything, (with gen) no
nox, noctis, f.
nullus, a, um
no, (taken with non) some
numerus, i, m.
ordo, ordinis, m.
rank, position
periculum, i, n.
persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi, persuasus (+dat)
to persuade
populus, i, m.
people, nation
primus, a, um
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum
to set out, depart
proximus, a, um
nearest, next
publicus, a, um
public, common
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus
to fight
as, than, (with a superlative) as… as possible, (taken with post or postea) after, (taken with prius) before
quis, quid
who, what, (after si or ne) anyone, anything
recipio, recipere, recepi, receptus
to receive, (taken with se) to go, to withdraw, to recover
Rhenus, i, m.
Rhine (river between Gaul and Germany)
salus, salutis, f.
well-being, safety
summus, a, um
highest, greatest, most important
superior, superius
upper, higher, previous, more effective
however, still
telum, i, n.
spear, javelin
tempus, temporis, n.
then, at that time
utor, uti, usus sum (+abl)
to use, make use of
vallum, i, n.
palisade of stakes on top of an embankment, rampart
venio, venire, veni, venturus
to come
virtus, virtutis, f.
valor, courage, virtue
volo, velle, volui
to wish, want
absum, abesse, afui, afuturus
to be away, be absent, be lacking
Aduatuci, Aduatucorum, m. pl.
a Belgian people of Cimbrian origin
adventus, us, m.
arrival, advance, attack
ager, agri, m.
land, field
aliqui, aliqua, aliquod
some, any
animadverto, animadvertere, animadverti, animadversus
to observe, notice
animus, i, m.
mind, spirit, heart
before, previously
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatus
to name, call
at the house of, with, among (+acc)
however, furthermore
barbari, barbarorum, m. pl.
Belgae, arum, m. pl.
Belgians or Belgae
Britannia, ae, f.
casus, us, m.
accident, chance, event, misfortune
celeritas, celeritatis, f.
certus, a, um
certain, fixed
about, approximately
circumvenio, circumvenire, circumveni, circumventus
to surround
cohors, cohortis, f.
cohort (tenth part of a legion)
colloco, collocare, collocavi, collocatus
to arrange, to place