AO5- Critical interpretations Flashcards
What was Gerald Haslam’s comment on Steinbecks reception with the local power structures?
“It was Steinbecks pictures of the economic exploitation that really offended the local power structures”
Collins comment on women’s roles
“it was times during unemployment when women really stepped in as Master of the house”
Collins comment on the effect of the joads journey on c community
“a new human community formed on the back of a wreckage of an old one”
Gerald Haslam commented that “steinbecks novel actually made the community…”
“more aware of the bad things that were happening”
Gerald Haslams comment on Intercalary chapters…
“it offers perspectives and extrapolation”
Gerald Haslams comment on ma joad
“the familys core”
Nicholar Visser comment on social justice and when it can occur
“social justice can only occur when there is a universal change of heart”
Alan Yuhas from the guardian comment on Steinbecks intentions of producing such a harrowing novel
“he didn’t want his readers to loose hope, he wanted them to get angry at those who stripped hope from us”
“Steinbeck debunked the myths of the American dream piece by piece, to show that….”
“people were always better than the hardships they suffered”- Alan Yuhas
Yuhas commented that “Steinbeck shows how, wrath, when it protects the weak…”
“can renew hope “
critic Ekta Shah comments on tom and family
“tom isolates himself from his own family, to help an even larger family: the family of mankind”
Critic Bragg statement on the joad truck and Noahs arc
“the truck itself is an arc; theres even a Noah on board”
Ekta Shah commented on toms alienation from society
“Tom’s ideas are so different from society he is automatically alienated from it”
Critic Spangler commented that the novel “smashed…”
“the notion of the American dream”
Critic Blades comment on individualism and optimism in relation to Grapes…
“the novel picks apart the wilful optimism of the pioneering spirit and questions the limits of individuality “
Critic Asquith commented on what he calls the journey…
“a journey of disillusionment “
BAD REVEIW: congress borden - Steinbeck with a degraded mentality
“this book exposes nothing but the vulgarity and degraded mentality of the author”