ANZCVS 2019 Flashcards
a) State the most common reported signalment of cats that are diagnosed with idiopathic megacolon. Name two (2) additional causes, other than idiopathic, of feline megacolon.
• Signalment: Overweight, middle-age to early senior
• Additional causes:
1. Previous pelvic fractures with narrowing of the pelvic canal
2. Tumors partially blocking the colon
3. Neurologic impairment – typically LMN disease affecting the pelvic plexus
4. Colonic strictures
5. Anal atresia
6. Foreign bodies
• List and justify appropriate immediate treatments for managing a cat presenting for the first time with feline megacolon.
- IV fluid therapy: Patients with megacolon are frequently dehydrated by the time they present to a veterinary hospital. Dehydration contributes to further desiccation of colonic contents and poor motility.
- Enemas: Necessary to remove the colonic obstruction, relieve discomfort and minimize the absorption of potentially toxic colonic waste. Also necessary to minimize further stretching of colonic smooth muscle and worsening of colonic motility.
- Analgesia: Colonic distension and the often-necessary manual removal of feces can be painful (even though the procedure is performed under general anesthesia). Appropriate analgesia can be provided with a partial u-agonist (buprenorphine) with minimal deleterious effects on colonic motility.
- Antibiotic therapy: Rarely necessary for stable cases of megacolon, but should be considered for severe cases associated with shock or SIRS.
• Briefly discuss appropriate longer term medical management options for feline megacolon.
- Correction of underlining cause (if possible): Pelvic obstructions caused by previous fractures, tumors or hernias must be corrected whenever possible. This does not apply to idiopathic megacolon.
- Fiber-enriched diet: Considered by many the most important aspect of medical management of megacolon. Prescription diets supplemented with soluble and insoluble fibers (i.e. Royal Canin GI Fiber Response) improve fecal matter moisture and stimulate colonic motility.
- Prokinetic drugs: parasympathomimetic drugs like cisapride can stimulate colonic motility and improve frequency of defecation. Metoclopramide is a centrally-acting antiemetic which decreases nausea and also has mild motility-promoting effects.
- Fluid supplementation: Delivered in the form of water fountains to stimulate water consumption or subcutaneous infusions. Maintenance of adequate hydration is extremely important to prevent desiccation of colonic contents.
- Lubricating enemas: Sodium docusate and lubricating enemas can be used sporadically or regularly to help maintain regular defecation.
- Laxatives: lactulose
c) Describe the blood supply to the terminal ileum, caecum, colon and rectum in the cat. You may use an appropriately labelled diagram.
- The ileum and cecum receive arterial blood supply from the ileocecal artery, a branch of the cranial mesenteric artery (Cr mesenteric A.). Venous drainage is provided by the Ileal + cecal Veins > ileocolic V. > Cr. mesenteric V. > Portal V.
- The ascending colon receives arterial blood supply from the right colic artery, a branch of the Cr mesenteric A. Venous drainage is provided by the right colic V. > Ileocolic V. > Cr mesenteric V. > Portal V.
- The transverse and proximal descending colon receives arterial blood from the Middle colic artery, a branch of the Cr. Mesenteric A. Venous drainage is provided by the Cr. Rectal V > left colic V. > Cd. Mesenteric V > Portal V
- The descending colon receives arterial blood from the Left colic artery, a branch of the Cd. Mesenteric A. Venous drainage is provided by the Cr. Rectal V > left colic V. > Cd. Mesenteric V > Portal V
- The proximal 1/3 of the rectum receives arterial blood from the Cranial rectal A, a branch of the Cd mesenteric A. Venous drainage is provided by Cr. Rectal V > left colic V. > Cd. Mesenteric V > Portal V
- The middle and distal rectum receive arterial blood from the Right and Left caudal rectal arteries, both branches of the Internal Pudendal A. Venous drainage to the Cranial rectum provided by Cr. Rectal V > left colic V. > Cd. Mesenteric V > Portal V. Venous drainage to the middle and caudal rectum is provided by Caudal rectal and Perineal veins > Internal Pudendal V > Internal Iliac V > Caudal Vena Cava
d) Describe the physiological benefit of preserving the ileocolic junction when performing a subtotal colectomy. Include in your answer the consequences of removal of the ileocolic junction.
Preservation of the ileocecal junction is thought to prevent bacterial translocation from large to small intestines, which may contribute to malabsorption syndrome. Preservation is thought to minimize post-op diarrhea.
e) State two (2) reasons why resection of the ileocolic junction may be necessary when performing a subtotal colectomy in cats with idiopathic megacolon.
- Inability to achieve a tension-free colocolic apposition
* Gross proximal colonic distension, cecal inversion or neoplasia
f) Describe the healing of the colon and include an appropriate timeline for the healing process. State how this healing differs from that of the small intestine.
