AOP Basics Flashcards
There is steam biding in the AFW system. The procedure has you check Rx Power less than 97%. Why?
Because cold AFW will raise power
If there is a dropped or misaligned rod, what must Tave-Tref deviation be maintained at?
+/- 3 degreed
East charging pump is in run and the west pump is in neutral. What must be done if the east pump trips off in order to restore pressurizer level control back to normal?
Manually start the west CCP, take charging to minimum, and restore letdown.
What must be done if bus duct cooling is INOPERABLE?
Immediately reduce bus loading to 10,000 amps/phase (~40% turbine load)
How does the turbine trip controller work for steam dumps?
Trips 1 group open at a 10 degree difference and a second group open at a 20 degree delta.
What is affected if one rod falls into the core?
Radial Power Distribution
During a PR Failure, Tech specs give you 1 hour to
Verify P-7, P-8 and P-10 status
During continuous rod motion, what is the preferred recovery of low RCS temperature to restore equilibrium conditions?
Reduce turbine load
What must be done if a SG Tube leak exceeds 50 gpm?
Trip the Reactor and go to EO
During a loss of CCW, you check CCP status in attempt to save 1 CCP for operations upon CCW Restoration. What do you do in Modes 5-6?
Stop both CCPs
What are the immediate actions of a tripped HDP?
NONE! Check to ensure proper plant response
VCT Level instrument QLC-451 is responsible for _____. Are there any alarms?
Makeup at 14 % to 24%
Divert trips open at 87%
Alarms for High and low level, as well as MU not in auto
Per TS, if a leaky PRZ PORV is not capable of being manually cycled, you have….
1 hour to close block valve and 1 hr to remove power
What are the RO stable parameter Reports?
- Reactor Power- LEFM, NI or DT
- RCS Temp
- RCS Pressure
- PRZ Level
- Delta I
- Controllers in Manual
What issues can the BOP use IFR-001 for?
SG Pressure / Level Control
FW Htr Level
LO Temp
At 99% power and with rods in auto, continuous rod motion begins. Rods are inserted below the low-low RIL. What must be done?
emergency boration
If there is a turbine lagging fire, what must be done?
Send AEO to verify with local observation
If frequency is < 59 Hz but >58.2 Hz Then….
Trip Reactor in 30 mins per E-0
What is the cutoff for containment inspection for a RCS Leak?
> 1 gpm
What must be done if ALL aux building Exhaust fans (both units) fail?
Request RP to verify all AB doors that lead to uncontrolled areas closed AND verify that AB pressure is negative within 30 mins
When recovering a single dropped rod, Why must power be stable? And for how long?
Because of xenon. It should be stable for 48 hrs
If you lose CRID 1 or 4, will the red handle switches work for a manually SI Actuation for that train?
Each pump must be started manually
Per LTOP TS, if there are 2 CCPs capable of injections, you must….
Immediately restore to max of 1 CCP
What are possible indications of CCW Inleakage?
- Rising Surge Tank Level
- Rad Monitor Alarm
- Rising tritium concentration
When is RHR operation not permitted?
Less than 614’
What are the Plant and
control air key pressures and ACTIONS?
95 psig - Sby PAC Starts
90 psig - CAC Starts
85 psig - PA Ring Hdr Isolates
80 psig - Manual Trip Required
Entry conditions for E-0
M 1-3 with SI
M 1-2 with Rx Trip
When implementing the High Reactor Coolant Activity our Failed Fuel AOP, what should be done with CVCS and why?
Charging and LD should be maximized thru the LD Demins to maximize clean up.
During a loss of CCW, you check CCP status in attempt to save 1 CCP for operations upon CCW Restoration. What do you do with 1 CCP available?
Place C/S in lockout- SAVE ONLY PUMP
When temperature is dropping rapidly during a secondary transient, what should you do with rods?
Do NOT withdraw them manually bc it would be a second positive reactivity addition
If screen DP is > 50” or trashrack DP is > 24 “, what do you do?
