AO1: Paradise Lost Bk10 Flashcards
AO1: What quote shows A+ E deserved to fall due to their sinful ways? 15-16
“The penalties [sin] deserv’d to fall”
AO3: Justifying ways of God to man
AO4: DOM characters who sin (Card, Ferd, Bos) deserve punishment i.e death - just action
AO1: What shows that the angels do not feel bad for God’s judgement as they believe he is right? 25
“Violated not their bliss”
AO3: Christine theology - God is omnibelevolent
AO5: “Something badly wrong with Milton’s God” - Empson (does not reflect traditional biblical God)
AO1: How does God assemble angels ensuring they do not blame themselves? 34
“Assembl’d Angels”
AO3: First trope of epic in Bk 9+10 (assemblies)
AO1: What epitomises Satan’s sin as he crosses from hell? 39
“This Tempter cross’s the Gulf from Hell”
AO4: DOM seen as temptress towards A, Bos tempted by social mobility to murder
AO3: Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce
AO5: ‘This poem shows how seductive sin can be’ (Fish)
AO1: How is Jesus a humble figure of God despite resplendence? 66
“Expressed and thus divinely answered mild”
AO4: DOM presented as redeeming exemplified by Ferd and Card who focus on power and position “plum trees / grow crooked” - Bos
AO5: DOM ‘female christ’
AO1: How will God also suffer and A+E not suffer lightly? 75-6
“This obtain of right, that I may mitigate their doom on me derived”
AO3: personal v private justice
AO4: Themes of justice, punishment, mercy DOM bos “ The weakest arm is strong enough that strikes with the sword of justice”
AO5: “The God of Milton is always farther, a creator, a judge” (Voltaire)
AO1: What describes the lack of God’s presence? 113
AO3: etymologically despaire = without father, lack of God’s presence
AO4: D chooses body natural > body politic - choosing herself over country - hierarchy like Gods at time
AO1: How does Adam attempt to shift the blame onto Eve? 137-143
“This Woman / to be my help, gav’st me as they perfect gift/ so divine/ I could suspect no ill/ / shee gave me of the tree, and I did eate”
AO1: misogyny - referring to Eve as ‘The Woman’ could be catalyst of her ambition, categories typical of epics,
AO3: Milton’s own misogyny of women {Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce}, Armanism Vs Calvinism Adams fate predestined by Eve, Eve had the free will
AO4: Bosoloas misogyny, D “notorious strumpet” blamed for her sexual appetite causing her to fall
AO5: women’s desire during Renaissance seen as “monstrous” (Callaghan)
AO1: How does Eve admit fault for the fall? 162
“the serpent me beguiled and I did eat”
AO4: appetite DOM “ greedily she engorged”
AO3: Emphasis on women’s appetite in Jacobean + renaissance era - sexual implications
AO1: An argument that women’s punishment is far more severe? 193
“children thou shalt bring in sorrow forth; and so they husbands will thine shall submit; he over thee shall rule”
AO3: Milton believed women were to appease husbands and children
AO4: Card and Ferd controlling D’s sexuality “you already know what man is”/ punishment is “justifying the ways of God to man”
AO1: God is coming back as their saviour? 209
“Judge and Saviour sent”
AO5: Felix Culpa (lucky fall) - no fall = no redemption
AO1: How does satan assume triumph and the positive view hell holds for him? 236
“Satan our Great Author thrives in other Worlds”
AO3: Dr. Faustus - positive view that S respectable enough to make a deal and believe the other end of bargain will be held up
AO4” “flattering sycophants” - almost sycophantic towards Satan
AO1: How do Sin and Death describe the bridge between earth and hell as permanent - sin and consequential death is now permanent? 303-4
“Immovable of this now fenceless world / Forfeit to Death”
AO3: Milton also believed opposite - that bridge WAS moveable - an opportunity for good AND bad
AO4: Italian court DOM everyone has sinned and therefore will die
AO1: What is the image that Satan was previously an angel and cast out - highlighting S insecurities of loss of angel status? 327
“Satan in likeness of an angel bright”
AO3: Oliver Cromwell not a true king but took shape of one
AO4: MEn putting themselves on a pedestal when taking revenge i.e Bos seeing revenge as a noble duty
AO5: Satan has an insecurity about losing his father (Gregory)
AO1: Ho is Eve seen as the weaker sex therefore easily seduced? 341
“he after Eve seduced:
AO3: Patriarchy - women’s weakness
Ao4: Ferd and Card often surpassing D because of their power as men
AO5: “Patriarchs of Patriarchs” critics’ interpretation of Milton
AO1: How does Satan retreat from Eve when she has eaten the fruit? 341-8
“Unminded slunk […] terrified he fled”
Ao3: Bk10 anti-hero to Bk10 abject, unheroic - pathetic
Ao4: Animal imagery ‘bestial slime” vs ‘lycanthropia’ - how evil and abhorrent people become more animal-like and less human
AO3: Discussions of Renaissance Man - difference between man and creature
AO1: How does Satan embrace his antagonistic, petty nature? 387
“antagonist pf heavens almighty king”
AO3: S as machiavellian character
AO4: Ferd and Bos “I am your creature”
AO1: What is the description of Satan as he sits on his throne in front of his assembly? 452
“False glitter”
AO4: Appearance Vs reality, Card dumb show swapping ecclesial garb for wars clothes (hiding his dark intention)
AO3: Charlies I tyranny using title as ‘glitter’ to assume higher connection with God - Miltons beliefs on a personal relationship with God ‘false glitter’ is monarchs
AO1: How does Satan address his congregation in hell? 460
“thrones, denominations, Princeton’s, virtues, powers”
AO3: traditional trope of epic - assemblies
AO1: How does Satan brag of seduction - pretending to have seduced Adam? 485
“By fraud I have seduced from his creator”
AO3: females as the weaker sex
AO4: DOM no power in court due to gender
AO5: “female desire as monstrous abnormality” - links to ‘seduced’ (Callaghan)
AO1: How does Satans audience respond? 508-509
AO1: Hissing as if they have been turned into snakes - reflects ‘public scorn’ of typical villainous character
- links back to ‘bliss’ 503 peripeteia reversal of fate from greatest to worst
AO3: Miltons fear of ‘public scorn’ - he himself in prison after restoration
AO1: How does Adam relent that he knew of the punishment of eating the forbidden fruit therefore accept the consequences? 769
“I submit, his doom is fair”
AO3: ‘justifying the ways of God to man - punishment is fair
AO4: Bos seeking revenge on Aragonian brothers on behalf of Ant
AO1: How does Adam realise his punishment is ultimately spiritual separation from God? 788
“But shall I die a living death”
AO3: Milton believe in personal relationship with God - that’s now destroyed
AO4: DOM punishment is death but the punishment isn’t death it is the torture prior
AO1: How does Adam question whether death would be the end of his punishment? 798
“Deathless death?”
