Anxiety and stress pharmacology Flashcards
What are the definitions of:
- Fear –> the acute reponse to an actual stressor (physiological and psychological response)
- Anxiety –> anticipation or feeling of unease towards a percieved or potential stressor
- Stress –> feeling overwhelmed by situations, real or percieved
What are the problems of fear/ stress/ anxiety
- Fear/ stress/ anxiety are all normal responses that prepare us for the fight or flight response
- Problems arise when this fear/ anxiety/ stress behaviour becomes chronic:
- Can lead to avoidance behaviours
- Secondary displacement (taking out frustration/ feeling/ impulse on objects or people seemed to be less threatening).
- Secondary complications –> effect on heart rate variability:
- Normally heart able to vary its rate and respond to ANS by increase/decrease HR
- Chronic stress inhibits heart rate variability, heart less plastic and less able to respond
What are the primary areas involved in fear and anxiety?
- Suggested primary area for fear is the amygdala, and the primary area for anxiety is the BNST (Bed nucleus stria terminalis). More likely both are involved in both regions
What are the three main classifications of anxiety disorders?
What subclassifications exist for these main classifications?
- Generalised anxiety disorder –> often coincides with depression
- Phobic disorder: simple vs complex
- Specific (spider etc.)
- social anxiety disorder –> begins in early adulthood/ adolescence, feeling of anxiety in any social situation
- panic disorder –> booting up of autonomic NS
- post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) –> often associated with ex forces but any kind of trauma can lead to this, ingrained and can be reactivated, difficult to treat.
- obsessive complusive disorder: (anxiety unless tasks completed in specific order).
- Body dysmorphic disorder
- Anorexia/ bulimia nervosa
What are the symptoms and defining features of generalised anxiety disorder?
- Period of at least 6 months with prominent tension, worry and feelings of apprehension about everyday events and problems.
- Behavioural symptoms:
- Inability to relax or concentrate, restlessness
- avoidance/ putting things off
- Physical symptoms:
- fatigue
- headache
- Gi disturbance
- Dysponea
- trembling/ fidgeting
- Sweating
- Insomnia
- muscle tension
- Psychological:
- Depression
- Irritability
What are the symptoms of specific phobia?
- In response to the trigger:
- imminent feeling of danger/ doom and need to escape
- Heart palpitations
- sweating
- trembling
- Chest pain/ discomfort/ choking feeling
What are the symptoms of social anxiety disorder?
- Typically begins in adolescence or early adulthood
- Everday interactions cause significant anxiety, fear and self conciousness/ embarassment
- Avoidance behaviours, excessive anxiety and fear in anticipation and during social situations, unable to interact with strangers
- Physical symptoms –> Tachycardia, sweating, blushing, GI disturbance, muscle tension, SOB, dizziness
What are the symptoms of PTSD?
- Person must experience symptoms for at least 1 month following a traumatic event, however symptoms may not appear until months later.
- Characterised by:
- re-experiencing trauma through intrusive recollections of the event, flashbacks or nightmares
- Emotional numbness, avoidance of places/ people/ situations that are reminders of trauma
- Increased arousal, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, easily startled, irritated or angered.
What is panic disorder?
How is it diagnosed?
What are the symptoms of a panic attack?
- Diagnosed on the basis of recurrent panic attacks, and at least one attack being followed by a month in which the individual fears another attack.
- Panic attack = sudden onset intense physical and cognitive symptoms, may be triggered or unexpected. May lead to avoidance behaviour.
- Panic attack symptoms:
- palpitations and tachycardia
- Sweating
- Chest pain
- Nausea and GI disturbance
- Trembling/ shaking
- Fear of dying/ losing control
What are the diagnostic criteria and symptoms for OCD? (Obsessive compulsive disorder)
- Diagnostic criteria –> Essential feature is recurrent or obessional thoughts or compulsive acts
- Obsessional thoughts are involuntary, repeated and often distressing.
- Compulsive acts/ rituals are stereotyped behaviours repeated again and again.
- Function of compulsive acts is to prevent an unlikely event from occuring.
- Accompanied by anxiety if the behaviour is not done.
What is anorexia and bulimia nervosa?
- Anorexia – >
- persistent restriction of energy intake leading to significantly low body weight
- intense fear of gaining weight
- persistent behaviour that interferes with weight gain
- lack of recognition of low body weight.
- Bulimia –>
- Recurrent episodes of binge eating, lack of control and intake in excess within 2 hour period
- recurrent episodes self induced behaviours to prevent weight gain, self induced vomiting, misuse laxative, fasting, over exercising
- Behaviours occur at least 1/ week for 3 months
What is body dysmorphic disorder?
- Anxiety disorder in which a person is abnormally preoccupied with imagined defect in physical appearance that is unobservable or slight to others
- Routinely engage in compulsive rituals and behaviours (mirror checking, excessive grooming, skin picking, reassurance seeking).
- Individual must also be severely impacted in occupational and social functioning.
What are the general symptoms of all the anxiety disorders?
- Physical:
- Fatigue
- Tense muscles
- dizziness
- Psychological:
- Insomnia
- panic
- fear
- Depression
- Irritability
- Autonomic:
- Tachycardia
- High BP
- Sweating and cold peripheries
- Dry mouth
What is the most common psychiatric disorder?
- Anxiety disorders are the most common of the psychiatric disorders
What is the most common type of anxiety disorder?
- Most common type of anxiety disorder are the phobias