AOS 1 Ch 1- The Australian Parliamentary System Flashcards
Two Houses of Parliament.
A policy making body which consists of the prime minister and senior government ministers who have been placed in charge of a government department.
The authority of the queen which is represented by the governor-general (fed) and the governor (state)
Formed by the political party that achieves the majority of votes in the lower house.
Laws made by parliament
A member of parliament who is a government representative
The supreme law making body consisting of all elected members of both houses from all political parties and the crown’s representative.
Prime minister
The member of parliament who leads the political party that has formed government.
Representative government
A government that represents the view of the majority of the people.
Responsible government
Where the executive is accountable to parliament and can on,y continue to govern if it has the support of the lower House of Parliament.
Royal assent
The signing of a proposed law by the Crown’s representative before it becomes law.
Separation of powers
Where the excessive, judicial and legislative powers are held by separate bodies.
An act of parliament.
Supremacy(sovereignty) of parliament
The concept that the final law making power rests with parliament whereby parliament can repeal and amend its own previous legislation and can pass legislation to override common law.
Westminster principles
The structure of parliament, principles of the parliamentary system and the roles played by the crown and Houses of Parliament that were inherited from the United Kingdom’s Westminster System.
What are the the 3 principles of the Australian parliamentary system?
- Representative government
- Responsible government
- Separation of powers
How does representative government work?
~Constitution states that elections must be held to allow members of the public to choose members of the senate and HOR.
~Parliament must be answerable to the people.
~Bicameral system allows each house to review the other and ensure they are acting according to the public interest.