AP Euro Hub Dates Flashcards
1450 main event
printing press and start of Renaissance
1450 political
-Hundred years war
-Peasant revolts
-Fall of Constantinople
-Unification of Spain
-Peace of Lodi
-Medici Family
-War of Roses
-Venetian Navy was most powerful in Italy
1450 economic
-printing press (obviously increased economy as an industry)
-Mediterranean Trade instead of Black Sea
-Medici Family the most powerful in Europe
-Plague left countries around Europe Struggling
-Start of Hanseatic League decline
-African Slave Trade and stoppage of Black Sea trade due to Ottoman Empire
1450 religious
-Gutenberg’s bible published in the vernacular
-End of the Great Schism
-Pope Leo X
-Slow decline start of Catholic Church
1450 social
-End of Black Death/bubonic plague
-feudal system
-civic humanism
-Marriage Gap
-Increased Prostitution
-Strategic marriages
-Men married late and women married early
1450 intellectual
-spread of humanism
-Printing press; people can read more
-Petrarch and humanism; rebirth of the classics
-Vernacular Bibles
-New Schools teaching humanities
-Chaucer and the canterbury tales
-literacy rates increased (= better education)
1450 art
-donatello’s “david”
-Higher status of Artists
-Wealthy artists and people commissioning art
-Art influenced by Intellectual movements
1492 main event
christopher columbus (exploration)
1492 political
-start of habsburg-valois wars
-Court of Star Chamber Henry VII (1487)
-Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
-Age of Exploration
-New Spain, Portugal in India and Africa, Dutch Spice Islands, French Canada, Britain came after to beat everyone
-Spanish Golden Age
-Spanish Inquisition (1478-1834)
1492 economic
-Price Revolution
-Spending money they did not have
-Wealth measured in precious metals
-Higher status of nobles and merchants but same wages for peasants
-Middle Passage
-Triangular Trade
-Columbian Exchange
-Rise of plantations and cash crops
-Vasco de Gama goes to India
1492 religious
- Lessening of faith
-Restoring faith in new World
-Spanish Inquisition
1492 social
-Death of Natives due to diseases
-Slaves now came from Africa
-Many of the wealthy prospered off banks and investments
-Potatoes stopped famine in Europe
-Europeans were superior and rulers of natives
-Europeans married and bred with some natives to create mixed children
-High Rennaissance
1492 intellectual
-New technology:
-Lateen sails
-Better ships
-New world influence
1492 art
-Da Vinci’s “last supper”
-Age of Exploration Art
-Skulls and maps etc.
-Native influences on art and Europe influence on natives
1517 main event
95 theses- martin luther
1517 political
-Act of Supremacy
-Elizabeth (politique)
-Mary I (Bloody to restore Catholic faith)
-Henry VIII
-Rise of Machiavelli Politiques (Ferdinand II of Italy)
-German Peasant Revolt (1524-1525)
-Birth of Diplomacy and New Ambassadors for the Italian states
-Diet and Edict of Milan
-Schmalkdic League
1517 economic
-Decreased indulgences
-Price Revolution
-Slave trade
1517 religious
-95 Theses
-Calvin’s Geneva
-Anglican Church
-Protestant Stuff: Anabaptist, Zwinglism, Lutheranism and Calvinism
-Servetus and Unitarianism
-Diet of Worms decides Luther’s Fate
1517 social
-Peasant revolt in germany
-Smallpox in new world
1517 intellectual
-Machiavelli the prince
-Thomas More: Utopia
-Book of the Courtier
1517 art
-michalangelo “sistine chapel”
-Raphael: School of Athens
-Sistine Madonna
1555 main event
-Peace of Augsburg
1555 political
-Peace of Augsburg
-German Princes
-Schmalkaldic Wars
-End of Habsburg-Valois Wars
1555 economic
-mercantilism begins
-Joint stock companies
-Wars of Religion cost (Spain and Philip II lost money from the Dutch) a lot of money
1555 religious
-council of trent
-Counter Reformation
-Society of Jesuits
-Peace of Augsburg allows Lutherans to practice in Germany
1555 social
-Ivan the Terrible
-Influence from New World
-Abolished encomienda system in new world
-Height of Witchcraft craze
1555 intellectual
-Society of Jesus
-Calvin taught religious philosophy
-Revolution of heavenly bodies by Copernicus
-Start of Scientific Revolution
-Vesalius: On the Fabric of the Human Body
1555 art
-el greco (dark, twisted)
-Peter Bruegal Elder paint peasants and their life
-Equestrian portrait of Charles V by Titan
-Rise in Mannerism
1588 main event
spanish armada (defeat of spanish by england)
1588 political
-queen elizabeth defeated spanish armada
-Netherlands Gained their independence
-Beginning of Britain Golden Age
-Britain and other poltiical powers building colonies around the world
-Spain one of the most powerful empires (South America, etc.)
