antrho important people (chapter 1) Flashcards
Dian Fossey
Dian Fossey - Primatologist who went to Rwanda to observe gorillas.
Birute Galdikas
Birute Galdikas - Primatologist who went to Borneo to observe orangutans, spent over 40 years studying them.
Jane Goodall
Jane Goodall - Primatologist who went to Tanzania to observe chimpanzees.
Sue Savage-Rumbaugh
Sue Savage-Rumbaugh - Long term study of bonobo communication, taught primates to communicate using 348 graphic symbols
Raymond Dart
Raymond Dart - Anatomist that was given a skull in South Africa, named it Australopithecus africanus and was the first person to provide evidence of the African origin of humanity.
Donald Johanson
Donald Johanson - Paleoanthropologist who found a 40% complete skeleton in Ethiopia and named it Lucy. Lucy was a hominin that walked the earth 3.2 million years ago.
Louis Leakey
Louis Leakey - Found further proof of an african origin by finding a skull with his wife and using radiometric dating to determine the skull to be 1.75 years old.
Mary Leakey
Mary Leakey - Named the skull fossil “Dear Boy” she found with her husband in Kenya.
Richard Leakey
Richard Leakey - Found a nearly complete Homo erectus skeleton at Lake Turkana and proved alongside his parents, humanity’s african origin.
Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin - Established the concept of natural selection which explains how animals/plants evolved. Trip on the HMS Beagle lead him to such conclusions after viewing the finches from the Galapagos Islands.
Ruth Benedict
Ruth Benedict - An anthropologist who researched Japan during WW2 for the US government without going to Japan. Instead, she used all of the cultural material she could, such as interviewing Japanese immigrants.
Franz Boas
Franz Boas - A pioneer of modern anthropology who promoted the idea of cultural relativism, which states that one cannot compare two cultures since each has its own set of internal rules to be accepted.
Napoleon Chagnon
Napoleon Chagnon - Anthropologist who was criticized for his dealings with the Yanomamo people by giving them weapons and medecin.
Marvin Harris
Marvin Harris - Pioneered Cultural Materialism, which is a theory that materials/conditions within an environment influence how that culture develops by creating ideas and ideology.
Diamond Jenness
Diamond Jenness - Studied the oral history of the nomadic Innuinait (Copper Inuit) in the Canadian Arctic. He felt it was important to document the way of life that he called “disappearing cultures”.