AO3: Christian view of purgatory, death doesn’t just end you wither suffer in hell or go to heaven
AO4: DOM questioning death
AO1: What is the central question Milton is seeking when justifying the ways of God to man? 822-23
“Why should all mankind for one man’s fault thus guiltless be condemned if guiltless”
AO1: Links to conclusion of Book X - a message of hope that God is all loving and will forgive
AO3: Felix culpa - allowed fore Jesus and redemption
AO1: How does Adam wonder why women were ever brought into the world? 890
“This fair defect of nature”
AO3: etymology of ‘woman’ meaning ‘of man’ / great chain of being
AO4: Bos berating old woman for wearing makeup
AO1; How does Eve spiritually + physically beg for forgiveness at Adam’s feet? 942
“Now at his feet submissive in distress”
AO5: modern fem POV - misogynistic - only forgiving her when she is submissive
AO1: How does Adam call Eve a creature? 943
“Creature so fair in reconcilement seeking”
AO3: renaissance view of women, Eve designed purely for male gaze
AO4: ‘abortive hedgehog’ Bos - male gaze
AO5; debate as Milton as an early protocol-feminist
AO1: How does Adam suggest Eve as the weaker sex? 956
“Frailty and informer sex forgiven”
AO3: women seen as weaker sex in the renaissance despite female monarch Elizabeth I
AO4: DOM lack of choice “already know what man is”
AO5: Milton as a proto-feminist therefore Adam here portrayed in critical light
AO1: How does Adam, suggest ( because she is the weaker sex) Eve wouldn’t be able to handle Gods punishment? 959
“How we may lighten each others burden of woe
AO4: “frailty thy name is woman”
AO5: Miltons view of marriage as partnership therefore right to share burden
AO1: Adams decision to have children after judgement? 989
“Childless thou art, childless remain”
AO1: Eve is apprehensive, failing to recognise it would cause fall of mankind - echoes her prior. Selfishness/fear that Adam ‘wedded another Eve’
AO3: Christian belief that women were purely child bearers/ suicide as a ‘sinful death’
AO4: CONTRAST in DOM choosing to have children body natural > body politic
AO1: Eve wants do die by suicide 1005
“Of many ways to die the shortest choosing”
AO3: Christian views of suicide as a sin - 10 commandments ‘thou shalt not kill’
AO4: DOM “come violent death”
AO1: How does Eve proclaim suicide would be better than abstinence? 1006
“Destruction with destruction to destroy”
AO3: Christian view of suicide as sinful
AO4: DOM does not fear death: ‘Pull strongly / heavens arches’
AO1: How does Adam believe that suicide would be selfish as she is vomiting more to her own pleasures than God? 1016-19
“Self-destruction therefore sought, refutes that excellence thought in thee… regret for loss of life and pleasure overloved”
AO3: female desire as a sin
AO4: “greedily she engorged”
AO5: contemporary feminists view Milton as misogynistic
AO1: Why is the fall essential for redemption? 1035
“Scape his punishment ordained’
AO1: How is God is all loving and just? 1095-6
“When angry most he seemed and most severe, what else but favour, grace and mercy shone”
AO3: Justify the ways of God to man - showing God is all loving despite A+E punishment
AO4: CONTRAST Argonian brothers show no love nor mercy
AO1: Ending of book X happy in comparison to Bk9 - A+E finally recognising what it means to be Christian
“Prostrate fell/ before him reverent, and both confessed humbly their faults […] in sign of sorrow undefined and humiliation meek”
AO3: ‘moral paradox’ (Daiches) - prelapsarian man obedient > forbidden fruit provided knowledge of good and evil and ability to be true Christians
AO3: Felix culpa - here A + E ACTIVELY seek forgiveness/ Miltons view on Calvinism v armanianism
AO4: acceptance of sins
Ferd: “whether we fall by ambition, blood or dust/ like diamonds we are cut by our own dust” - take responsibility of consequences VC card “”May I be laid by and never thought of” ignoring his actions and their consequences
Gilts: how is Adam and eves gilts described at the end of the book 10?
Watering the ground, and with thir sighs the Air
Frequenting, sent from hearts contrite, in sign
Of sorrow unfeign’d, and humiliation meek.
What happens to Satans followers when they try to eat the fruit?
Deceav’d; they fondly thinking to allay
Thir appetite with gust, instead of Fruit [ 565 ]
Chewd bitter Ashes,