-William of Orange united Dutch during Dutch Revolt
-St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
1588 economic
-Mercantilism was very high
-Inflation was also very high
-Bank of Amsterdam
-Dutch Golden Age
-East India Trading Company
-Rise of Capitalism a bit later
1588 religious
-edict of nantes
-St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
-Catholic and Protestant United Provinces
1588 social
-increased population
-Increase of Serfdom
-Increased class disparity
-Increased coal and iron in England
1588 intellectual
-galileo telescope & thermometer
-Brahe’s astronomical observations, Kepler and 3 laws of planetary motion
-Francis Bacon and Empricism
-Astronomy observing and theater emerges
1588 artistic
- Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, and others
-Beginning of the end of Mannerism
-Beginning of the start of Baroque
1648 main event
peace of westphalia (ending the european wars of religion and 30 Years War)
1648 political
-(JCOCJ) English Civil War
-Peace of Westphalia ended politically motivated wars
-Politics and Religion are now separate
-Age of Absolutism -Richelieu and Louis XIV
Fronde uprising in France
-Dutch Independence
-Spanish Habsburg and Spain starts to decline
-Frederick William the Great Elector and rise of Brandenburg-Prussia
-New Austrian Empire with Transylvania, Hungary, Croatia, and Slovenia (1699) (Leopold I and Joseph I)
Austria gets control of Spain
-Denmark ruled by aristocrats and Sweden absolute rulers
-Height of Ottoman Empire as “sleeping giant”
-Polish weak central monarch
-The Fronde Wars (nobility vs king 1648)
1648 economic
-HRE collapsed because of too much money spent on wars, etc.
-More silver found in America
-Period of development for most countries
-Height of Dutch Golden Age
-Emerging Powers of France and Dutch Provinces
-France excessive spending and wars: Versailles,
-Wars of Spanish Succession, etc.
