Antihistamines & Corticosteroids, and NSAIDs Flashcards
Carbinoxamine, Dimenhydrinate, Diphenhydramine
- Ethanolamine antihistamines that have anticholinergic properties alone with H1 antagonism
- Cause sedation, carbinoxamine=slight-moderate, dimenhydrinate and diphenhydramine=marked sedation and anti motion sickness activity
- Tox-urinary retention, blurred vision. nonallergic rhinnorea
- Diphenhydramine can be used as an antiparkinsonism drug and as local anesthetic w/promethiazine
MOA of antihistamines
All are H1 antagonists, so their effects are mediated via H2 receptors
Hydroxyzine, cyclizine, meclizine
- Piperazine antihistamines
- cause sedation
- cyclizine is the best antihistamine for motion sickness
- meclizine is long acting
Brompheniramine, chlorpheiramine
-alkylamine antihistamines that cause slight sedation
- H1 blocker with less anti-motion sickness action and more sedative and autonomic effects
- has an alpha blocking effect that makes it useful as a local anesthetic and antiemetic
- H1 antagonist and serotonin 5-ht2 antagonist
- used in carcinoid tumor
- Useful in limiting serotonin effects of bronchospasm and cold induced urticaria
Second generation antihistamines-fexofenadine, loratadine, cetirizine
- less distribution into the CNS–>less sedation than 1st generation antihistamines
- metabolized by cyp3a4-c
- used for allergic rhinitis and chronic urticaria
Bradykinin, kallidin
- ↑ IP3, DAG, cAMP, NO. Dilates arterioles, increases capillary permeability, stimulates sensory nerve endings
- kallidin is a precursor to bradykinin
Short acting Glucocorticoids-hydrocortisone, prednisone, methylprednisolone
-Inhibition of phospholipase A2, reduces expression of
-Treatment of severe refractory chronic asthma
-Oral, Duration: 12–24 h
Intermediate-acting glucocorticoids-triamcinolone, betamethasone, dexamethasone
-Inhibition of phospholipase A2, reduces expression of
-Give betamethasone to mother if delivery is expected before 34 weeks because it has increased transger across placenta as compared to cortisol
Glucocorticoids available as an aerosol-beclomethasone, bedesonide, flunisolide, fluticasone
-MOA-Inhibition of phospholipase A2, reduces expression of cyclooxygenase
-Uses-Prophylaxis of asthma: drugs of choice
-Inhalation, Duration: 10–12 h
-Tox-Pharyngeal candidiasis, minimal systemic steroid
toxicity (eg, adrenal suppression)
Mast cell degranulation inhibitors-cromolyn, nedocromil
-mainly for exercise induced asthma, chronic use may slightly reduce bronchial reactivity, NO effect on smooth muscle tone-do not reverse asthmatic bronchospasm, only for prophylactic use, can give to those w/ steroid phobia
-Reduce release of inflammatory and bronchoconstrictor mediators from sensitized mast cells
-Uses-Rarely used prophylaxis of asthma;
-cromolyn also used for ophthalmic, nasopharyngeal, and
gastrointestinal allergy
-Inhaled aerosol for asthma, cromolyn local application
for other applications, Duration: 3–6 h
Leukotriene pathway drugs-zileuton, montelukast, zafirlukast
- Principal advantage is that they’re taken orally and are therefore great for kids that poorly comply/no need to worry about growth restriction from steroids
- Pharmacologic antagonists at LTD4 receptors Inhibitor of lipoxygenase, reduces synthesis of leukotrienes
- Prophylaxis of asthma
- Oral Duration: 12–24 h
- Tox-Elevation of liver enzymes
-Binds IgE antibodies on mast cells; reduces reaction to
inhaled antigen
-Uses-Prophylaxis of severe, refractory asthma not
responsive to all other drugs
-Parenteral, administered as several courses of injections, Extremely expensive
-long-term toxicity not yet
well documented