Antónimos Flashcards
alejarse (to move away)
acordarse (to remember)
olvidarse ( to forget)
alegre (happy)
triste (sad)
agua (water)
fuego (fire)
algo (something)
nada (nothing)
alguien (somebody)
nadie (nobody)
alguno (some)
ninguno (none)
allí (over there)
aquí (here)
alto (tall)
bajo (short)
amar (to love)
odiar (to hate)
amargo (bitter)
dulce (sweet)
amigo (friend)
enemigo (enemy)
amo (master)
esclavo (slave)
amor (love)
odio (hate)
ancho (wide)
estrecho (thin)
anoche (last night)
esta noche (tonight)
antes de (before)
después de (after)
antiguo (old)
moderno (modern)
aparecer (to appear)
desaparecer ( to disappear)
ausente (absent)
presente (present)
bajar (to descend)
subir (to climb, to ascend)
barato (cheap)
caro (expensive)
bien (good)
mal (bad)
bueno (good)
malo (bad)
blanco (white)
negro (black)
caballero (gentleman)
dama (lady)
callarse (to shut up)
hablar (to speak)
cerca de (close to)
lejos de (far from)
cielo (sky)
tierra (ground)
comprar (to buy)
vender (to sell)
común (common)
raro (uncommon)
corto (short)
largo (long)
dar (to give)
tomar/recibir (to take)
debajo (underneath)
encima (on top of)
débil (weak)
fuerte (strong)
delante de (in front of)
detrás de
despertarse (to wake up)
dormirse (to go to sleep)
día (day)
noche (night)
difiícil (difficult)
fácil (easy)
duro (hard)
suave (soft)
empezar (to start)
terminar (to finish)
encender (to turn on)
apagar (to turn off)
entrada (entrance)
salida (exit)
esposo (husband)
esposa (wife)
este (east)
oeste (west)
éxito (success)
fracaso (failure)
feliz (happy)
triste (sad)
fin (finish)
principio (beginning)
flaco (thin)
gordo (fat)
frío (cold)
caliente (hot)
fuera (outside)
dentro (inside)
grande (big)
pequeño (small)
guerra (war)
paz (peace)
hermoso (beautiful)
feo (ugly)
hombre (man)
mujer (woman)
hoy (today)
inteligente (intelligent)
estúpido (stupid)
ir (to go)
venir (to come)
lavantarse (to get up)
sentarse (to sit down)
ligero (light)
pesado (heavy)
limpio (clean)
sucio (dirty)
lleno (full)
vacío (empty)
llorar (to cry)
madre (mother)
padre (father)
marido (husband)
mujer (wife)
más (more)
menos (less)
mayor (older)
menor (younger)
mejor (better)
peor (worse)
mentir (to lie)
decir la verdad (to tell the truth)
meter (to put inside)
sacar (to take out)
mismo (same)
diferente (different)
morir (to die)
vivir (to live)
mucho (a lot)
poco (a little)
muerte (dead)
vida (alive)
no (no)
sí (yes)
norte (north)
sur (south)
oscuro (dark)
claro (clear)
original (original)
copia (copy)
perder (perder)
ganar (to win)
perezoso (lazy)
trabajador (hard working)
permitir (to allow)
prohibir (to prevent)
pobre (poor)
rico (rich)
ponerse (to put on)
quitarse (to take off)
posible (possible)
imposible (imposible)
primero (first)
último (last)
principe (prince)
princesa (princess)
rápido (fast)
despacio (slow)
recoger (to pick up)
dejar caer (to drop)
respuesta (answer)
pregunta (question)
rey (king)
reina (queen)
rubio (blond)
moreno (brunete)
ruido (noise)
silencio (silence)
sabio (wise)
tonto (foolish)
salir (to leave)
entrar (to enter)
siempre (always)
nunca (never)
sueño (dream)
realidad (reality)
tarde (late)
temprano (early)
valiente (brave)
cobarde (cowardly)
verano (summer)
invierno (winter)
verdad (truth)
metira (lies)
vicio (vice)
virtud (virtue)
viejo (old)
joven (young)
vivo (alive)
muerto (dead)