AP HuG Unit 1 Flashcards
A specific point on Earth, distinguished by a particular characteristic. Every place occupies a unique location, or position, on Earth’s surface.
An area of Earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics. Geographers divide the world into a number of regions, such as North America and Latin America.
The relationship between the portion of Earth being studied and Earth as a whole. Geographers study a variety of scales, from local to global. Many processes that affect humanity’s occupation of Earth are global in scale, such as climate change and depletion of energy supplies. At the same time, local-scale processes-such as preservation of distinctive cultural and economic activities-are increasingly important.
Refers to the physical gap or interval between two objects. Geographers observe that many objects are distributed across space in a regular manner, for discernible reasons.
Refers to relationships among people and objects across the barrier of space. Geographers are concerned with the various means by which connections occur.
A two dimensional or flat scale model of Earth’s surface, or a portion of it.
The science of mapmaking.
The location of each meridian is identified on Earth’s surface according to a numbering system.
A circle drawn around the globe parallel to the equator and at eight angles to the meridians.
The numbering system to indicate the location of a parallel
Greenwich Mean Time/ Universal Time
The time at the Prime Meridian (0° longitude), is the master reference time for all points on Earth.
Map Scale
Refers to the relationship of a feature’s size on a map to its actual size on Earth.
The scientific method of transferring locations on Earth’s surface to a flat map.
The body of customary beliefs, material traits, and social forms that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people.
The arrangement of a feature in space. Density, concentration, pattern
The process by which a feature spreads across space from one place to another over time.
A place from which an innovation originates.
A chain of communication that connects places.