Anxiety/Somatoform/Dissociative D/O Flashcards
panic d/o
panic attacks, sx for AT LEAST 1 month
most common ages 20-30sā
no assoc w/ soc/edu/marrital status
chronic relapsing course
5-10% are in primary care
20x F>M
poor edu, young female
rural or low SES
Body Dysmorphic d/o
Teens to 40y.o.
pain d/o
ages 40-50
2x F> M
Dissoc ID D/o
hallucinations of all senses are common
look for childhood abuse
dramantic changes in mannerisms, tone of voice, and affect
fluctuation of skills, well learned abilities and habits
anxiety and med conditions
seen in endocrinopathie
- pheo, hyperthyroid, hyperPTH, hyperCortisol
Also in metabolic problems
- hypoxemia, hyperCa, HYPO-glycemia
Neuro d/o
- including vascular , trauma an degenerative types
emotional numbing flashback, poor [ ] exagg. startle response dissoc amnesia
panic d/o tx
SSRI + BZD, eventually taper off the BZD but keep the SSRI
OCD drug trial lenght
MIN of 12weeks,