1648 religious
-protestant reformation ended
-Peace of Westphalia allows for Calvinism to be legal with the other religions
-New ideas in Science were opposed by the Church
-Edict of Restitution (1629)
1648 social
-Beginning of the end of Witchcraft Craze
-Population decline/stagnation across Europe
-Dutch Commercial power height
1648 intellectual
-Pascal invented early calculator
-Descartes Dualism and analytical geometry
-Major advances/development of scientific reasoning/knowledge
-Harvey theory of circulation, Spinoza women in science,
-Salons, scientific societies, journals, and spread of knowledge
-Beginning of Paths to Enlightenment
-Beginning of English Royal Society and French Royal Academy of Sciences, salons
-Hobbes: Leviathan
-Controlled experiments of Robert Boyle
-Margaret Cavendish (Women in Science)
Maria Merian
1648 artistic
-Dutch Realism (kind of Baroque) - Rembrandt
-New Age of royal patronage
-French Drama: Racine
1688 main event
revolution of 1688 (aka glorious revolution)
1688 political
-End of JCOCJ and transition to Mary II and William III Orange
-Wars of Spanish Succession and Treaty of Utrecht
-Bill of Rights: England
-Declaration of Indulgence
-Peter the Great makes Russia major power
-Austria takes over Italy and then Bourbons regained control (1734) over Naples and Sicility
-Venice and Genoa were independent
-Parliament has more power
-Pragmatic Sanction (1713
-Great Northern War (1700-1721)
1688 economic
-Bank of England
-Bigger loans and paper banknotes were issues
-Establishment of French East Trading Company to compete with English and Dutch companies in East Indies
-Increased livestock
-Nitrogen-rich crop rotation
-Greater yields of plants (from places around the world)
-Enclosure acts and no more open-field systems (England specifically)
1688 religious
-New skepticism about truths and religion arrive with more science ideas
-Edict of Fontainebleau (1685 and revokes Edict of Nantes)
-Act of Settlement (1701): Only Protestants could rule England and Ireland crown
-Toleration Act Britain (1689)
1688 social
-Feminism started (Cavendish and emergence of women scientists, writers)
-Women worked in cottage industry
-Population growth due to increasing birth rates
-Increased Parliament presence and Power (ex.: Great Britain)
1688 intellectual
-John Locke wrote about natural right
-Newton’s law of universal gravitation
Penseés by Pascal
-Cavendish: Grounds of Natural Philosophy
-Ethics by Spinoza
-Maria Winkelmann
-Growing skepticism about religion and science interference with truths, reason, and God.
-Newton invents binomial theorem and calculus
-Hooke discovered cork cells
-Principia Mathematica
-Tull’s seed drill and keeping soil loose so plants could grow better
1688 artistic
-palace of versailles
-Royal academies of sciences
-Fumo sculpts fallen christ
1750 main event
Wars of Austrian Succession
1750 political
-Despots take over: Maria Theresa, Frederick II
-War of Austrian Succession
-Seven Years War (Ended with Treaty of Paris and Hubertsburg)
-Robert Walpole as prime Minister of England (little before 1750)
-Hannovers are invited to rule England (but don’t speak English so they rely on ministers to do their jobs)
-Prussia: Strong army and Bureaucracy (more serfdom because nobles were military officers)
-Austria becomes stronger, but change comes too fast so they revert back.
-Russia becomes a modern European power but oppressed serfs and no religious tolerance (nobles were higher)
-Portugal declines in power and nobles and Church regain power
-Treaty of Aix-La-Chapelle ended War of Austrian Succession (Two Sides: France and Prussia vs. GBR and Austria): All land was returned (including Madras and Fort Louisburg) except Silesia, which leads to Austria starting the 7 Years War.
-7 Years War (First World War) between the British and Prussians and Austria, Russia, and France → Biggest conflict was French-Indian War in which Britain won and gained control of Ohio River Valley, Canada, and Spain got Louisiana and Britain got Florida.
-Britain emerges as greatest power, but in debt
-France declines a lot and is in major crises
-Pragmatic Sanction (1713)
1750 economic
-Stock Market
-Iron act (limiting colonies ability to manufacture)
-Stamp act on the colonies
-More jobs available for lower classes (laborers, artisans, etc.)
-Agricultural revolution: seed drill
-Cottage Industry new methods: Capitalists giving poor areas money to manufacture and water frames, looms, etc.
