aos 2 - unit 3 Flashcards
Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
Visual Representation PIE PIE PIE
easy to remember, contians info about proportions
does not provide info on serving sizes
not specific to individuals age groups ethnic groups and activity levels
Healthy Eating Pyramid
Simple visual guide to types and proportions of foods that individuals should eat everyday for good health.
Nutrition Australia
NGO that aims to promote optimal health and wellbeing in Australians by encouraging food variety and physical activity.
- recipes online
What are the Australian Dietary Guidelines?
food/nutrition guide developed by the federal government, intended to be used by health professionals, educators, industry bodies.
Challenges in Healthy Eating?
Willpower, personal preference, time constraints/convenience, SES
Dietary Guidelines
-To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, be physically active, and choose amounts of nutritious food and drinks to meet your energy needs
-Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from the five groups every day (including plenty of water)
- Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugars and alcohol
- Encourage, support and promote breastfeeding
- Take care of your food; prepare and store it safely
Old Public Health
Government actions that focused on changing the physical environment to prevent the spread of disease.
Old Public Health
- garbage removal
- government funded water and sewerage systems
- quarantine laws
- elimination of housing slums and introduction of better quality housing
- improved working conditions
- pure foods act (to improve food hygiene
- mass vaccinations
Biomedical Model of Health
Model that focuses on the physical or biological aspects of disease and illness. Associated with the diagnosis, treatment and cure of disease.
Biomedical Model
- creates advances in medical technology
- improved quality of life and HALE
- many common problems can be effectively treated
- extends life expectancy
Social Model
- promotes good health and assists in preventing diseases
- promotes overall wellbeing
- relatively inexpensive
- education can be passed on from generation to generation
- focuses on vulnerable groups
Social Model of Health
an approach that recognises improvements in health and wellbeing can only be achieved by directing effort towards addressing the physical, sociocultural, and political environments of health.
Biomedical Model
- relies on health workers, therefore costly
- doesn’t always promote health and wellbeing
- not every condition can be treated
- affordability
New Public Health
an approach to health that expands the traditional focus on individual behaviours to one that considers the ways in which physical, sociocultural, and political environments impact on health
Social Model of Health
Addresses the broader determinants of health
- behavioural determinants are often influenced by other broader determinants such as culture, gender, race/ethnicity, SES
acts to Reduce social inequities
- the sociocultural factors that contribute to inequities in health status must be addressed.
Empowers individuals and communities
- allows people to participate in decision making around their health
Acts to enable access to healthcare
- barriers to this include cultural and language barriers, economic and geographical factors and education levels
involves interSectional collaboration
- having groups from many sectors working together to achieve a common goal