Trip both units and enter E-0
Close Stop valves and trip ALL CW pumps and verify disch valves closed.
What are potential sources of CCW out-leakage?
RCP Seal Return Hx
Containment pressure channel 2/3/4 are indicating normal and channel 1 is failed high. Actions per AOP complete. MTI requests permission to test containment channel 3. What is the appropriate response to the request?
Surveillance should be allowed since it takes a minimum of 2 additional protection channels to actuate an SI or Containment spray.
What condition must exist before starting a RCP?
DP across No 1 seal must be greater than 215 psig
What are the Control Room Operator actions necessary during an irradiated fuel handling accident in the spent fuel storage area?
Sound NEA
If vent stack rad monitor levels are rising, secure both trains of SFP supply fans from service.
While making preparations to locate and isolate the thimble tube leak, detector “C” fails to move into the storage position. Which one of the following locations should be used for a safe parking position?
Directly under the reactor core
How does the CCP ELO work with a standing SI signal?
2 sec delay, then operates to maintain 1812-1825#s
If a Tcold instrument fails high, what are the effects?
OP delta T and OT delta T lowers
Delta T gets smaller
Tavg gets larger
With 120 gpm letdown in service and blender controls in automatic, QLC-452 fails to 100%. With no operator action, actual VCT level will:
Lower to zero and eventually result in loss of CCP suction.
During a loss of CCW, the operator verifies all 4 CRDM Fans are running. Why?
Cools Rx Head during natural circulation cooldown
What must be done if a RCS leak exceeds the capacity of 2 CCPs?
Trip the Reactor and Enter E-0
During a RCS leak, what should be done if containment pressure approaches 1 psig?
trip the Rx and Enter E-0
What are the BOP E-0 Immediate actions?
Turbine Trip
a. All turbine stop valves closed status lights – LIT
Power to AC Emergency Buses
a. AC Emergency buses – at least 1 energized. T11A or T11D
b. AC Emergency buses – all energized. T11A, T11B, T11C, T11D
SI Status
a. SG pressures
What is the expected plant response to a loss of control air?
PRZ Spray valves fail closed (backup air used)
Blender and LD Isolate
SG PORV (nitrogen backup)
Ctmt cooling lost
CCW Flow lost
What is the system response to a high rad on R-5 for SFP Area?
- Places FHA exhaust fan in charcoal mode (if not already there)
- Trips SFP Supply Fans
Which one of the following effects will result from an Intermediate Range compensated ion chamber detector that is UNDER COMPENSTED?
P-6 status light energizes much sooner than normal during a reactor startup
How do you identify leaking thimble tubes?
measure thimble tube temps 6” above tube isolation valves (greater than ambient)
After a spurious Phase A Isolation, what should happen after it is reset?
CUVs should autostart
What is the RCP Trip Criteria for the foldout page?
- Complete Loss of RCP Seal Cooling
- # 1 Seal Leakoff Temp - 185*F and loss of seal injection
- # 1 Seal Leakoff Temp - 200*F
- RCP Lower Bearing Water Temp - 225*F
- RCP Upper Motor Bearing Temp - 200*F
- RCP Vibes - 20 mils
- # 1 Seal Leakoff > 6 gpm
- # 1 Seal Leakoff < 1 gpm and temp rising
AES fan 1 charcoal filter fire or abnormal is lit, Operator has confirmed a fire exists. Which actions should be taken
Manually open deluge isolation valve, Verify deluge valve opens, Start 2-HV-AES-2
What is needed for AMSAC actuation?
3/4 Feed Flows < 25%
What happens if CRID 1 is lost?
Train A SSPS slave relays lose power
All 4 FRVs close on FWI
Rx Trip
What happens if PRZ Level bistable channel fails high?
NOTHING other than an alarm
If there is a PR failure high, what will rods do?
