ANX, sleep disorder Flashcards
- body’s response to “stress” – overpowering pressure adverse force/ influence exerted on body
- Psychological and physical sx (somatic)
- Adaptive response
○ Caused by perception of real or perceived danger
○ Fear, fight or flight response to perceived threat/ stimulus - Common, natural, self-limiting emotion
○ ANX sx generally subsides after trigger subsides
anx disorder
- Is a disorder if: severe, excessive, persistent anxiety and irrational fears that impairs functioning with everyday living
○ Obsession: irrational fear, persistent thoughts
○ Compulsion: behaviour used to suppress obsession but is unhealthy - When anxiety is out of proportion to actual danger or threat of situation
- Persists long after original trigger disappeared (> 6mnths)
○ Incr risks for developing CVS, CBS, GI, RESP disorders
○ LT tachycardia –> ventricular hypertrophy –> HTN –> end stage organ failure –> stroke
ANX sx consists of both
1) Physical sx: BZP can be used to relief
a. Muscle tense, palpitation, butterflies in stomach (unwell), chest pain
2) Mental sx: BZP will not help.
a. Constant worrying, worry circuit
b. Serotonergic antidep
ANX 3 causes
- FEAR/ WORRY circuits activated by
* fear: sx regulated by amygdala
* worry: sx regulated by cortico-striatal thalamic cortical loop - neurochemical dysregulation
* defense
* behavioural inhibition system
* neurotransmitters (NE, 5HT, GABA) - perinatal trauma, genetics
2nd causes
- medical conditions
* CVS (HF)
* endocrine/ metabolic (hyperTHY)
* neurologic (dementia, delirium)
* pulmonary (asthma, COPD)
* others - drug-induced
* sympathomimetics - pseudoephedrine
* stimulants (drug abuse)
* methylxantine: theophylline, caffeine
* levothyroxine , CS, antidep (sudden incr in neurotransmitters)
* DA agonist, beta-adrenergic agonists - drug withdrawal, drug intoxication , akathisia (APS)
panic attack clinical presentation
different from disorder
- Discrete period of intense fear/ discomfort
- =/> 4 sx developed abruptly
○ Palpitation, PR
○ Sweating
○ Trembling, shaking
○ Feeling of choking
○ Chest pain/ discomfort
○ N, ab distress
○ Dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, faint
○ Derealisation, depersonalisation
○ Fear of losing control
○ Fear of dying
○ Paresthesia (numb, tingling sensation)
○ Chills, hot flushes - Sx can be expected/ unexp
- Reaches peak in 10mins (lasts 20-30min)
Agoraphobia “fear of marketplace” clinical presentation
- Places/ situations from which escape might be difficult
- Help not available when sudden panic attack/ sx
- Hence: situation avoided, endured with marked distress
- Not accounted for by another mental disorder
Generalised anxiety disorder clinical presentation
- Excessive anxiety and worries =/> 6mnths
- Affect function: feel tensed, unwell
- Find it difficult to control
- ANX and worry assoc w/ =/> 3 of following sx (some present for more days)
- Restlessness, feel keyed up, on edge
- Easily fatigue
- Difficulty concentrating, mind goes blank
- Irritable
- Muscle tension
- Sleep disturbance (insomnia, restless sleep)
- Focus of ANX/ worry not confined to features of another mental disorder
- Sx cause sig functional impairment
- Sx not due to another mental condition/ direct physiological effect of sub (drugs)
panic disorder with or w/o agoraphobia
- Anticipatory anxiety of recurrent panic attacks
- Miss out in life in fear of when attack can occur again
- Recurrent unexp panic attacks and
- =/> 1 panic attacks followed by =/> 1mnths of the =/> 1 of the following
a. Persistent anticipatory ANX of having another panic attack
b. Worry about implications of panic attacks
c. Sig change in behaviours related to panic attacks
- Absence/ presence of agoraphobia
- Panic attacks not due to direct physiological effects of a sub (drug), medical condition
- Not better accounted for by another mental disorder
social anxiety disorder clinical presentation
- Fear of being scrutinised or humiliated by others in public
- stressed over social settings, wants to exit ASAP
- Marked and persistent fear of =/> 1 social/ performance situation in which the person is exposed to unfamiliar perople/ scrutiny of others
○ Fear they act in a way (ANX sx) = humiliating or embarassing - Exposure to phobic stimulus provokes an ANX response (situational/ predisposed panic attack)
- Duration > 6mnths
- Feared social/ performance situation avoided, endured with intense ANX/ distress
○ Avoidance, anxious anticipation or distress in feared situation sig impairs functioning
- Sx not due to another mental condition/ direct physiological effect of sub (drugs)
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Either obsessions or compulsions
