Antigen recognition by T cells Flashcards
Define antigen
Proteins, carbohydrates and lipids capable of binding BCRs, TCRs and/ or innate immune receptors to induce an immune response
What is an epitope?
- Specific portion of an antigen, that a complementary Ab will bind to
- Each antigen will have multiple epitopes that different Abs can bind to = polyclonal response
- Ags will be degraded and processed, and the epitope will be presented on MHC to T cells
Why cant T cells recognise native antigens?
- Native = not processed
- B-cells can be actiavted if their IgM is cross-linked, allowing proliferation and production of Abs
- Native Antigen has to be processed and presented on MHC before T cells can produce a response
What immune cells recognise and process ag?
- APCs
- Monocytes = have CD14+ (dont express huge amounts, but they form a reservoir for differentiation into macrophages and DCs)
- Macrophages = CD11b+
- DCs = CD11c+ (myeloid) or CD123+ (plasmacytoid)
- B cells = CD19+ (BCR)
What are macrophages and DCs?
- Rarely found in peripheral blood - in mucosal tissues
- High phagocytic cells - induce strong T-cell responses and inflammation
- Macrophages = better equipped to kill pathogens (higher NO production)
- DCs = better at migrating to lymph nodes (via CCR7) and presenting ag to T-cells
What do B cells do?
- Highly abundant in blood and mucosal tissue
- Receptor-mediated internalisation of Ags as opposed to phagocytosis
- Differentiate into plasma cell to make Ab
- Good APCs
- Main inducer of T-cell response against pathogens
Fixed vs viable APC
- If an APC is viable, it can be presented with native protein, process it and present the ag on MHC to T cells
- If an APC is fixed, it is metabolically inert and so can only present the ag if it has been pre-digested
What are the 2 pathways of antigen presenting?
- Exogenous - ag taken up from outside the cell. EC bacteria e.g. N.meningitidis or s.aureus
- Endogenous - ag from inside the cell. Viruses e.g. HIV, tumour antigens
What are the different processes of exogenous antigen uptake?
- B cells use receptor-mediated internalisation
- Phagocytosis - uses PRRs
- Pinocytosis - cell drinking. DCs are constantly sampling the surroundings to detect pathogens
- Fc receptor mediated phagocytosis
- Complement receptor mediated phagocytosis
How do cells go from endocytosis to presenting ag?
- Exogenous protein is endocytosed and exposed to proteases, NO, low pH and ROS in an endosome
- Will then become a late endosome/lysosome - becomes increasingly toxic
- Fuses with the MHC class II compartment
- MHC class II is exported from the ER and joins the compartment
- Invariant chain sits in the ag receptor for now, stabilising the molecule
- enzymes start to degrade invariant chain, leaving the CLIP peptide, which is then displaced by the ag
- HLA-DM helps to shuttle the loaded MHC to the surface, where it can present to CD4+ cells
How does endogenous, cytoplasmic protein get processed?
- Cytoplasmic protein gets cleaved after going through the proteasome
- TAP is an ATP dependent transporter that shuttles the peptides into the ER
- Here it is loaded onto MHC I, which like MHC II, is unstable until bound Ag, so needs chaperones
- ER amino peptidases break the particles into smaller pieces in the ER
- When the MHC I is ready and loaded, it is taken up to the surface, through the golgi to the surface, and presented to CD8 T cells
What are the differences in processing between endogenous and exogenous ags?
- Ag endocytosed
- Degraded in lysosomes
- Loaded onto MHC class II
- Presented to CD4+ Th cells
- Ag already in cell
- Degraded in proteasome
- Loaded onto MHC class I
- Presented to CD8+ CTL cells
What happens with pathogens that dont infect APCs?
- e.g. avian flu only infects lung ciliated epithelia
- Epithelial cells arent very good at activating the immune system
- Have to carry out ag cross-presentation
What is the process of ag cross-presentation?
- Endocytosed exogenous ags can go by cytosolic diversion to be fed into the proteasome, allowing MHC I production
- Ags are take to the proteasome, chopped up, fed into the ER and loaded on MHC I
MHC class I vs Class II
Class I
- Expressed on all nucleated cells
- Binds short peptides
- Presents to CD8+ T cells
- Ags from cytosol + cross presentation
- Has 3 alpha subunits, a beta-2 microglobulin and a cytoplasmic tail
Class II
- Expressed on APCs, thymic epithelia and activated T-cells
- Binds long peptides
- Presents to CD4+ T-cells
- Ags from phagosomes and endosomes