Rods step in due to mismatch. Rods will NOT withdraw due to temp deviation after the power mismatch decays bc of PR Rod Stop C2
How low must the CCW Surge tank be lowered to figure out which header the leak is on?
baffle height ~ 48”
At what pressure does CRV-224 begin modulating open? Trips?
240# CRV-224 begins to modulate
210# CRV-224 trips open
What must be done if rods are inserted below the low low rod insertion limit?
Emergency Borate
Following the resetting of a SI and Phase A, the control air containment isolation valves failed to open. Which one of the following describes the current status of the plant?
RCS charging is available but letdown can not be restored
What are the indications of an uncontrolled dilution?
Rise in power and temperature
Rod insertion
Audio count rate
What must be done if there is a fire in the AES Fan?
STOP AES Fan, as it does not auto trip
What are potential sources of CCW in-leakage?
LD Hx RCP Thermal Barrier Hx XS LD Hx SFP Hx NBAE WGC Fill Valve RHR Opp Unit
A load rejection at ______ presents the greatest short term plant operational challenge due to the ______ MTC reactivity feedback allowing a larger rise in Tave.
Grid frequency must be maintained …..
greater than or equal to 59 Hz
What are the operator actions for loss of SFP Cooling?
Stop SFP and skimmer Pumps if SFP level < 23’8”
Stop SF Movement
If below P-8 and there is a total loss of NESW, what must be done?
Trip MT and MFPs
Break Condenser Vacuum
Stop MT LO Pumps
What must be done if there is an fuel handling accident outside of containment?
Accident analysis for control room habitability assumes CR Pressurization/cleanup filter system is placed in operation within 20 mins in order to prevent exceeding the limits.
What must be done is more than 1 rod drops?
Trip the Rx! We are not analyzed for 2 dropped rods
What happens if a second ground appears on the generator?
Excessive field current may develop and could damage the Main Generator
What is the RCP Malfunction criteria requiring a plant shutdown and stopping of the RCPs in less than 8 hrs?
1 Seal Leakoff > 5.4 gpm
Seal Leakoff flow < expected range for RCS pressure and can’t be restored
RCP Motor temp ≥ 145 ºC
How do we identify a leaky SG Tube?
High rad from any blown line on R-19
Have chemistry sample SG with suspected leak last
What will happen when recovering a misaligned rod?
Rod Control Urgent Failure will occur when the non moving rod group does not move
For loss of Control Room Annunciators, what is the difference between a UE and an Alert?
For an alert, you are also in EITHER a transient or don’t have compensatory indications available.
If the RCP Seal # 1 Outlet Temp Alarm is lit, what is the natural circ cooldown limit?
Seals are bad
Cooldown at less than 100*F/hr
What happens if train A loses 250 VDC?
Generator does not trip - 33 VED does not energize
Train B ECCS will still initiate but Train A does not due to loss of CRID 1 (slaves)
What are some effects of a spurious phase A?
Seal Return isolates, causing seal return safety to lift to the PRT
LD isolates
Minimum Charging flow
Considering only the response of the pzr level control system, which one of the following pzr level channel failures will NOT result in a rx trip on high pzr level
bistable channel fails high
What are 2 Operator Actions taken during the loss of refueling water level during refueling?
Move xfr cart to SFP side
Close WIER Gate
What do rods do if MPC-253 fails low?
rods step in
During a loss of ESW, there is a TCA to isolate the affected header within ______ of rupture in aux building
21.4 mins
Control banks D is below its rod insertion limit and AFD is outside target band. What must you do immediately?
emergency borate
What are the immediate actions for loss of 1 MFP?
