AOS1 Flashcards
Sovereignty (2 marks)
- The legitimate and widely recognized ability to exercise effective control over a recognized defined borders.
- Is the main organizing principal in GP; provides states the authority to represent their populations in the IC
2b. Can be challenged internally (e.g. by separatist groups) or externally (e.g. by a state invading)
State vs Nation
State: a political entity, not necessarily w a unified cultural identity. Posses a permanent population, defined territory and recognized sovereignty. Not necessarily culturally homogenous
Nation: groups of ppl claiming common bond based upon shared culture, history and language. May or may not have their own state
Key differences
-Type of entity
-Ability to represent pop in IGO
-Level of sovereignty
Ev for contested boarders impeding sovereignty
- Lack of E.C = neither C nor J r able to access resources in Senkaku Islands. E.g. 8/16 = 300 boats + 15 C coast gaurd encircle Senkaku Islands –> J x able to access fish resources.
-11/13 C claims Air defence identification zone over SI –> ability 4 J to send planes through region
- 11/13 US sends 2 b-52 bombers through ADIZ w/o notifying C = decreases legitimacy of control > ADIZ
-US defence secretary ‘reaffirmed longstanding policy that Art V of US-Japan Mutual Defence Treaty applied 2 SI t/f increased legit of J’s claim
Structure of EU
28 memb states w pooled sovereignty (aka upward transfer of sov) to increase rep in institutes to form single trade zone
EU council + EU parl make laws
ECJ = highest court in EU + able to enforce EU directives w fines
EU law given precedent
States = ‘masters of treaties’ = able to choose optional extension treaties to sign e.g Schengen Area = 22/28
Hungarian Case study
Impact of Eu on Sov
X challenge sov
-X able to fully enact A7 of EU charter
-A system of coordinating relations b/w 3+ states. Usually in the pursuit of objectives in particular areas.
-E.g. IMF policy advice aims to bring states inline w Washington Consensus –> 2020 advised G20 to issue bilateral debt relief to states who received loans –> G20 Debt Suppression Initiative = affected 73 states bc repayments suspended until at least 2021
-E.g. Paris Climate Agreement = 191 signatories = 95% of GHG emissions covered –> states agree to create NDC’s –> 135 + EU have issued second NDC + 13 states + EU have pledged carbon neutral by 2050
- agree to limit to 2 degrees c + establish Enhanced Transparency Framework = must report on CC mitigation efforts every 2 yrs
Aims of the ICC
-To ensure the worst perpetrators are held accountable for their crimes
-To assist national judiciaries in the investigation and prosecution of worst perpetrators, allowing states to be the 1st to investigate and prosecute
-To serve as a court of last resort that can investigate, prosecute and punish the perpetrators of genocide, crimes against humanity + war crimes
-Help promote international peace and security by deferring would be offenders
Aims of the UN
-To keep peace throughout the world
-To develop friendly relations between states
-To work together to help people live better lives, to eliminate poverty, illiteracy and disease in the world, to stop environmental destruction and encourage respect for each others rights and freedoms
-To be a centre for helping nations achieve these aims
What are the aims of THE state
-Maintain sovereignty
-Maintain national security
-Other national interests. e.g. ensure financial stability, eco prosperity, int standing + regional relationships
What are the aims of CC
-To further the beliefs of CC on int stage
-Promote ‘peace + security’ (re 2015 UNGA adress)
-Have comprehensive enviro policy
-Compassion for marginalised ppl (esp ref)
Roles of cath church
-Provide moral guidance 2 1.1-1.3bil followers
-Spread church agenda (e.g via UN observer status)
Where does the CC’s power come from?
