AO1- Key Quotations Flashcards
“Fair Isabel, poor simple Isabel!”
-First line of poem already describing Isabella as an innocent and weak/vulnerable character
-Already comes across as tragic victim
“With every morn their love grew tenderer”
-Build up for a tragic downfall
-Foreshadowing disruption of order
“A dreary night of love and misery”
-Contrast in nouns
-Foreshadows the tragedy
“Believe how I love thee”
-Lorenzo’s confession of love
-Could be his hamartia
“Grew, like a lusty flower, in June’s caress”
-Their romance is used as a metaphor for their love
“Unknown of any free from whispering tale”
-Lorenzo and Isabella’s love blinds them
-Nothing is more important to them than their love
-Contrasts Death of a Salesman
“Know there is richest juice in poison-flowers”
-Foreshadowing the tragedy of Lorenzo’s death
-Posion flowers= a symbol of deception, danger, and death
“To kill Lorenzo and there bury him”
“Cut mercy with a sharp knife to the bone”
-Shows the lack of insensitivity
-Portrays brother’s as the tragic villains within poem
-Blunt sentence contrasts flowering language consistent throughout poem
“Bowed a fair greeting to these serpents’ whine”
-Shows Lorenzo’s innocence and blindness towards brother’s plotting
-Serpents= religious connotations of temptation
“Thee a good morrow”
-Dramatic irony as the audience know they are not going to see each other again
“So the two brothers and their murdered man”
“Hungry shark”
-Lorenzo is murdered and becomes a possession of the brother’s- hubris
-Link to Death of a Salesman with capitalism and wanting more etc (greed)
“Poor girl”
-Isabella still considered weak and vulnerable
-Link to how she was presented at beginning of poem
“In torched mines and noisy factories”
-Separation of the world of love and the real world
-Link to Death of a Salesman and Willy’s delusions
“To dig more fervently than misers can”
-Shows Isabella’s declining mental state
-Link to Death of a Salesman
”O, cruelty, to steal my basil-pot away from me!”
-Contrast between her love, which is so strong it turns to greed
-The reminders of what she is possessive over a decaying corpse heightens the extent of her tragedy as it allows us to see the extent of her mental break
“Each richer by being his murderer”
-Brother’s hubris
-Only care about material wealth and riches