AP Gov Test Flashcards
Article 1
Rules, regulations, and powers of senate, congress, and house of representatives in the legislative branch. .
Article 2
Rules, regulations, power/duty or president/vice president and the willingness of them to be impeached as well as filling vacancies in the senate during their time in office and how he becomes elected in the executive branch.
Article 3
rules, regulations on power and authority of supreme court/decision making/interpretation of laws in the judicial branch. law and equity.
Article 4
rules, regulations, laws, authority between states, protection from all states against invasion and domestic violence. .
Article 5
convention proposes amendments ¾ of states must approve, on the other hand as congress proposes amendments, ⅔ must approve. (Amendment process)
Article 6
all debts valid against constitution, all must contribute as an oath or affirmation to be bound to support constitution , as there are no religious tests. (Supremacy clause)
Article 7
Constitution shall become an official law as long as 9 out of 13 states approve it. (Ratification of the constitution)
eligibility requirements for members of the house
citizen of 7 years, must be at least 25
eligibility requirements for members of the senate
citizen of 9 years, must be at least 30
eligibility requirements for the president
natural born citizen and lived in US for 14 years, must be at least 35
Powers of president
- Veto/approve laws
* command armed forces
Powers of vice president
- breaks tie vote in senate
* presiding officer of the senate
Powers of congress
- Collect taxes, borrow money on credit of US, regulate commerce with other nations
- declare war
commerce clause
gives congress power to regulate commerce with foreign nations along with other states and Indian tribes/territories
necessary and proper clause
gives congress the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the forgoing powers