-Size of follower base- 1.1-1.3bil ppl (1/6 global pop)- ‘The pope wields an unparrelled moral megaphone’ -Wikileaks
-Use of media/platform- SM- Twitter (Eng + Spanish both have 18.8mil followers + Italian = 5mil + IG=8.7mil) + Forbes listed him as the 6th most powerful person in 2018 + no. journalists follow him (>pol) t/f inc spread
-Diplomatic presence- 183 dip relations (2nd largest no.), Vatican = sov state + UN observer status allows him to give speeches
-Eco- immeasurable- 170$bil p/annual spending- $150bil on schools/higher edu + hosp –> inc ability to spread inf
What has the CC done to address ref-
-2013- Pope Francis visited Mediterranean island + delivered homily lamenting deaths of those attempt to cross + condemn westing states 4 inaction (1st trip outside of Rome t/f inc weight of moral condemnation)
-Aug 15 call 4 all church parishes to host ref regardless of religion –> lead by e.g. + host ref in Vatican in Sep 15
-Nov 17 visits Myanmar h/w x talk on plight of ref
Impact of CC’s attempt to assist ref
-Post 2013 homily –> Italy create Op Mare Nostrum - Saved 150.8k lives + arrested 300 ppl smugglers (h/w only last 1yr b/c Eu X willing to fully fund) - dems ability to inf Int com
-2015 appeal 4 parishes to hose ref- limited b/c many x want 2 take non-cath e.g. Monks in Slovakian village h/w does help inc US intake of ref 100% under Obama (NB other factors play into this)
What are the aims of the IMF
-Promote international monetary coop
-Promote exchange stability
-to assist in the est a multilateral syst of payments… in elimination of foreign exchange restrictions which hamper the growth of world trade
-to facilitate the expansion + balanced growth of int trade, and to contribute thereby to the promotion + maintenance of high levels of employment, real income + to develop the production of resources of all membs as goal of eco pol
-make resources available to memb states experiencing balance of payment difficulties
What are the roles of the IMF
-Financial assistance- 1tril in available funds e.g. rapid credit financing (4 nat disasters), structural adjustment loans
-Tech advice + capacity building- work w states to moderninse eco pol + inst (e.g. tax collection–> Rwanda = 5.4% inc in tax rev b/w 10-19)
-Policy advice (surveillance)- monitor memb state, national, regional + global eco developments + policies
How has the IMF impacted sov
-Promoted globalisation- via policies such as dec export restictions, tarrifs, state subsidies + enhance rights of foreign investors –> inc interdependence
-Red effective control 4 DEBTOR state- conditionality–> dec ability to flexibly adapt eco + soc pol in emerging sits + LT duration of loans (e.g. Greece X pay back till 2065) -limits 4 LT
-Inc sov/influence of loaner states- E.g. US (16.52% of vote) inc ability to inf eco policies in other states via IMF voting (G8 have 48.18% of vote vs Sub = 4.43% vote= tool to implement western/neo-lib view of eco dev international)
What is global governance
Refers to institutions, rules, norms and legal arrangements that seek to facilitate cooperation, and manage relations, between states. Governance is carried out by both governmental organisations such as the United Nations and non-governmental organisations.
What is multilateralism
Refers to a system of coordinating relations between three or more global actors, usually in pursuit of specific objectives.
E.g. PA- 191 ratified member states,
How is multilateralism effect sovereignty?
-3rd agenda items require global solidarity + collective action 2 eff resolve (e.g. EIS from C-19 + CC)
-How challenge sov- Dec effective control- spreads across boarders, diminishes resources (esp food via enviro degradation) + t/f dec security
-How resolution challenges- Oft have to compromise + allign NI w other states t/f dec EC
-Analysis of sig on sov- resolution voluntary t/f x impact sov much + wealth of state impacts ability to resolve/mitigate impacts of threat
E.g. of Multilateralism + impact on sov (from issue)
-Climate Change- Est to get to 2.2c above pre-ind levels, 60% of eco syst degraded or unsust, predicted 5-30% dec in ag productivity
-issue challenge to sov- 1/3 of Pakistan underwater w floods 2022= 900K+ in relief camps, Kirabati bought 2000 HA in 2015 on Fiji in anticipation of already rising sea levels, Inc HC costs- WHO in 2019 report est cost of 5-20% GDP p/yr from air pollution + 2% GDP in developed states + cost of 100bil p/yr in 2021 (in Aus= cancer council)
E.g. of how multilateralisms response to prob = challenge to sov + analysis
-PA created ‘name + shame’ technique 2 ensure compliance (aka Enhanced transparency framework)- Dec legitimacy of gov
-EU’s climate funding bill = 30% EU budget 4 CC- X ef control > $$
-X compromising to meet int expectations re creation of res (e.g. India + China watering down COP 26 decision to change ‘phase out’ to ‘phase down’ = dec legitamacy of states
-Limits- Individual states= NDC’s- maintain ef control + X enforceable
-Yet- b/c issues MUST be resolved then forced to compromise
UN power + Myanmar
-Y act need to act- Need to keep peace- 1114 fatalities in ‘21 + crimes against humanity + war crimes + 3mil ppl need humanitarian assistance
-actions- UNSC 9 meetings h/w only 6x statements- no draft bills
-Actions UNGA- June ‘21 passed res calling on all govs 2 stop arms sales to Tatmadaw (US, Eu + Uk comply)
-Y limited actions- UNSC structure- R + C sell weapons to M t/f likely to veto + lack resources to intervene w mil
UN power + Yemen
-Y act- ‘18 to ‘21- UNHCR mandated Group of Eminent Experts found pattern of I.Law violations + WC + ‘worlds worst humanitarian crisis’
-Y failed- April 15 arms embargo x on all weapons + sanctions restricted to pres + leaders + GEG x renewed in ‘21 post determining that US,Uk, Iran etc complicit in supporting conflict
Y aren’t peace keepers used more by UN?
-Lack of resources- 0.5% of global mil budget- US dec budget by 40% b/w ‘15-‘18 + still 1bil in arrears + general dec globally
-Ill-equipped- lack specific intel, logistics + mil equipment
-Most PK from C/non-western states due to want to prevent having imperialist views
-Requires peace or cease fire to occur 1st