Anxiety Flashcards
Examples of anxiety disorders
Generalised anxiety disorder, phobia, post traumatic stress disorder, OCD, panic disorder, acute stress disorder
Generalised anxiety disorder definition
Disproportionate, uncontrollable, excessive worry which is generalised and persistent (>6months). Resulting in a range of somatic, cognitive, and behavioural symptoms. Unrelated to external threat or environment - freefloating.
3 hall mark features of GAD
Apprehension = worry of future, feeling on edge
Motor tension = restless, tension headache, cant relax.
Autonomic overactivity = dry mouth, tachycardia, sweats, dizzy
Risk factors for GAD
Female, family history of psych disorders, domestic violence, low socio-economic status, unemployment, m substance abuse, childhood adversity (maltreatment, over protective, parental substance abuse, bullying), physical or emotional trauma.
GAD symptoms
To make ∆ must have at least 3 of:
restlessness/nervousness, easily fatigued, poor concentration, irritability, muscle tension and sleep disturbance.
Diagnosing GAD
GAD2 or GAD7 questionnaire.
Stage 1 treatment for anxiety
Active monitoring and follow up.
Low intensity psychological intervention based on CBT, this can be self-directed with signposting to material or psycho-educational group.
Advise on sleep hygiene and benefits of physical exercise.
Stage 2 anxiety treatment
Individual high-intensity psychological intervention such as CBT or applied relaxation, or drug treatment (SSRI or SNRI)
Difference between GAD and PD
GAD = slow onset, older patients, chronic and persistent condition, moderate severity over a long period of time. PD = acute onset, teens/early 20s, intense severity over short period, discrete episodes.
Panic disorder definition
Sudden, acute periods of fear, worry, discomfort and panic which are unprovoked and in the absence of multi-themed worry. Unexpected and not related to environment or situation. (usually last 10mins)
Symptoms in panic disorder
Shortness of breath Palpitations Shakiness Nausea Hot/cold flush DIzziness Fear of dying Avoidance behaviours.
Fear of crown or public space.
Social anxiety disorder
Persistent fear and anxiety about social situations that is out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the situation e.g. meeting new people, public speaking, talking to superiors, using public bathroom.
OCD definition
Recurrent, obsessional thought or compulsions. Unable to resist completing the act despite it not being pleasurable.
Treatment of OCD
Information on the condition (MIND).
Psychological intervention via IAPT e.g. exposure and response prevention (ERP) or CBT
Pharmacolgical treatment fo OCD
SSRI, clomipramine
PTSD definition
Prolonged response to a stressful major traumatic event.
Symptoms of PTSD
Re-experience events as flash back or intrusive thoughts.
Avoidance of things which will remind them of event.
Irritable/anger outbursts
Treating PTSD
Refer to specialist mental health team
Trauma-focused psychological interventions e.g. eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing.
Antidepressant e.g. paroxetine or mirtazapine
Types of psychological interventions for anxiety conditions
Cognitive behavioural therapy, Exposure therapy, Complimentary therapy (mindfulness, meditation), E-therapies/online
Thoughts. Sterotyped, non-sensical, intrusive thoughts which recurrently occur. The patient is aware they are their own thoughts.
Actions. Irrestistable urge to complete action despite it not being pleasurable. The behaviour interrupts and causes distress in the patient’s life.
Good psychotherapy for OCD
Exposure response prevention
Good psychotherapy for PTSD
Trauma focused CBT
Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing
4 main symptoms of PTSD
Hyper-vigilance and arousal.
Avoidance of triggers
Intrusive thoughts e.g. nightmares flashbacks.
Mood and cognition disturbance.
What is adjustment disorder
Temporary anxiety in response to a life stressor and persists for no linger than 6 months after stressor ceases.
OCD versus autism
OCD = no pleasure in repeated and compulsive tasks. Autism = finds tasks pleasurable.