anxiety Flashcards
clinical features of anxiety
Negative mood state, physical tension & apprehension about the future
→ ‘future oriented
- Symptoms interfere with important areas of functioning or cause marked distress.
- not caused by a drug or a medical condition.
- Symptoms persist for at least six months or at least one month for panic disorder.
- distinct from the symptoms of another anxiety disorder.
- some have specifiers
- ‘immediate’ aspect of fear (a present threat)
- Strong escapist action tendencies – Present-oriented
anxiety and fear are adaptive
Both involve arousal or sympathetic nervous system activity.
Fear = ‘fight-or-flight’ reactions — it triggers rapid changes in the sympathetic nervous system to prepare the body for escape or fighting
Anxiety Good for us in moderate amounts
o plan for future threats — increase our preparedness
o a small degree of anxiety has been found to improve performance on laboratory tasks
* U-shaped curve with performance
No anxiety → unprepared
Little anxiety → adaptive
Too much anxiety → detrimental
specific phobias
- disproportionate fear caused by a specific object or situation (can elicit disgust)
- claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces) and acrophobia (fear of heights).
- tend to cluster around a small number of feared objects and situations but may be comorbid (a specific phobia for one type of object/situation can move to other objects/sitch)
Almost always provokes immediate fear/anxiety
Actively avoided or endured with intense fear/anxiety
4 major types of specific phobias
Blood, injection, injury (runs in family)
Situational (mid 20’s or childhood)
Animals & insects (during childhood)
Natural environments (childhood)
Physiology of anxiety, fear, panic
Primary response of HPA axis is to regulate the stress response
- Pituitary gland releases hormones into the blood stream to reach a variety of targets (travel down to the kidneys) and influences secretion of hormones from the endocrine glands (called adrenal glands)
- Hypothalamus releases corticotropin- releasing hormone (CRH) –> signals the pituitary gland –> which signals the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) –> cortisol
release of cortisol causes a number of changes to help the body deal with stress
Pituitary gland:
hormone secreting gland below the hypothalamus
(neuroendocrine structure) controls the release of hormones from the pituitary gland
neurobiological factors to anxiety
o GABA (small amounts of GABA leads to more anxiety)
o norepinephrine - more of this leads to increase in locus corrélées
o serotonin - decrease in serotonin and increase in anxiety
o Corticotropin-releasing factor system – Activates HPA axis
o Hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands
o Limbic system most associated (stress anxiety and panic) overly responsive to stimulation = abnormal bottom-up processing (longer circuit= rumination occurs with GAD –> usually how we deal with our anxiety adaptively but only if we don’t get stuck in the longer circuit)
o Short circuit more likely to go wrong (quick short changes)
o Amygdala centrally involved
o Medial prefrontal cortex – Fails to down-regulate hyper-excitable amygdala = abnormal top-down processing
personality factors to anxiety
Behavioural inhibition: a tendency to become agitated and cry when faced with novel toys, people or other stimuli. (in infants as young as four months old, may be inherited and may set the stage for the later development of anxiety disorders)
- strong predictor of social anxiety disorder:
– Strong predictor of social phobia
– Tendency to react with greater negative affect
– High levels = strong predictor of an anxiety disorder
cognitive factors to anxiety
Sustained negative beliefs about the future
- People with anxiety disorders often report believing that bad things are likely to happen.
- these beliefs are sustained because they engage in safety behaviours to protect themselves
Perceived lack of control
- traumatic events, punitive and restrictive parenting or abuse, after serious life events
- Other life experiences may shape the sense of control over the feared stimulus.
Attention to threat
- people with anxiety disorders pay more attention to negative cues in their environment than do people without anxiety disorders
- Once a threatening object captures their attention, anxious people have a difficult time pulling their attention away from that object;
- Anxiety related information can be created.
Behaviourist theories:
– Classical & operant conditioning
– Modeling
- people with anxiety disorders seem to acquire fears more readily through classical conditioning and to show a slower extinction of fears once they are acquired
Fear conditioning
Mowrer’s two-factor model of anxiety disorders
1) CC= person learns to fear a neutral stimulus (the conditioned stimulus or CS) that is paired with an intrinsically aversive stimulus (the unconditioned stimulus or UCS).
2) A person gains relief by avoiding the CS. (operant conditioning)
Modification to his theory
- modelling (e.g., seeing a dog bite a man or watching a video of a vicious dog attack)
- verbal instruction (e.g., hearing a parent warn that dogs are dangerous).
genetic factors of anxiety
- heritability of 20–40% for specific phobias, social anxiety disorder and GAD, and about 50% for panic disorder
- having a family member with a phobia is related to increased risk of developing not only a phobia but also other anxiety disorders
The medial prefrontal cortex
- helps to regulate amygdala activity and involved extinguishing fears
- engaged when people are regulating their emotions
o people with anxiety display less activity in the medial prefrontal cortex when threatening stimuli arises
o The pathway, or connectivity, linking the amygdala and the medial prefrontal cortex may be deficient which in turn may interfere with the effective regulation and extinction of anxiety
aetiology of specific phobia
two-factor model of behavioural conditioning
- phobias could be conditioned by direct trauma, modelling or verbal instruction.
risk factors; genetic vulnerability, neuroticism, negative cognition and affinity for fear conditioning –> operate as diatheses