The healing of the colon can be academically divided in three partially overlapping phases:
1. Lag Phase (inflammation and debridement): First 3 to 4 days. Characterized by hemostasis, cell migration, debridement, and fibrin meshwork formation. Platelet-derived activation of COX converts arachidonic acid into inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins, prostacyclines and thromboxanes. These substances promote vasodilation and chemotaxis of phagocytic cells like neutrophils and monocytes. Monocytes exit blood vessels via diapedesis (cellular extravasation phase of inflammation) and become macrophages. Macrophage and platelet-derived growth factors (PDGF activates TGF-B and FGF) stimulate differentiation and migration of fibroblasts leading to fibrin production. Fibrin provides minimal gains in tensile strength but serves as matrix for collagen deposition during the proliferative phase. Neutrophils and macrophages phagocytize devitalized tissue and microorganisms.
2. Proliferative phase: Approximately 3 to 14 days. Characterized by fibroblast proliferation and collagen production. Different from other organs such as skin, colonic collagen is produced by submucosal and smooth muscle fibroblasts. Collagen type remains predominantly Type III. Upregulation of MMP’s by macrophages promote ongoing collagenolysis, preventing meaningful gains in tensile strength. THIS IS WHEN DEHESCENSE IS MOST LIKELY TO OCCUR, PARTICULLARLY IN THE FIRST 3 TO 5 DAYS. Microorganisms like E. coli produce endotoxin lipopolysaccharide which induce further collagenase synthesis by macrophages. Colonic wound strength remains only 30% of normal in the first 3 days, and the repair is heavily dependent on surgical devices (sutures, staples). Vascular proliferation induced by VEGF promotes capillary growth and supports fibroblast survival. Oxygen delivery is essential for hydroxylation of lysine and proline, precursors of collagen (collagen production does not occur below 40mmHg PaO2). New collagen is deposited over previous fibrin, leading to gradual gains in tensile strength. Strength is near-normal by day 14.
3. Maturation phase: Collagen is gradually reorganized by layers according to tension lines. Non-functional collagen is removed by collagenase produced by macrophages. Neutrophil fibroblast and macrophage presence gradually diminishes. Collagen type III or replaced by Type I, which usually accounts for 68% of colonic collagen (with smaller amounts of type III and V). Collagen fibers become tick bundles, particularly in the submucosa (strength layer).
The colon regains tensile strength more slowly than the rest of the GI tract, and therefore remains more susceptible to dehiscence for the first 3 to 5 days. This may be due to local and/or systemic factors. Local factors include poor blood supply, susceptibility to tension at the surgical repair, high bacterial load (some of which, like E. coli, produce endotoxic liposaccharide which stimulate macrophage production of collagenase, further delaying gains in tensile strength) and distal obstruction. Systemic factors may include hypovolemia leading to tissue hypoxia (no collagen at <40mmHg PaO2), concomitant use of chemotherapeutic drugs that delay healing (i.e. cisplatin) and immunosuppressive diseases like Diabetes Mellitus.
g) Name three (3) methods that can be used to overcome luminal disparity when performing an ileocolic anastomosis.
- Routine end-to-end sutured anastomosis followed by partial suturing of the larger diameter segment.
- Enlargement of the smaller segment via “spatulation” of the antimesenteric border, followed by routine end-to-end sutured anastomosis.
- Functional end-to-end anastomosis followed by TA stapling or hand-suturing of the cut ends.
h) Name two (2) alternative methods of closure for colocolonic or ileocolonic anastomosis other than a hand-suture pattern. State a potential advantage and a potential disadvantage for each method.
- GIA stapling: Creates a functional rather that “true” end-to-end anastomosis. Requires closure of the cut end with TA staples or hand suturing. Fast but relatively difficult to perform in small diameter intestines. Costly in comparison with hand-suturing techniques.
- EEA stappling: Creates a true end-to-end anastomosis. Easier to perform than a GIA anastomosis since the EEA device can be introduced transcecally, through enterotomy or transrectally. Fast but more costly that hand-suturing techniques. Transrectal introduction may be difficult or impossible in small cats.
- Biodegradable anastomosis ring
a) Describe the findings expected on neurological examination of a patient with an L4 to S3 myelopathy. In your answer, state the spinal segments being tested when evaluating the spinal reflexes.
This patient is expected to present LMN deficits on the pelvic limbs. These may include:
• Muscle atrophy if affected by more than 5-7 days (denervation atrophy)
• Paraparesis or paraplegia depending on the cause and severity of spinal disease. Monoparesis/plegia possible with unilateral lesion.