- U2 ONLY- Verify power < 90%
- Check Turbine Runback to 626 (730) MW. IF NOT, manually reduce load
- Maintain Tave on program
- Preferred with Rods in AUTO
- If AUTO Rod Control NOT available, operate Rods in Manual - Close tripped MFP ELOs
- # Maintain Steam/Feed Flow mismatch
- # Start Standby pumps (Hotwell, CBP)
- # Start AFW pumps as required
- # U2 ONLY- Check running MFP on MS. Raise FPT steam pressure controller AUTO setpoint to 105 psig
- U2 ONLY - Take MT to MW Out (prevents additional runback)
An RCS leak rate determination quantifies a small leak. During the investigation process, the operators noted an abnormal continuous rise in the dirty sump tank. The next action that the crew is directed to take per the procedure is:
- Take manual control of charging and letdown if necessary
2. Place XS LD I/S and then isolate normal letdown
In the control air malfunction AOP, there is a caution referring to a potential for a SI from…
uneven cooling of the Steam Generators
What must be done if we receive an RCP Fire?
dispatch AEO to the CAS panel to determine if a real fire exists
What are the RO E-0 Immediate actions?
Rx Trip
a. Rx Trip and Bypass Breakers-OPEN
b. Rod Bottom Lights – LIT
c. All Rods - < 10 steps
d. Neutron Flux- lowering
SI Status
a. “Safety Injection Actuated” status light – LIT
b. Primary: check SI white sugar cubes above QMO-225 and 226
If not, check RCS and Ctmt Pressures
If a running west CCW Pump gets an SI Signal simultaneously with a load shed signal, what happens?
Pump stops and is restarted by its sequence timer
During a loss of CCW, you check CCP status in attempt to save 1 CCP for operations upon CCW Restoration. What do you do with 2 available CCPs?
Run 1 to failure, save 1 for later (PTL)
During a RCS leak, what must be done if VCT Level cannot be maintained?
Trip the Rx and Enter E-0
What are the degraded forebay foldout page criteria requiring trip of all CW pumps?
Loss of Screen Integrity (debris intrusion in pump bay east of screens)
Screen DP > 50” OR Trash Rack DP > 24”
Screen DP > 25” with frequent ESW Strainer Backwashing
Screen DP > 40” AND NOT Lowering with BOTH of the following:
o ALL available screens running
o Only 2 CW Pumps running on each Unit
Screen forebay level < 562 feet
What do rods do if Tave or PR fails low?
NO rod motion
To determine a leakrate, what is the flow used for XS Letdown if it’s in service?
20 gpm
When is a fire an alert?
It affects plant operation
During a Loss of ESW, what should the status of the cross ties be?
Closed for the unaffected unit
What do rods do if Tave fails high?
rods step in
The Rapid Power Reduction Fold Out Page
If any of the following exist, Trip reactor and go to E-0
- Power reduction is determined to be uncontrolled
- > 10%/min load reduction rate
- Tavg - < 541 ºF or > 579 ºF
- Tavg - Tref mismatch can NOT be maintained within 5 ºF
Will you get more of a temperature feedback at BOL or EOL on a load rejection?
More temperature feedback at EOL because of the larger negative MTC
Per Loss of RHR Cooling, what is the preferred method of heat removal if all RHR cooling is lost?
AFW pumps to feed SGs for steaming
What happens if PRZ Level bistable channel fails low?
- Letdown isolates (QRV-111 closes, LD orifice isolations close)
- PRZ Heaters Trip Off
- PRZ Level Rises
- 2/3 92% Rx Trip
Who is the liaison between fire brigade and the unit during a fire?
Work Control SRO
Per LTOP TS, if there is an accumulator not isolated when not depressurized, you have….
1 hour to isolate the accumulator
What are the entry conditions for the abnormal for irradiated fuel handling accident in containment building?
High rad alarm on VRS-1500, vent stack monitor
What is an input to MFP Speed control?
TOTAL Steam Flow
Will a single ground harm the generator?
What is needed for C-20?
2/2 turbine impuls pressures > 40%
Why do we keep the generator connected to the grid until the turbine stop valves are closed?
So we don’t overspeed the turbine
CCP Recirc valve QMO-226 (West) is controlled by _____
What happens is MPC-254 fails high?