clinical presentation
- Obsessional thoughts/ impulses that causes marked distress/ ANX
- Recurrent intrusive thoughts
○ Smth will go wrong if you don’t ___ - Person attempts to ignore, suppress such thoughts/ impulses/ images. Neutralise them with some other action/ thought
- Person recognises that the obsessional thoughts are a product of their own mind
- Recurrent intrusive thoughts
- f/b Compulsive behaviours to relieve ANX
- Unhealthy coping method to relief thought (rituals, symmetry etc)
- Repetitive behaviours or mental acts (pray, count, repeating words) in response to an obsession
- Behaviours to prevent/ reduce the distress are NOT CONNECTED in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralise
○ Or are clearly excessive
- Recognise that the O/C are excessive or unreasonable
- O/C causes marked distress, time-consuming (=/>1hr/day), impairs functioning
- If another mental condition is present, content of O/C is not restricted to it
- Sx not due to another mental condition/ direct physiological effect of sub (drugs)
PTSD clinical presentation
- stressor (direct exposure, witness, indirect, repeated exposure to details of event)
- intrusion sx (traumatic event persistently re-experienced: recurrent, dissociative reactions)
- avoidance (trauma related stimuli)
- negative alterations in cognitions and mood (dissociative amnesia, negative beliefs, loss interest)
- alterations in arousal and reactivity (irritable, hypervigilance etc)
- Persistence of sx for > 1mnth
○ Full diagnosis not met until at least 6 mnths after trauma
○ Although onset of sx may occur immediately
○ Significant sx-related distress or functional impairment — Social, occupational - Other dissociative sx: depersonalisation, derealisation, delayed expression
- Disturbance not due to another mental condition/ direct physiological effect of sub (drugs)
- Fear + avoidance behaviour (disabling)
- specific phobia can be marked, persistent fear
* excessively/ unreasonable cued by PRESENCE/ ANTICIPATE object or situation
* immediate anxiety response - avoidance (anxious anticipation, distress) sig impairs functioning
- sx not due to another mental condition
hamilton anxiety scale
○ 18-20: sig anxiety
○ Response = 40-50% reduction
○ Recovery = score < 7
non pharm for ANX
- Psychotherapy
- Pt must have clear mind, therapists help them process
- BZP: makes their brain slow, numb, ineffective psychotherapy
- CBT used in combi with medications
- Relaxation techniques
- Coping with stressors
- OCD: exposure and response prevention
pharm for GAD
- escita, paroxetine (SSRI)
- venlafaxine, duloxetine (SNRI)
- hydroxyzine
. - pregabalin
- TCA?, bb, buspirone
. - CBT, psychotherapy, relaxation, ANX management
panic disorder pharm
flouxetine, sert, paroxetine (SSRI)
venlafaxine (SNRI)
(MAOi, SV?)
SAD pharm
fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline (SSRI)
(MAOi, BZP?)
behavioural therapy
OCD pharm
fluoxetine (SSRI). fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline
clomipramine (TCA)
exposure, response prevention
PTSD pharm
CBT (1st line), psychotherapy
paroxetine, sertraline (SSRI)
acute stress/ ANX sx, agoraphobia pharm
BZP (short course)
hydroxyzine (sedating antiHistamine)
CBT, behavioural therapy
specific phobia pharm
behavioural therapy
meds not effective
LT management of ANX disorder, OCD, PTSD
serotonergic antidep (reduce worry sx of ANX, paroxetine for all)
* SSRI (for OCD 1st line too)
* SNRI (venlafaxine - GAD, PD, SAD)
* TCA clomipramine (OCD)
dosing for serotonergics in ANX
- Start LOW, go SLOW
□ Low dose to reduce transient jitteriness in initial 1-2 wks
□ Consider BZP adjunct - Maintenance HIGH dose
- Effective to tx ANX
effective of serotonergics
- Onset 1-2 mnths. (transient jitteriness 1-2wk)
- Full resp: 3mnths
- Duration: life-long (anticipate the ANX attack so they take for longer time), 1-2yrs
- Withdraw: after 2 yrs
adjunct BZP for anxiety
- physical sx of ANX (muscle tension)
- Onset: fast, 30mins -lora
□ High potency for ANX d/o
□ Clonazepam, lorazepam, alprazolam XR (panic d/o) - Duration: short -term (3-4mnths) of tx, PRN dosing –> taper
□ PD: anxiolytic, hypnotic, muscle relaxation, anticonvulsant, amnesic properties
□ PK: shorter acting > longer acting (too drowsy)
BZP tolerance and dependence
- Tolerance
□ To hypnotic actions, develop within days
□ Less tolerance for anxiolytic action > sleep disorders - Dependence:
□ Avoid abrupt cessation after wks of continued use (withdrawal)
□ Gradual taper required
caution for BZP
- Paradoxical excitement (child, elderly. BZP removed inhibition)
- Dependence and withdrawal sx (esp if pt has hx of drug dependence)
