aos 3 Flashcards
global inequality
60% live in low income countries
11% survive on incomes below extreme poverty line
extreme poverty
a condition charcterised by severe deprivation of basic human needs (food, safe drinking water, sanitation, health, shelter, education + information. depends not only on income but also on access to g+s
developing is used to refer to poorer countries that have a low level of economic development + may be in the process of improving their level of eco development
multidimensional process involving economic, social, political and istitutional chnages that are needed to improve the daily material + non-material wellbeing of all in society
evidence of development
poverty rates declining
improved job opportunities + decrease unemployment
distrib of g+s = more equal
ppl = healthier + more literate + better clothed + nourished + live longer
less eco + social insecurity
ppl = happier
eco act = enviro sustain
GDP as a measure of development
↑ GDP ->↑ income -> ↑ consumption -> ↓ poverty -> ↑ living standards
limit of GDP:
> exclude non-marketed g+s
> x distinguish b/w monetary that improve and decrease welfare
> based on estimates
> x account value associated w/ depletion of nations stock of natural capital/neg externalities
> x account value of leisure time
HDI indicators
life expect
infant mortality
access to basic g+s
access to healthcare
risk of disease
access to edu
literacy rate
access to tech
male/female equality
govt spending priorities
policies to lift investment levels
- set up supervise + run secure banks + financial institutions to collect household savings -> available for financing higher levels of investment required to grow prod capacity
- protect rights of all ppl -> fair + efficient -> greater certainty + incentive for invest + expand/ live safe + happy
- international aid -> lift public sector investment levels + grow productive capacity
- ensure rich ppl pay required taxes to help finance public investment + infrastructure projects
- govt incentives -> encourage private investment -> promote self-sufficiency + security in food + comm services
- measures -> avoid wasting/misusing govts limited financial resources/avoid adding to repay debt
govt intervention: provision of basic economic + social infrastructure
quality edu + health/electricity/water supply/ transport/ communications + law + order
lift efficiency of resources, grow nations productive capacity/ lower unemployment/ lift income/ alleviate poverty/ improve quality of daily life
manage debt levels
poor country debt = high t/f need cut to manageable levels
‘white elephant’ projects -> add little to welfare e.g military spending
govts held accountable for spending
reform govt and key national institutions
poor countries need govt reform
vital for freedom of speech + press -> admin transparency -> hold govt accountable -> reduce incompetence corrupt + war
strong legal framework -> protect rights of workers/ child labour = illegal/ gain edu/ civil rights / protect enviro/ promote strong price competition
reduce trade barriers and protection by rich countries
rich nations -> protect farmers farmers/manufacturing/firms/ + miners from comp by poorer countries (export)
heavy protections (tarriffs/subsidies + import quotas)
expand free trade
reduce income inequality
democratic elect/ fair progressive tax
tax revenue promote develop via:
> improve edu + health
> deliver basic welfare -> some dignity
> provide basic eco infrastructure inc water + elect
reduce pop pressures
- govt persuade ppl for smaller fam via advertise + edu
- govt enhance fam planning facilities -> advice on contraceptives + health practices
- govt pass legislation -> promote + enforce gender equal -> fall in birth + increase develop
- govt use neg tax + pos welfare incentives
economic globalisation
reduce/remove barriers limiting free move of bus, trade, invest + labour across national borders
open up of world trade
Internationalisation of financial markets
The increasing importance of global corporations and other institutions that span national borders
The internationalisation of production with individual firms competing with firms in the world economy
The increased mobility of people and other factors of production, capital, information, ideas and goods and services
taking international specialisation in the production by countries of particular goods and services, to an even greater level, thereby increasing the economic interdependence and interconnectedness of all countries involved through international trade.
Trade Liberalisation
any govt policy initiative designed to promote free trade/ reduce restrictions + barriers to free trade
Removing barriers forces Australian producers compete on a level playing field usually by seeking to boost productivity and cut costs in order to maintain international competitiveness.
Export promotion strategies (indirect measures)
Deregulation and reform of the labour market
Aimed to keep wage cost in line with worker efficiency therefore improve efficiency and productivity
export promotion strategies (indirect measures)
Cuts in the company tax rate
Aimed at improving cost competitiveness and therefore make our firms more internationally competitive
export promotion strategies (indirect measures)
national infrastructure projects
The government (often in partnership with private business) invest in improving infrastructure in Australia to provide the framework required for businesses to be efficient and therefore internationally competitive
export promotion strategies (indirect measures)
education + training policies
Skilled and educated workers are more innovative and efficient. Therefore labour output for wage input is improve and so to is international competitiveness.