Anxiety disorders.2 Flashcards
- key features?
- Dx criteria? (7)
-hx of exposure to trauma, assoc with:
a response of intense fear, helplessness, horror
Later development of:
intrusive symptoms (flashbacks)
avoidance symptoms
Negative alterations in cognition & mood
hyper arousal symptoms (disturbed sleep, hyper vigilance)
-All of the above features +
inability to recall some important aspects of period of exposure to stressor
OR persistent symptoms of inc psychological sensitivity:
a) difficulty in falling or staying asleep;
b) irritability or outbursts of anger;
c) difficulty in concentrating;
d) hyper-vigilance;
e) exaggeratedstartleresponse.
- key features?
- define obsessions?
- define compulsions?
- criteria for Dx?
-recurrent obsessive rumination/images or impulses and/or recurrent physical or mental rituals
symptoms are:
time consuming
Cause interference with social and occupational function
-ideas/thought/impulses/images which are intrusive and appropriate
cause marked anxiety or distress
there is usually an attempt to resist the intrusion or repetition
-Repetitive behaviours or mental acts
aim is to reduce anxiety, not pleasurable in themselves
excessive and unreasonable, normally linked to obsession
-obsessions or compulsions or both present on most days for a period of at least 2 weeks
all of the following features of ^ must be present:
originate in patients mind
repetitive and unpleasant & excessive and unreasonable
subject must trey to resist, one must be unsuccessfully resisted
carrying out the thought/act is not pleasurable
+they cause distress and interfere with function