Antitrust Flashcards
Sherman act
Attempts to prevent concentrations of economic power/ large companies controlling multiple industries
Clayton act
Passed cause courts didn’t strictly enforce the Sherman act
Violation types
Per Se
Rule of reason
Per se
Rule of reason
Illegal only if it has anticompetitive impact
Illegal cooperative strategies
Horizontal (amount competitors)
Vertical (participants at different stages)
Mergers and joint ventures (permanent)
Market division
Any effort to divide the market
Per se
Price fixing
Per se
Refusal to deal
Deciding not to do business with someone
Rule of reason
Reciprocal dealing agreements
Buyer must sell and seller must buy to do business
Rule of reason
Price discrimination
Illegal to charge different prices to different purchasers if items are the same and it lessens competition
Mergers and joint ventures
Clayton act prohibits mergers that are anticompetitive
Aggressive strategies
Seek to gain unfair advantage over competitors
Only illegal if gained through wrongful tactics
Predatory pricing
Lowering prices until competitors are forced out of business
Tying agreement
Agreeing to sell a product if buyer also buys another product
Illegal if products are separate and seller has significant power in the market
Vertical allocation of customers
Rule of reason
RPM resale price maintenance
Setting minimum prices
Per se