AOS1: Western Classical Music from 1600-1910 Flashcards
Melody: smooth line, mostly stepwise
Melody: broken line, lots of leaps and jumps
Melody: line moving using the notes of the chord. 1st, 3rd, and 5th.
Melody: line going up and down the notes of a scale, in order.
Melody: playing the notes of a chord on after an other.
Passing Note
Melody: a note which passes between two notes a 3rd apart, joining them together.
Melody & Harmony: notes which belong to the key/chord.
Melody & Harmony: notes which do not belong the the key/chord.
Slide / Portamento
Articulation: Sliding between two notes.
Melody: ways in which performers and composers decorate a melody.
Melody: Grace note: a short note which is squeezed in.
Melody: Grace note: a note which takes half of the value from the proceeding note.
Melody: a short melodic phrase or chord sequence that is repeated. Can either last a whole piece or a section of music.
Articulation: The way a note is played.
Harmony: notes which sound ‘nice’ together.
Harmony: notes which do not sound ‘nice’ together.
Harmony: A note which is held, as the harmony changes above it. Usually the tonic or dominant.
Harmony: notes which sound continuously through a piece. Think - Bagpipes.
Perfect Cadence
Harmony: sounds finished. V-I.
Plagal Cadence
Harmony: sounds finished (Amen). IV-I.
Imperfect Cadence
Harmony: sounds unfinished. I-V.
Interrupted Cadence
Harmony: doesn’t go where you expect. V-vi.
Tiérce de Picardie
Harmony: perfect cadence in a minor key, which ends on the tonic major. v-I.
Seventh Chords
Harmony: an extra third built on top of a regular triad. C-E-G-Bb.
C Major
Tonality: key with 0 sharps/flats
G Major
Tonality: key with 1 sharp
D Major
Tonality: key with 2 sharps
A Major
Tonality: key with 3 sharps
E Major
Tonality: key with 4 sharps
F Major
Tonality: key with 1 flat
Bb Major
Tonality: key with 2 flats
Eb Major
Tonality: key with 3 flats
Ab Major
Tonality: key with 4 flats
A Minor
Tonality: key with 0 sharps/flats
E minor
Tonality: key with 1 sharp
B minor
Tonality: key with 2 sharps
F# minor
Tonality: key with 3 sharps
C# minor
Tonality: key with 4 sharps