Ap human geo unit 4 Flashcards
A nation is a group of people that share a similar culture trait
A state has homogenous culture population and has on shared culture trait normally geographicaly small and isolated example Iceland
Stateless Nation
A nation that has a history of self determination but does not have a re state
Multinational state
A state that has more than one nation it it´s border
Multi State Nation
A nation that has a state of it´s own but also lives in another states an example is koreans because they have north and south
A political authority of a state to govern itself
The connection of people, their culture, and their economic system to where they live.
An invisible line that marks the outer limits of a state´s territory.
The process of physically representing a boundary on the landscape
The process of mapmakers placing the boundary on the map
Antecedent Boundary
A political border established before the area was populated often based in river and mountains
Subsequent Boundary
A boundary that is established after the settlement in that area occurred
Superimposed Boundary
A boundary that is imposed on the cultural landscape which ignores pre existing cultural patterns.
Relict Boundary
A type of political boundary that no longer function as an official border but still holds historical significance and may influences present-day cultural or social pratices.
Is the practice of manipulating electoral district boundaries to favor a particular political party