AoS2 Baroque Solo Concerto Flashcards
Baroque Period
Music Period from 1600-1750.
Baroque Solo Concerto
A piece of music written for a solo instrument and orchestra.
This is a clip from Handel’s Trumpet Concerto
Important Baroque composers.
Handel, Bach, Vivaldi
Plucked keyboard instruments common in Baroque music.

Solo instruments typically used in a Baroque concerto.
Violin, Cello, Recorder, Flute, Oboe, Bassoon
Basso Continuo (or Continuo)
Continuous bass accompaniment (usually harpsichord and cello) found in Baroque music.
The Cello reads the notes of the bass line and the Harpsichord improvises chords from the numbers on the score (or figured bass).

Polyphonic Texture
Two or more different melodies playing at the same time.
Listen to how the different musical phrases overlap in this example of Polyphonic texture from Bach’s Harpsichord Concerto No.1 in D Minor.
Musical Sequence
Musical sequence is when a passage of music is repeated at a higher or lower pitch. It is often found in Baroque music.
This is an example of a descending sequence taken from Vivaldi’s Recorder Concerto.
Trills, turns, mordents and grace notes.
Listen to the trills played by the Piccolo in Vivaldi’s Piccolo Concerto.
You can also see how a trill is notated on a score.

Terraced Dynanics
The dynamics go suddenly rom loud to quiet or quiet to loud.
There are no gradual crescendos or diminuendos.
Also described as stepped dynamics.
Melody & Accompaniment
This is a musical texture where there is a main melody supported by other instruments.
This is an example of Melody and Accompaniment texture from a Baroque Oboe Concerto.
Not all Baroque music is Polyphonic!
1 / This musical extract is taken from a Baroque Solo Concerto. From your knowledge of this style of music, identify six features which are typical of this style.
2/ What is the name of the solo instrument?
3/ Name a possible composer for this piece of music?
1/ The typical musical features include:
i/ Polyphonic (contrapuntal) texture at the start of the extract. But much of the extract is melody and accompaniment.
ii/ A Harpsichord (Continuo part).
iii/ Terraced or stepped dynamics.
iv/ A small orchestra.
v/ The use of imitation and melodic sequences.
vi/ A combination of a solo instrument with the rest of the orchestra.
2/ Oboe
3/ Marcello (Bach, Vivaldi or Handel)