-Increased Cotton Industry
-Mercantilist ideals: relying on colonies, gaining wealth in gold and silver, and the state should provide subsidies to manufacturers (global economy with colonies)
-Consumer Society
-Shifting Colonies (England gets land after the Treaty of Paris 1763 from France)
1750 religious
-Enlightened philosophes and rulers: Religious toleration
-Protestant Revivalism: Pietism
-Voltaire writes about Catholic Church
-Handel’s “Messiah”
-Beggars were not seen as blessed children of God, now if you aided them, it led to more crime
1750 social
-homes became more private
-Nobility: Country House (Upstairs for privacy and separate rooms for genders downstairs and increased feminine influence on style)
-Decreased serfdom in Austria
-Nobles are still extremely powerful
-Social reform: no torture or death penalty
-Freedom of speech, press, etc. (sometimes limited depending on where)
-Taverns and Alcohol
-More education and universities
-Less death and increase in population due to new agricultural food introduced, etc. (potatoes)
-End of Bubonic Plague
-Improved transportation, but famine and hunger were still bad
-Family was still priority and man dominated family
Mothers did their best to have babies after breastfeeding their previous child (or if they already died)
-Wet nurses still used for nobles
-Shift in better (distinct) attitudes towards kids and primogeniture (only in upper class)
-Lower class was very poor and practiced increased infanticide
-Overcrowding in orphanages
-Men and Women married later to save money for their family/house → lower birthrate
-Children were essential to farming economy in lower families
-Peasants (85%) and Nobles (2 to 3%) (big gap between them) (serfdom was still largely present)
-Peasants ate more bread, grains, vegetables, gruel, etc.
-Village was center of life for peasants still
-Nobles controlled military and controlled life (big gap between them)
1750 intellectual
-Montesquieu: Spirit of Laws
-Candide: Voltaire
-Diderot: Encyclopedia
-JJR: Social Contract (1762)
-Writing History with multiple perspectives now
-Aristocrats: Grand Tour with tutors and touring places around Europe (but temptations)
- Hargreaves Spinning Jenny (1764)
1750 artistic
-mr and mrs andrews painted by gainsborough
-New fiction novels
-Concerto, symphony, and other classical methods
-Rococo Art style: grace and gentle action (Watteau)
-Nobility: Country House (Upstairs for privacy and -separate rooms for genders downstairs and increased feminine influence on style)
1776 main event
wealth of nations published by adam smith/american colonies gain independence
1776 political
-american revolution
-Catherine the Great
-Joseph II
-Louis XV and XVI of France and decline of France to the revolution
-American Rev. and Dec. of Independence
-Battle of Saratoga: French ally with America to take down Britain
-America wins independence and Britain loses a big colony
1776 economic
-wealth of nations by adam smith
-Britain taxes America (taxation without representation) because of debt of wars
-France enters a crisis of debt and famine
-African slave trade (triangular trade), plantation farming, and port cities grew
1776 religious
-Secularism and Governments trying to take authority of Church/not getting controlled by the Church
-Jews are still hated on/Catherine puts policies to supress them
-John Wesley and Methodist movement
1776 social
-marie antoinette represents upper class
-Nobles were usually higher rank in the military than others (peasants: regular soldiers)
-Increase in army size and elaborate military tactics and plans rather than regular warfare to limit deaths and surprise attack/capture
-Catherine the Great shutting down Pugachev’s Rebellion/supressing serfs
1776 intellectual
-Smith: The Wealth of Nations
-Increased literacy and primary education
-Lavoiser: Naming elements
-Watt and Steam Engine (1769)
- Hargreaves and Spinning Jenny (1764)
1776 artistic
-Neoclassical movement
-Self-Portrait: Pompeo Batoni
-Bach Mass in B minor and new composers, Mozart and others were born.
1789 Main Event
French Revolution
1789 Political
-Decline of the Dutch Republic and Orangists vs Patriots
-1795 Final Partition of Poland (weak monarchy and fall) between Russia, Prussia, and Austria
-King Gustavus takes over the nobility and gives an enlightened rule, but then nobles killed him and took over (Sweden)
-Nobility took over the monarchy in Denmark
Constitution of U.S. is passed: Shows how democracy could be implemented in a country.
-Tennis Court Oath to create a new consitution
Storming of the Bastille
-Declaration of Rights and Men created (limited monarchy), but it failed (National Assembly) after Louis XIV was eventually executed and monarchy officially established
-Radicals then took over (Paris Commune and Mountain) and started the National Convention, Com. of Public Safety)
-Radicals than took over and elected Robespierre (Republic of Virtue) → Reign of Terror
-Many domestic and international conflicts for France
-Haiti eventually became independent and slavery ended there after being enforced for so long
-Directory was estbalished in 1795 after Robespierre was executed: consisted of two chambers (materialistic response to Thermidorian Reaction but still relied on Military power → NB coup d’etat in 1799).