Channel 2 High Steam Flow setpoints rise
C7A and C7B load rejection bistables disabled
AMSAC initiation time is reduced.
What do you do if the main transformer hi-hi coil temperature is received?
send an AEO out to start additional fans
During severe weather with offsite power still available, what’s the status of the EDGs?
Stopped and in standby to prevent a fault int he switchyard from damaging the EDGs
What should you NOT do if CCW failure is due to a hydraulic condition?
Do NOT Cross-Tie CCW. Doing so could cause a pipe to break, air bind or cavitate the pump
What happens if CRID 3 is lost?
most survivable
What is the #1 seal issues requiring plant shutdown in more than 8 hrs?
1 Seal Leakoff > expected range for RCS Pressure AND any of the following:
RCP thermal barrier DP low alarm
Lower Bearing Temp > 175 ºF
Rising #1 Seal Leakoff Temp
If channel 1 feed flow channel is selected and instantaneously fails offscale low, what happens with no operator action?
SG Level control system will auto transfer the FRV controller to manual and maintain the current valve position
What do rods do if PR fails high?
rods step in
The unit is at 100% power and condenser vacuum drops from 28 inches to 25 inches. All 4 SJAEs are in service and the system is in normal configuration. What could be the problem?
Loss of condensate flow to the SJAE condensers or drains closed
During a loss of NESW, there may be plant flooding. How man RCPs should be stopped after the reactor is tripped?
All but 1 RCP
What happens if CRID 4 is lost?
Train B SSPS slave relays lose power
All 4 FRVs close on FWI
Rx Trip
What does the TDAFP Discharge Flow High alarm indicate?
Aux Feed Flow Retention has actuated
If rods continue to withdraw when placed to manual, what must be done?
Trip the Rx
Under which conditions must the unit be shutdown during an earthquake?
- Sustained visible system or structural damage
- EPlan Alert or Higher
- Shutdown determinations within 24 hours of the event are not complete
If frequency is < 58.2 Hz…
What does AMSAC do?
Trips turbine and starts all AFW pumps
Which one of the following describes the procedural actions in response to addressing a leaking PZR PORV?
All block valves are initially closed to lower PORV tailpipe temp. One block valve is opened at a time. Leakage is determined by a rise in tailpipe temperature after each block valve is opened.
What are possible indications of CCW Out Leakage?
1. Lowering CCW Surge Tank Level (makeup from DW to maintain 60”-120”) 2. Rising VCT Level & Pressure 3. Tave Rising 4. Rx Power Rising 5. PRZ Level and Pressure Rising
If there is a dropped rod, how must power be reduced and why?
only by boration to prevent exaggerating any existing flux tilts
VCT Level instrument QLC-452 is responsible for _____. Are there any alarms?
Beginning to divert at 78% and full divert at 87%. There is a Low level alarm only
What are the indications of a dropped or misaligned rod?
Power range lower detector deviation alarm is lit
Power range channel deviation alarm is lit
NIS tilt computer alarm is lit
Tavg is rapidly lowering
Per LTOP TS, if there is a SI capable of injection, you must….
immediately make all SI not capable of injection
What is the loss of 1 MFP fold out page criteria requiring a reactor trip?
- Power Reduction is uncontrollable
- Tave < 541ºF OR Tave > 579 ºF
- SG Level approaching Hi-Hi or Low-Low Setpoint
What are the BOP stable parameter reports
- MT Loading and MW IN or OUT
- SG NR Levels
- MFP DP and Mode of Control
- Controllers in Manual
What happens if PRZ Level control channel fails high?
- QRV-251 closes to minimum stop (40 gpm)
- PRZ backup heatesr on
- PRZ level lowers
- PRZ low level 17% (QRV-112 closes, LD orifice isolations close, all PRZ heaters off)
- PRZ Level Rises (min. charging, no letdown)
- 2/3 92% Rx Trip
What do TS say about bypassing bistables?
ONLY one bistable is allowed to be bypassed at a time, unless performing surveillance testing
What happens if CRID 2 is lost?