• Decreased or absent withdrawal reflex
• Lumbar or lumbosacral hyperpathia
• Flaccid anus and decreased perineal reflex; fecal incontinence
• Depressed or absent postural tests
• Panniculus reflex absent caudal affected spinal segment
• LMN bladder (flaccid, easily expressed)
• Reduced myotatic reflexes
o Patellar reflex: hyporeflexive due to impairment of femoral nerve-associated spinal segments L4-6. Pseudo-hyperreflexia may be observed with lesions affecting only spinal segments L6-S1, associated with the sciatic nerve (loss of muscular antagonism)
o Gastrocnemius reflex: hyporeflexive due to impairment of spinal segments L6-S1, associated with sciatic nerve (common peroneal branch)
o Cranial tibial reflex: hyporeflexive due to impairment of spinal segments L6-S1, associate with sciatic nerve (tibial branch).
b) Briefly explain the phenomenon ‘pseudohyperreflexia’ which may occur in an L4 to S3 myelopathy.
o Pseudo-hyperreflexia may be observed with lesions affecting only spinal segments L6-S1, associated with the sciatic nerve (loss of muscular antagonism)
c) Briefly explain the difference between the anatomic pathways involved in the withdrawal response and nociception, including how these differences are recognised during neurological evaluation.
The withdrawal reflex assesses the integrity of the reflex arch, independent of central input or acknowledgment. This pathway involves a sensory afferent nerve, an interneuron located at the DRG and an efferent motor nerve associated with flexor muscles. Patients with intact withdrawal reflex (i.e. full flexion/retraction of the tested limb) DO NOT necessarily have intact nociception.
Nociception involves transmission of the action potential by ascending spinal pathways to the cerebral cortex, generating a physiologic or behavioral response. Patients with intact nociception will typically display signs of discomfort such as vocalization, tension of multiple muscles or attempting to bite. Less overt physiologic signs may also be observed, such as increase in heart rate, respiratory rate or mydriasis.
d) Briefly describe the modified Frankel grading system for dogs with spinal cord injury.
Grade 0: para- or tetraplegia with NO deep nociception
Grade 1: para- or tetraplegia with NO superficial nociception
Grade 2: para- or tetraplegia with preserved superficial and deep nociception
Grade 3: non-ambulatory para or tetraparesis
Grade 4: ambulatory para- or tetraparesis with GP ataxia
Grade 5: spinal hyperesthesia
e) Explain why the loss of deep pain perception in dogs with intervertebral disk disease (IVDD) is associated with a poor prognosis.
Noxious stimuli generate action potentials that are conveyed to the cerebral cortex via BILATERAL TRACTS in the lateral funiculi of the spinal cord. Considering this bilateral distribution of nociceptive pathways, loss of deep pain (nociception) indicates functional “transection” of the spinal cord. Such pattern is inevitably associated with similar damage to nearly all other spinal pathways, and therefore indicates a poor prognosis. According to current data, 88 to 96% of dogs operated for IVDE with preserved nociception will recover unassisted ambulation, versus only 50-60% of those without nociception.
f) Briefly describe one (1) proposed etiopathogenesis of fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE).
One theory proposes that IVDE-derived nucleus pulposus material is forcefully introduced into the paravertebral vasculature, causing local thromboembolism. Other theories propose that the fibrocartilaginous material may originate in the growth-plate cartilage of skeletally-immature animals or may arise from endothelial metaplasia.
g) Briefly describe the most common signalment and clinical presentation for a dog with FCE.
Young to middle age, large or giant-breed canine. Typically, non-chondrodystrophic. Shetland sheepdogs and Schnauzers can also be affected (most common cause of myelopathy in Schnauzers). Patients with FCE myelopathy typically presented with a history of acute or peracute onset of pain and non-progressive neurologic impairment (mobility) during physical activity. Pain typically subsides within the first few hours but can still be elicited upon palpation of the affected area of spinal cord. Neurologic deficits may vary severity and location depending on affected spinal segments. Most commonly T3-L3 (33% cases) with MFS varying from grade 0 to 3. Neurologic deficits are asymmetric in 69% of cases.
FCE also frequently affects the brain. Neurologic deficits will vary according to the area of the brain affected. Common signs for dogs with cerebellar FCE include head tilt, ataxia with or without hypermetria, nystagmus, decreased menace response, postural reaction deficits and nonambulatory paresis. Dogs with thalamic or midbrain lesions may present with central vestibular dysfunction, ipsilateral head tilt and heads turn (expected with forebrain lesion).
h) List two (2) poor prognostic indicators for dogs diagnosed with FCE.
- Loss of nociception
- Presence of underlying thromboembolic disease (CRD, cardiomyopathy, etc…)
- Presence of severe LMN deficits
- Client’s reluctance to pursue PT
i) Name one (1) syndrome in dogs that closely mirrors FCE in its clinical presentation.
Hansen Type I (chondroid) Intervertebral Disk Extrusion
a) Describe how the extent and severity of burns are classified.
Rule of Nines: o Head: 9% o Neck: 1% o Forelimbs: 9% each o Hindlimbs: 18% each o Dorsal or ventral aspects of the abdomen/thorax: 18% each
b) Name and describe the defined zones of a thermal burn.
- Zone of Necrosis: central area where all tissues are devitalized, and blood vessels are thrombosed. No viable tissue remains.
- Transition zone (zone of stasis): Characterized by reduced blood flow, intravascular sludging an potentially reversible tissue damage.
- Zone of hyperemia: Characterized by local vasodilation, erythema and edema as a result of inflammation. Tissues are fragile but remain viable.