- amnesia
- hepatotoxicity
1) Alcohol, other CNS depressants
a. Separate for 4-6hrs
2) BZP + opioids = incr mortality
a. Avoid combi// limit dose and duration
3) BZP are substrates of CYP3A4 (except lorazepam)
choice of BZP
- Lorazepam, diazepam: for insomnia, ANX, psychosis
○ No metabolites, safer
○ short-intermediate acting BZP + short course - Alprazolam: for ANX, panic attacks
clonazepam PD is off-label
short: alprazolam, lorazepam (t1/2: 12hr)
long: clonazepam, diazepam (t1/2: 20-54hr) + have active metabolite
very short: midazolam (t1/2: 1.8 - 6.4hr)
fast acting, short DOA = greater risk of abuse (midazolam)
duration of BZP use (adjunct)
- lowest effective dose, PRN for sx relief (1-2wks)
- For acute stress disorders (ANX that lasts 3d-1mnth)/ adj disorder w/ anxiety
other adjuncts in anxiety
- Pregabalin (GAD)
□ Onset in 1wk - Antihistamines (hydroxyzine) – ANX, sedating
- BB (bronchospasm risk)
- Kava (risk hepatotoxicity). Chamomile (avoid in preg), Valerian (incr GABA)
other DDI to look for
serotonergics and __
- Alcohol, CNS depressants
- Incr cns depressant SE of BZP and antidep
- Anticholinergics
- Excess anticholinergic SE
- MAOis and SSRIs/ TCA combi
- Serotonin syndrome: restless, diaphoresis, tremor, shiver, myoclonus, hyperreflexia, confusion, convulsion, DEATH
sleep-wake cycle
- Reset internal clock by clues (day light)
- Hormone
○ Melatonin secretion incr during sleep. Suppressed by day light - Neurotransmitters
○ Sleep-promoting: GABA
○ Wakefulness- promoting: NE, DA, acetylcholine, histamine, orexin
sleep states
- Wakefulness
- Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep - 75% (Low HR, BP, RR)
1) Light sleep (15-30mins)
2) Deeper sleep
3) Stage 3,4 Delta sleep, restorative sleep
a) Release growth hormones
b) Restore protein synthesis
c) Wound healing
d) Immune function - Rapid eye movement sleep - 25%
- Cyclical: 4-6 cycles/ night. 70-120min per cycle
- Inability to initiate/ maintain sleep
- Associated with daytime problem
○ Fatigue
○ Unable to conc
○ Memory
assessment of sleep
- Objective: Polysomnography
- Comprehensive recording of EEG
- Electrooculogram
- electromyogram
- spO2, RR, HR
- Subjective
- Quality of sleep (refreshing)
- Prominent sx: excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
amount of sleep
- Adult 18-64yr (=/> 7hr/day)
○ <6hr: ADR
○ DM, HTN, obesity, HD, stroke, dep, impaired immunity, risk of accidents/ death - Adult =/> 65yo (7-8hr/day)
○ <5hr is too little sleep
DSM5 criteria for sleep disorder
- complain of unsatisfying sleep qty or quality
- presence of =/> 1
* difficulty initiate sleep/ maintain/ early morning awakening - impair social, occupational, academic, educational, behavioural, functional distress or impairment
- sleep complaint occurs =/> 3 nights/ wk. for 3mnths
- sleep difficulty even with ample opportunity to sleep
- not due to other sleep-wake disorder, ADE of meds/ sub, coexisting psychiatric illness, med illness
DSM5 on duration of insomnia disorder
episodic: last 1-<3mnths
persistent: last =/>3 mnth
recurrent: exp =/>2 ep within 1 yr
acute sleep disorder
sleep difficulties for 1 night - few wks
- transient: < 1wk
- ST: < 4wks
likely due to acute stressors
- sleep hygiene, self-limit
- short PRN BZP (7-10d ~ 2-4wk)
chronic sleep disorder
sleep difficulties =/>3nights/ wk for =/> 1mnth
> 4wks
likely due to 2nd psych/ med problem, poor sleep hygiene, sub abuse, 1* sleep disorder (sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome)
- underlying cause
- sleep hygiene
- avoid LT use of BZP
non pharm
- Psychotherapy (CBT - insomnia)
- Relaxation training
- Sleep restriction therapy
- Stimulus control therapy
- identify/ manage underlying causes/ disorders/ stressors
- sleep hygiene
sleep hygiene
- avoid: caffeine, heavy meals (2hr before bedtime), fluids (ON urine), noisy environment, daytime naps
- only use bed for sleep
- establish routine
- relaxation techniques
- atmosphere conducive for sleep
- temp, earplugs, dark, pleasant thoughts
- same time everyday (sleep-wake)
- regular physical activities (not close to bedtime)
- PRN sleeping pills (when appropriate)
○ Fast-acting anxiolytics/ sedatives/ hypnotics as ADJUNCT for short-term relief of distressful insomnia/ ANX
○ PRN dosing, lowest effective dose, short course (1-2wks) - Anxiolytics (sedatives): induce sleep ON
- Hypnotics (sleeping pills): sedate when OM
○ BZP, Z-hypnotics, antihistamines, melatonin receptor agonist, lemborexant
○ Off-label: antidep Trazodone, antipyshotics - Antipsychotics (neuroleptics): tranquilise w/o impair consciousness/ cause paradoxical excitement
○ Calm disturbed pts