FRV-230 fails to auto. CH 2 FF/SF Fails and can’t take manual control
What should be done if the RCS leak rate is > 150 gpm in mode 4?
Go to Mode 4 LOCA
There is a common alarm for the pump and motor bearings for the RCP Bearing Temp High. What are the alarm setpoints
Pump Bearing - 175*F
Motor Bearing - 185*F
CCP Recic valve QMO-225 (East) is controlled by _____
How is leaking in-core detector thimble tubes classified?
pressure boundary leakage
What do rods do if MPC-253 fails high?
rods step out
The MFP will only switch to speed control and go to max speed during a runback if:
power is greater than 60%
Will cross-tying sfp prevent boiling?
3” x-tie will NOT prevent boiling, only extend the time for boiling to occur
How does a failure of MPC-254 affect rods?
It does NOT affect rods
If frequency reaches 58.2 Hz and the Reactor is tripped, what is the status of the RCPs?
Remain running
How does one of a Steam Generator Stop Valve’s associated dump valves are out of service affect operability?
The SGSV is Inoperable
If the RCP Seal # 1 Outlet Temp Alarm is NOT lit, what is the natural circ cooldown limit?
Seals are good
Cooldown at less than 20*F/hr
What issues can the RO use IFR-001 for?
PRZ Pressure PRZ Level VCT Level LD Temp/Press Unexpected Rod Motion Unexpected Operation of Steam Dumps
What signal is designed to trip the reactor to prevent exceeding DNB Limits?
Over Temperature Delta T
Negative reactivity being added to the core can be seen by:
a lower Tave
What do you do if there is unexpected operation of steam dumps?
If open due to control failure, place selector switches to OFF
If a feed water flow instrument fails, how does it affect AMSAC?
AMSAC is disabled bc FW Flow feeds into AMSAC
If there is a dropped rod, what must be done within 1 hour?
SDM must be verified
What happens if PRZ Level control channel fails low?
- QRV-251 Opens
- Letdown isolates (QRV-112 closes, LD orifice isolations close)
- PRZ Heaters Trip Off
- PRZ Level Rises
- 2/3 92% Rx Trip
Per TS, if a leaky PRZ PORV is capable of manually being cycled, you have…
1 hour to close and maintain power on block valve.
What happens if the PRZ ref leg develops a leak on the controlling channel?
that channel’s level will rise and actual level will go down due to QRV-251 closing
What must be verified within 1 hour of declaring PRZ pressure channel inoperable?
P-11 Status
If a BAT pump trips, which valves close to stop makeup?
QRV-400, Blender to CCP Suction
QRV-451, Blender to VCT
What are the various Reactor Trips for RCS Flow Instrumentation Malfunctions based on the different power levels?
> P8, 2/3 on 1 loop < 91%
Between P7 and P8, 2/3 on 2 loops < 91%
What must be verified within 1 hours of a Turbine Impulse Pressure Malfunction?
P-13 verified in correct state
What do you do if you have a SR NI Malfunction in Mode 1?
Remove instrument power fuses and exit procedure.
Per the rapid power reduction foldout page, You trip the Rx ad go to E-0 if…
Tave-Tref cannot be maintained within 5 degrees, what do you do?
Power reduction is uncontrolled
> 10% / min load reduction rate
And Tave < 541 or > 579
What’s the risk of having the west CCP in service?
Potential for boric acid hideout in suction of the east CCP which could cause a reactivity event later on.
During a loss of load < P8, what is the risk of rods remaining in Auto?
Rods will drive temperature down to 547 and out of the power range
If there is a fuel handling accident in the Spent Fuel storage area, what are 2 local actions?
- Close crane bay roll up door
2. Close airlocks if refueling is in progress.
If AFD is outside of the acceptable region, what do you do?
Lower power to < 50% within 30 mins.
What auto-starts the standby bus duct fan?
Low Flow - 5” water