-Adoped Constitution of 1795
-NB leads France, commands, their army, and makes France the top power in Europe and everyone is in is Grand Empire (Italy, Spain, Prussia, Austria, Russia, etc.) except GBR (tried to block them w/ Continental System)
-NB controls France as a military leader (also was a politique) and developed a system of Meritocracy
-Declaration of Rights of Citizen of Man in France
1789 Economic
-France is on the brink of bankrupcy and calls the Estate General
-Women’s March to Versailles
-England passed the Combination Acts to end labor unions
-England debt from American Revolution
1789 Religious
-Reign of Terror had complete religious toleration, but also kinda the opposite
-They De-christianized areas and renamed Notre Dame to the Temple of Reason
-Also created a new calendar apart for Christianity
-Concordat of 1801- agreement between Napoleon and Pope Pius VII that established Roman Catholic Church in France
1789 Social
-Modern European feminism established through works of Mary Wollstonecraft
-Napoleonic Code passed uses enlightened ideas to rule people
-Social revolution in France (Reign of Terror, different attitudes, etc.)
-Emergence of First Bourgiezie
1789 Artistic
-Romanticism Art trend begins
-Art reflects revolution and Napoleon Age and was influenced by revolutionary spirits
-French Revolutionary iconoclasm (attacking established ideas) was revived
1789 Intellectual
-Edward Jenner develops the smallpox vaccine
-Mary Wollstonecraft and modern feminism
-New French Revolutionary Ideas about government
1815 Main Event
Congress of Vienna and Napoleon Defeat
1815 Political
-Concert of Europe- Congress of Vienna, Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, Congress of Trouppa, Congress of Verona- conservative goals
-NB attacks Russia bc they went out of the Continental system, but he gets captured and sent to Elba
-After he escaped, the monarchy ended and he took over for 100 days.
-He decided to yet again fight Britain and Prussia in Belgium, where he lost at Waterloo
-NB was then exiled on St. Helena for the rest of his life (until 1821).
-This marked the start of rough government (Bonaparte family emperors) for France and struggle until Franco-Prussian War.
-Political Liberalism- John Stuart Mill
-Latin American Revolutions (Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Panama, Bolivia: Simon Bolivar)
1815 Economic
-Industrial revolution is Britain’s lead to increased urbanization with tariffs
-Capitalism- money britain used for investing
-Debt from Napoleonic Wars
-New modern Taxation system in France from Napoleon
-economic liberalism- Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo
1815 Religious
-Napoleon tries to unify Europe with religious toleration
1815 Social
-Population growth creates terrible conditions in towns and cities
-New bourgeoisie which consisted of entrepreneurs, investors, and bankers
-Industrial Middle Class
-Robert Owen- cooperative environment for natural goodness
1815 Intellectual
All these intellectual developments drove the events of the 19th century
1815 Artistic
-Friedrich, the wanderer above the sea of fog
-Turner airy visions- painted with tinted steam
-Delacroix; Death of Sardanapalus
1848 Main Event
Revolutions of 1848
1848 Political
-Crimean War
-Revolutions of 1848; all except Britain, Poland, Netherlands, Serbia, and Frankfurt Assembly
-Time of Political Stability: Victorian Age
-People driven by nationalism rebel
1848 Economic
-Corn Laws + Anti Corn Laws
-Reform act of 1832
-Economic Instability, even though there was political stability
-Crystal Palace
-Industrial Revolution
1848 Religious
- Revival of Pantheism- Love, Nature, and God
-Caspar David Friedrich
-William Wordsworth
-Italian Nationalism is opposed by Pope Pius IX
-Religion Separated from politics and politics become more important; ex: Bis
-End of Spanish Inquisition (1834)
