AP human geo chapter 1 Flashcards
Stimulus Diffusion
The spread of an underlying principle, even though a specific characteristic is rejected.
Cultural Landscape
Fashioning of a natural landscape by a cultural group (putting our imprint/values on the landscape)
Formal Region
An area in which everyone shares one or more common characteristics
Functional Region
An area organized/centered around an activity that is organized around a node or focal point.
Science of Map Making
Enviromental Determisnism
Belief that people are shaped by their physical enviorment because the can sen limit on human actions
Belief that the physical environment can set limits on human actions, but people have the ability to adjust to the physicial enviroment
Distance decay
Eventual disseaperacne of soemthing further away from the orgin
Conatgious diffusion
The rapid, widespread diffusion of a feature or trend throughout a population
Region from which innovative idea originate
system that determines teh precise postion of something on Earth
Hierchal diffusion
spread of a feature from someone or someplace of authority or power
Actions or process that involve the entire world
computer system that store, organizes, and displays geographic data
Map distortion
A change in the shape, area, distance or direction when it is shown on a map.
Five themes of geography
Movement, location, Human environment interaction, place, region
Absolute Location
The exact postion of a place on earths surface
Relative location
The postion of a place in relation to another place
Relocation diffusion
The spread of a feature or trend throguh bodily movement from one place to another
Physical and Human Geography
Two main branches of geography(both study where and why)
Identifys a place by its unique
Identifies a place by its location relative to other places.
Latitude lines
A set of imaginary lines that run parallel to the equator and measure distance north and south of the equator
Longitude lines
A set of imaginary lines that go around the earth over the poles is known as meridians and measure the distance east and west of the prime meridian.
Clustered population
A population distribution in which many people live in a small area of closely spaced house or communities
Mercator Projector
A map projection that distorts the land area/size especially at the poles
United states
Located both in the northern and western hemispheres
Place and region
what geographers use to explain why each point on earth is unique
Formal region
An area in which everyone shares in one or more distinctive characteristics
Physical gap between objects
A specific point on earth distinguished by a particular charactersitic
Relationship between the portion of earth being studied and the earth as a whole
An area distinguished by a particular characteristic
Refers to the relationship between people and objects across the barrier of space.
Two essential questions of AP human geo
Where are they located and why are they there
Map projection
Method for representing part of the surface on earth
4 types of distortion
Shape, area, distance, and direction
Map scale
The ratio of a distance on the map corresponds to the distance on the ground. Ex:1:100
Three ways cartographic map scale is presented
Ration, written, graphic
Reference maps
Designed for people to refer to for general information about places
Two main types of reference maps
Political and physical
Political map
Shows and labels the human-created boundaries and designations such as countries, states, capitals, and cities.
Physical map
Shows and labels natural features such as mountains rivers and desserts
Thematic maps
(communication tool) show spatial aspects of information or of a phenomenon
Types of thematic maps
isoline, dot distribution, choropleth, graduated/proportional symbol, cartogram, flow line