Antónimos Flashcards
alejarse (to move away)
acordarse (to remember)
olvidarse ( to forget)
alegre (happy)
triste (sad)
agua (water)
fuego (fire)
algo (something)
nada (nothing)
alguien (somebody)
nadie (nobody)
alguno (some)
ninguno (none)
allí (over there)
aquí (here)
alto (tall)
bajo (short)
amar (to love)
odiar (to hate)
amargo (bitter)
dulce (sweet)
amigo (friend)
enemigo (enemy)
amo (master)
esclavo (slave)
amor (love)
odio (hate)
ancho (wide)
estrecho (thin)
anoche (last night)
esta noche (tonight)
antes de (before)
después de (after)
antiguo (old)
moderno (modern)
aparecer (to appear)
desaparecer ( to disappear)
ausente (absent)
presente (present)
bajar (to descend)
subir (to climb, to ascend)
barato (cheap)
caro (expensive)
bien (good)
mal (bad)
bueno (good)
malo (bad)
blanco (white)
negro (black)
caballero (gentleman)
dama (lady)
callarse (to shut up)
hablar (to speak)
cerca de (close to)
lejos de (far from)
cielo (sky)
tierra (ground)
comprar (to buy)
vender (to sell)
común (common)
raro (uncommon)
corto (short)
largo (long)
dar (to give)
tomar/recibir (to take)
debajo (underneath)
encima (on top of)
débil (weak)
fuerte (strong)
delante de (in front of)
detrás de
despertarse (to wake up)
dormirse (to go to sleep)
día (day)
noche (night)
difiícil (difficult)
fácil (easy)
duro (hard)
suave (soft)