-Catholic Revival
-Protestant Awakening
1848 Social
-Karl Marx: Communist Manifesto and a classless society
-Chartist movement
-Another french revolution because of industrial and agricultural depression which brought hardship to lower classes
-Poor Law of 1834; make the poor want to work
-Britain becomes the greatest industrial country
1848 Intellectual
-Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
-Charles Darwin
1848 Art
1870 Main Event
Franco-Prussian War
1870 Political
-Unification of Italy and Germany and Cavour and Bismarck; conservatism
-Franco Prussian War- end of Louis Napoleon
-Austro Prussian War
-Danish War
-Ausgleich (Compromise of 1867)- creates Austria- Hungary
-French third republic
-Bismarck fights for control of Germany
1870 Economic
-Growth of Marine transport and railroads, canals, and transportation
-economic liberalism- 19th century intellectual movements
-Opening of Suez Canal- industrialization
-Joint Stock investment
1870 Religious
-Science combined with Realism
1870 Social
-Alexander issues Emancipation Edict to free serfs but it didn’t work
-Formation of trade unions to improve working conditions
-Factory Act- Limits workers to 10 hours a day
-Socialism Movement- marxism
1870 Intellectual
-Education Act of 1870 to make elementary schools available to all children
-Darwin’s origin of species- evolution
-realism; Dickens and Flaubert
-Pasteur’s germ theory- revolution in health care
-Periodic Table of Elements
-Lister discoveres antispetic principle
-John Stuart Mill On the Subjection of Women
-Otto’s Combustion Engine (1876)
1870 Artistic
-Realism in art
-Courbet- realistic portrayal of everyday life
-Millet- scenes from rural life
1900 Main Event
Russo-Japanese War
1900 Political
-Bloody Sunday
-Russo Japanese War
-Formation of German Social Democratic Party
-Germany’s social welfare legislation
-Dreyfus affair in france
-Open door policy in france
-Russian Revolution
- Triple alliance(G, Austria, Italy)
-Triple entente
1907 (Russia,
France, GB)
-Berlin Conference
of 1884-85(new
-Indian National Congress 1883
- Reinsurance act between
Germany and Russia 1887 (repealed by William II when he came to power)
-Boxer Rebellion
-Boer Wars
1900 Economic
-Trans-Siberian Railway
-US established an open door policy for trading rights in China
–white collar jobs
- La belle époque (golden age in Europe until WWI)
- Suez Canal
for Britain
and France
1900 Religious
-Boxer Rebellion
-Church officially separated from France
- Dreyfus Affair
-Zionism (First Zionist Congress Meeting 1897)
The Jewish State by Herzl (1896)
- Pope Leo XIII (teaching evolution as hypothesis)-Fred published interpretation of dreams
-Pankhurst founded WSPU
-First birth control clinic
-Emergence of mass newspapers
-Britain’s first public power station
-Women’s social and political union in Britain
-First airplane
–suffragists (Pankhurst, Fawcett)
- Revolution of 1905 in Russia “Bloody Sunday”
1900 Social
-Freud published interpretation of dreams
-Pankhurst founded WSPU
-First birth control clinic
-Emergence of mass newspapers
-Britain’s first public power station
-Women’s social and political union in Britain
-suffragists (Pankhurst, Fawcett)
- Revolution of 1905 in Russia “Bloody Sunday”
-Boxer Rebellion 1900
1900 Intellectual
-Beginnings of Modernism
-Einstein’s theory of relativity
-Quantum theory
-Compulsory primary education in france
-Freud interpretation of dreams
–Sorel and his General Strike
-Nietzsche “God is Dead” (against reason)
-white man’s burden 1899
-Marie Curie
-Guglielmo Marconi
(sent 1st radio waves across Atlantic in 1901;)
- The Miracle of Purun
-Black man’s burden 1899
-First airplane
1900 Artistic
-cubism- Picasso’s first Cubist Painting
-Cezanne( Mont Sainte-Victorie ) and Van Gogh ( Starry Night)
-impressionism still occurring
1914 Main Event
1914 Political
-MAIN causes of world war one
-Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
