Anxiety and Insomnia Flashcards
Which part of the brain is implicated in anxiety disorders?
Fear - amygdala;
Worry - cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical (CSTC) loop
Explain the dysregulation in neurotransmitters in anxiety disorders.
1) NE - fight-or-flight;
2) Serotonin - reduced, hence less inhibition of amygdala outputs -> more fear.
3) GABA -> need more to inhibit amygdala output.
S&S of anxiety and worry (>= 6 mo for GAD diagnosis)
- Restlessness
- Being easily fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
- Irritability
- Muscle tension
- Sleep disturbance (insomnia, restless unsatisfying sleep)
List 3 features of Social Anxiety Disorder.
- Fear of social/performance situations, may avoid them.
- Fear of humiliation or embarrassment.
- Duration > 6 mo.
What is Obesessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Obsession: recurrent, persistent thoughts/impulses/images.
Compulsion: repetitive behaviours or mental acts which are clearly excessive. Aimed at preventing the distress.
Patient at some point recognizes that the obsessions/compulsions are excessive or unreasonable.
What is PTSD?
Exposed to traumatic event, which they persistently re-experience it.
Avoidance behaviour of trauma-related stimuli.
List the agents suitable for treatment of GAD.
Venlafaxine XR
TCAs, beta-blockers
List the agents suitable for treatment of Panic Disorder.
SSRIs (Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Sertraline)
List the agents suitable for treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder.
SSRIs (Fluvoxamine, Parox, Sertraline)
May consider MAOIs + BZDs
List the agents suitable for treatment of OCD.
SSRIs (Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine, Sertraline)
Clomipramine (TCA)
List the agents suitable for treatment of PTSD.
SSRIs (Paroxetine, Sertraline)
More imptly: CBT
when will the patient start benefitting from the anxiolytic?
Onset: 1-2 mo
Full response generally @ 3 mo
Expect to be treated for at least 1-2 years, long-term.
Classification of insomnia as a symptom
Acute - Transient (<1 wk)
Acute - short-term (<4 wks)
Chronic (>4 wks)
When should I use hypnotics (x7-10d, max 2-4 wks)?
Sleep difficulties for more than 1 week, but less than 4 weeks.
List 5 non-pharmacological treatment for insomnia (1st-line).
- Caffeine
- Nicotine
- Alcohol
- Drinking fluids after dinner
- Environments - active after 5pm
- Daytime Naps
Establish a routine for getting ready for bed.
Regular physical activities.
Special dosing for Zolpidem (Stillnox)
Adults > 18 yrs: 10mg HS PRN.
Females Half Dose.
[Side Effects] Anticholinergics
Dry mouth
Dry Skin
Pupil dilation
Urinary retention
what is the Contraindication for Lemborexant?
Administration for patient w/ Narcolepsy, severe Hepatic impairment, moderate-strong CYP3A inhibitor/inducer.
Compare the SE profile of BZD and Z-Hypnotics.
Both has sedation.
Z-hypnotic has less N/V, dizziness, dry mouth, headache.
Z-hypnotics - complex sleep behaviours (sleep-walking).
Zopiclone - taste disturbance.
List the SE profile for Trazodone.
Same as SSRIs.
Orthostatic hypotension
Before giving BZD, what should you ensure?
- No severe renal/hepatic impairment.
- Pregnancy / breastfeeding
- Hx of drug/alcohol abuse or psychiatric disorders.
Avoid prolonged usage. Taper off gradually.
BZD + Opioids = increased mortality.