AOT 60 Flashcards
Can you use remote QNH at KK
Not prohibited on the chart.
RG 1 OPS 1.24 says LNAV/VNAV minima not authorised using remote QNH (KK is LNAV only)
Remote QNH ref AIP ENR 1.5-4.25
Privileges of an ATPL
All privileges of a PPL and CPL.
To act as PIC of an aircraft that is required to be operated with a co-pilot and is engaged on an air transport operation or an operation for hire and reward.
Can you restrain a passenger?
Can a flight attendant restrain a passenger?
PIC is responsible for maintaining order and discipline on board. PIC has authority to restrain or to delegate a crew member to restrain. Crew members cannot initiate this without authorisation from PIC
(RG 1 GEN2.2, GEN10.25)
(Aviation crimes act 1972)
What does it mean if the green disc is missing from the nose?
Flight deck oxygen has discharged due to cylinder over pressure.
(FCOM 2 19-2)
What is the difference between the red and yellow discs
Missing red disc indicates thermal discharge of the fire bottle,
Missing yellow disc indicates fire bottle has discharged via the extinguisher system.
(FCOM 2 4-8)
What is the minimum ditching dam pressure
Min dispatch 1400 psi
Inform engineers at 1600 psi
Fully charged at 1800 psi
What is the minimum oxygen pressure
3 Crew members 1800 psi at 21C
2 Crew members 1300 psi at 21C
OR refer min oxygen pressure chart
(PERF 2.1.3)
Minimum hydraulic quantity systems 1 and 2
No 1 hydraulic 1.5 US qt
No 2 hydraulic 3.0 US qt
Can you depart with less than min in the number 1 hydraulic system
Transfer hydraulic fluid between systems, refer back of AIP Flip, ensuring both systems are above the minimum prior to departure.
When can you enter the runway at an uncontrolled aerodrome
At uncontrolled airfields - the aircraft shall not enter the runway unless the crew are confident that the aircraft will be ready for takeoff upon reaching the take off point.
(SOP 3.4.1 Runway Occupancy)
What do you do at an uncontrolled airport if the cabin is not clear by the time you line up?
Position the aircraft so final approach is visible, call the cabin
Wake turbulence separation between us and an A320
None, both Medium category
Wake turbulence separation (distance) on approach between us and
- Heavy
- A380
Medium behind heavy - 5nm
Medium behind A380 - 7nm
(RG1 OPS 5.2)
Wake turbulence separation same takeoff point between us and
- Heavy
- A380
Medium after Heavy - 2 mins
Medium after A380 - 3 mins
(RG 1 OPS 5.2)
SSR emergency codes
7500 - unlawful interference
7600 - radio failure
7700 - emergency
What do you do if you have a radio failure on departure IMC
Follow IFR Coms Failure Pink Pages. Generally: - Continue on departure. Follow any departure level restrictions then climb to flight planned level - Terrain clearance - squawk 7600 - Try alternative frequencies and radios, listen to ATIS - Transmit blind -
What do you do if you have a radio failure on departure in VMC
Pink pages
- Remain VMC, return to land
- coms troubleshooting
Is the runway starter extension included in our AAT charts
Check charts
AIP will state if starter extension included in ASDA
AAT will have a note about it at the top
Canvas is showing on the tyre, can you depart
You are missing a static wick, can you depart?
Check MEL (MOP-23-09) it depends on which one
- 5 required on each aileron/wing tip
- 4 required on rudder
- 7 required on elevators
Can you break the law
Yes in an emergency if you determine it is safer to break the rule than to follow it. The breach must go only as far as required to deal with the emergency, and must be notified to ATC immediately and reported to the Director as soon as practicable.
Responsibilities of an ATPL
PIC shall:
- Be responsible for the safe operation of the aircraft, passengers and cargo
- Have final authority to control the aircraft while in command, and for the maintenance of discipline by all persons on board
Flight Time Limitations
7 days - 35 hours 28 days - 100 hours 90 days - 300 hours 365 days - 1000 hours (AC 119-2)
Reduced minima takeoff limitations
- Zero ceiling 800m vis (13 lights) (either pilot may fly)
- 350m (6 lights) or 400m (7 lights) (Captain PF)
(RG 1 OPS 1.4)
Degrees True or Magnetic? AAL or AMSL
TAF - True, AAL
ATIS - Magnetic, AAL
How do you activate PAL
5 transmissions over 3 seconds
ATPL recent flight experience day and night
Not less than 3 takeoffs and landings on the same type within the immediately preceding 90 days as PIC.
(RG1 GEN 6.1)
IFR Currency
Within the immediately preceding 3 months:
- 3 instrument approaches (1 may be in sim)
- At least 1 of each VOR/LOC, ILS, RNAV
- At least 3 hours IFT
(RG 1 GEN 6.1)
Standard fuel burns
Departure 80kg Enroute 660kg/hr, 11kg/min Instrument Approach 80kg Missed Approach 50kg Missed Approach/Second Approach 150kg Final Reserve 240kg Extra holding 15min 120kg
Weight limitations
Max ramp weight - 19595kg
Max takeoff weight - 19505kg
Max landing weight - 19051kg
Max zero fuel weight - 17917kg
When do you require a weather alternate
Destination weather forecast to be: - ceiling less than 1000ft above minima - Vis less than 5km or 2km more than minima, the greater - 1 hour either side of ETA (RG1 FPL 5.4)
What does your weather alternate need?
Precision approach:
- Ceiling 600ft or 200ft above DH
- Vis 3000m or 1000m above minima, the greater
Non precision approach:
- Ceiling 800ft or 200ft above MDA
- Vis 4000m or 1500m above minima, the greater
Alternate requirements when destination weather forecast to be below minima
- One alternate that meets 1000ft, 5km/+2km criteria
OR - Two alternates that meet alternate minima, fuel for the more distant
Duty Time Limitations
Single duty - 11h extendable to 12h
28 days - 186h
365 days - 2000h
(AC 119-2)