-Battle of Marne and Battle of Verdun
-United States enters WWI
-Bolshevik Revolution led by Leon and Trotsky
Communists vs everyone else
-Civil War in Russia
-trench warfare
-2 front war and schlieffen plan
-female suffrage
-Social Democratic Party; largest party in germany
-Overthrow of Manchu Dynasty in China
-First Balkan War
-Mussolini and Fascists rise to power
-treaty of versailles
1917 in Russia
-Treaty of Versailles and 14 points
-African National congress
-Treaty of Brest-Lotovsk
1914 Economic
-Centralization of the economy by the state (nationalization of industries and manufacturing industries that are run by the government)
-Dawes Plan; American supports germany after WWI but it led to the great depression
-Economic spike and increased industrial production during WWI
-Planned economics
-ministry of munitions in GB under LLoyd George
-War communism
1914 Religious
-Loss of faith due to the government- soviet union and fascism
-easter rebellion
-rise of atheism
1914 Social
-Women in the workplace and increase in their civil rights
-female suffrage because governments could not manage the feminist movements during the war
-Lost Generation- dadaism
-Mass Leisure
-Mass production of radios
-March Revolution: women’s march for food
-Kollonta in Russia too lead in Lenins welfare programs
-Armenian genocide
1914 Intellectual
Dadaism; life has no purpose
-New age of physics
-Unconsciousness in Psychology (Jung)
-Hannah Hoch, Cut with the Kitchen knife
-Max Planck and Energy quanta
1914 Artistic
-Functionalism in Architecture
-Atonal Music
-Kandinsky; abstract painting
-Kandinsky, first true abstract art
-Monet’s Le Bassin
-Gaudi’s Casa Mila and Park Gueli
1929 Main Event
Great Depression
1929 Political
-Dawes Plan
-Treaty of Locarno
-Kellogg- Briand Pact
-Phoney War
-Appeasement by Chamberlain
-Weimar Republic
-Stalin Gained control of russia
-League of Nations
-Mussolini marches and takes over Rome
-Beel Hall Putsch
-Mein Kampf
-Enabling Act
-Nuremberg laws
-5 year plans under Stalin
-Spanish civil war
-popular front
-Munich conference
-Appeasement and Chamberlain
-Nazi-Soviet non aggression pact
1929 Economic
-Worldwide Great Depression
-John Maynard Keynes
-New deal in USA
-reparations from WWI cause extreme inflation
-Dawes Plan
-Extreme German Inflation
1929 Religious
-Concordat Accords
-Nuremberg Laws
-Madagascar Plan
1929 Social
-great depression
-low standard of living
-age of anxiety
-General Strike
-Hitler Youth
-Kreft durch Freude
1929 Intellectual
-mass culture
-Uncertainty principle by Heisenberg
-stream of consciousness
-carl jung
-werner heisenberg
1929 Social
-great depression
-low standard of living
-age of anxiety
-General Strike
-Hitler Youth
-Kreft durch Freude
1929 Artistic
-Birth of a Nation
-Triumph of the Will
-Snow white
-Persistence of Memory by Dali
1945 Main Event
End of WWII
1945 Political
-End of WWII and beginning of cold war
-NATO and Seato
-Warsaw Pact
-Korean War
-Geneva Conference
-Sputnik and Nasa
-End of WWII
-Yalta Conference and Potsdam Conference + start of cold war; tension between the soviet union and US
-Mussolini’s government fails and Germany and Japan surrender
-anti communism
-Hitler and Nazis rise to power
-French popular front
-Spanish Civil War
-Munich Conference
-Battle of Stalingrad
-Berlin Airlift and Building of Berlin Wall
-Hiroshima and Nagasaki
-Tehran Conference
-Potsdam Conference
-Cold War
-Truman Doctrine
-Geneva conference
-Berlin Blockade
-Truman Doctrine
1945 Economic
-Truman Doctrine
-Marshall Plan
-European Coal and Steel community
-common market
-Welfare State
1945 Religious
-Creation of Israel in 1948
-Wannasee Conference
-Death Camps
-Welfare States
1945 Social
-National Insurance Act and Socialized Medicine
-Civil Rights movement
-Women’s voting rights in Italy (1945)
-Holocaust and Final Solution
-shortage of food, housing, etc.
-many people died and homes were destroyed
1945 Intellectual
-theater of the absurd
-Openheimer and Manhattan Project
-Sputnik and Nasa
-Simone de Beuvoir
1945 Artistic
-Abstract Expressionism
-Jackson Pollack and Andy Warhol
-Pop Art
-Post Modernism
-theater of the absurb
1968 Main Event
Prague Spring
1968 Political
-Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia
-Space Race
-MLK and Bobby Kennedy assassinated
-Nixon wins
-second Vietnam war
-Detente and Helsinki accords
-Brezhnev Doctrine
-Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962
-Vietnam War
-Hungarian Revolt
1968 Economic
-Stagflation in the US
-French national product increases
-Common Market expands
-oil prices increase
-increased price of living
-guest workers in Germany
1968 Religious
-Vatican II
-New avenues of communication and other christian faiths were opened for the first since
-anti-communism and pro-liberalism
-iron curtain
-seperation of india into hindu India and Muslim
1968 Social
-Permissive Society
-Protests against apartheid at the Olympics
-Segregation in the US
-Student protests
-Protests of 1968 due to anti semitism in poland, economy in france and the warsaw pact/invasion of Czechoslovakia
-Civil rights movement
-great proletarian cultural revolution under zedong
-green parties
-Women’s liberation movement
1968 Intellectual
-Michel Foucault
-Jacques Derrida
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
-Milan Kundera
-Green Movement
-Golden age of rock music
-bob dylan
-Jean Paul Sarte and Albert Camus
-Foucault and the relationship of power
1968 Artistic
-Allan Kaprow
-Pop Art
-Abstract Expressionism
-Magic realism
-Rock and Roll
1989 Main Event
Collapse of Berlin Wall (and Soviet Union)
1989 Political
-Fall of the Berlin Wall and communism
-Collapse of the Soviet Union
-Perestroika and Glasnost
-USSR pulls out of Afghanistan
-Czechoslovakia calls for resignation of country’s communist gov. In Velvet Revolution
-Gorbachev and Bush came to an agreement that ended the cold war
-Gorbachev initiated a parliament called the congress of people’s deputies
-Revolutions of 1989 where communism in Eastern Europe and the soviet union began to die
-Margaret Thatcher becomes prime minister of Britain
-Revolutions in Eastern Europe
-Unification of Germany
-Maastricht Treaty
-Raegon Strategic Defense
-Mitterand elected president
1989 Economic
-Glasnost allowed Russia’s economy to interact and be more open to western capitalist economies
-West of Iron Curtain had successful economy
-Capitalist markets in many countries that previously had Communism
-European Coal and Steel Community was created after Treaty of Paris
-Gorbachev initiated Perestroika in Soviet Union; a restructuring of the economy
-Economic crisis in poland
-Raegon REvolution
1989 Religious
-Growth of Islam, Muslim extremist in the middle east
-Fundamentalists started to oppose Darwinian evolution, secularism, communism, abortion, and homosexuality
-growth of islam
-muslim extremists in middle east began to rise to power
-Christian Democratic Union y Helmut Kohl
-muslim communities established
-Pope John Paul II condemned nuclear weapons
1989 Social
-World Cup
-High living standard
-High Diversity
-Green Parties
-civil rights
-global civilization
1989 Intellectual
-Space Race
-computer technology
-cell phones
-apple and microsoft
1989 Art
-Post Modernism
-Charles Moore
-Pop Music
-Modern Music; Stravinsky