Antigen Presentation via MHC Flashcards
How is the MHC signal 1 for T cell activation?
- Underlying principle of adaptive T cell immunity is specificity of response
- Requires the T cell recognizing and responding to the correct antigens → signal 1
- Interaction between the MHC epitope complex and the TCR of the T cell thus provides specificity
What is the function of MHC-I, and what cells express it?
- Present peptides from intracellular pathogens (commonly viruses) to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells
- Viruses can infect any nucleated cell, almost all such cells express MHC-I, highest being:
- T cells
- B cells
- Macrophages
- DCs
- Neutrophils
- RBCs do not express MHC, so a RBC is a site where infection can go undetected → malaria
What is the function of MHC-II, and what cells express it?
- Present peptides from extracellular antigens to CD4+ T cells
- Main function is to activate other effector cells of the immune system, so mainly expressed on:
- B cells
- Macrophages
- DCs
- As reviewed in Kambayashi and Laufer, 2014, as well as APCs, other cell types have been found to express MHC-II:
- Mast cells → could present antigen to CD4+ T cells in vitro, but cant prime naïve T cells
- Basophils → can present antigens to T cells
- Eosinophils → MHC-II expression can be induced. Form clusters with APCs in draining lymph nodes and could restimulate memory
- Innate lymphoid cells → express genes for MHC-II
- LN stromal cells → upregulate MHC-II under inflammatory conditions
- Endothelial cells → Express MHC-II, and evidence that interactions with CD4+ T cells involved in some autoimmune disaeases and graft rejection.
How do interferons regulate MHC expression?
- IFN-a and IFN-B increase expression of MHC-I
- IFN-y inceases expression of MHC-I and II, and can induce MHC-II on cell types that don’t normally express it
- IFNs also enhance antigen presenting function of MHC-I by inducing key components in the peptide loading machinery
What are the problems that must be overcome by MHC?
- Individual can become infected with a huge variety of pathogens → MHC must be able to bind to and express each of all pathogen peptides it encounters
- If not, the individual will not be able to mount an adaptive T cell response to many pathogens, leaving them immunocompromised
- MHC must stably bind to and present peptides for recognition by T cells
- Think how infrequently a CD8+ T cell may encounter its cognate peptide
- Peptide exchanges should not occur as this may lead to inappropriate cellular activation, or anergy
What are the 2 properties of MHC that make it difficult for a pathogen to evade?
- Polygenic → several different MHC-I and MHC-II genes, so every individual possess a set of MHC molecules with different ranges of peptide binding specificities
- Polymorphic → multiple variants, or alleles, of each gene within the population
Describe the MHC gene cluster.
- In humans, it is AKA the human leukocyte antigen (HLA.
- Span as many as 7 million base pairs, containing over 200 genes.
- 3 class I molecules – HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C
- 3 class II molecules – HLA-DR, HLA-DQ and HLA-DP
- In many people, the DR cluster contains an extra beta gene whos product can pair with the DR-alpha chain. This means 3 gets of genes can give rise to 4 types of MHC-II
- Located on chromosome 6 (b-2 microglobulin chromosome 15, invariant chain chromosome 5)
- Genes of the MHC are linked with genes for the TAP and the proteasome, suggesting the entire MHC has been selected during evolution for antigen processing and presentation.
- Treating with IFNs increases expression of the MHC, proteasome and TAP genes.
- IFNs produced early in the viral response
- Thus increases ability of all cells to process viral proteins and present them on the cell surface
Talk about MHC polymorphisms
- Because of the polygeny of MHC, each person expresses at least 3 MHC-I and 2 (sometimes 4) MHC-II.
- However, the number of different MHC expressed is greater because of polymorphisms → more than 800 alleles for some of the genes.
- Notable exception of the DR-alpha locus, which is functionally monomorphic
- Each allele is relatively frequent in the population, so there is only a small chance that the corresponding gene loci on both homologous chromosomes of an individual will have the same allele – most will be heterozygous.
- The combination of MHC alleles found on a chromosome is called the haplotype
- Expression of MHC alleles is co-dominant.
• For MHC-II, the number of different MHC molecules may be increased further by a combination of alpha and beta chains encoded by different chromosomes
- Each MHC isoform may differ from each other by up to 20 amino acids
- Differences usually localized the peptide binding cleft → many polymorphisms alter the amino acids lining the binding pocket (anchor residues).
- The set of anchor residues is called a sequence motif
- In rare cases, processing of an antigen will not generate a peptide with a suitable sequence motif for binding to any of the MHC molecules expressed by an individual
- Such failures in responsiveness to antigens were first reported in inbred animals, where they were called immune response gene defects.
- The immune response affected by these defects was known to depend on T cells, and early experiments showed that T cells could be activated only by macrophages or B cells that shared MHC aleles with the mouse in which the T cells originated → first evidence that antigen recognition by T cells depends on the presence of specifc MHC molecules (MHC restriction).
- We now know MHC restriction is due to the fact that binding specificity of TCR is not for its peptide antigen alone, but the complex of peptide and MHC
- Obvious important for host defense
• Because most individuals are heterozygous, most matings will produce offspring that receive one of 4 possible combinations of the parent haplotypes → thus siblings are likely to differ in the MHC, only ¼ chance they will be the same.
- MHC polymorphisms seem to have been selected for by evolutionary pressures.
- Effect of section pressure in favour of polymorphisms can be seen in the pattern of point mutations → replacement substitutions occur at a highly frequency relative to the silent substitutions that would be expected, providing evidence that polymorphisms have been actively selected for.
- MHC provides ways a pathogen could evade detection:
- Mutations that eliminated from the pathogen all peptides that can bind the MHC
- Epstein-Barr virus
- 60% population in New Guinea have HLA-A11 allele
- Epstein-Barr virus have mutations in the dominant peptide epitope that bidns to HLA-A11
- Some pathogens can block presentation of their peptides by MHC
- Adenoviruses
- In large, outbred populations, polymorphism means different individuals will differ in combinations of MHC, and makes it unlikely all individuals in a population will be equally susceptible to a pathogen → limits the spread!
- Also, increasing variety of MHC means it is unlikely a pathogen can block presentation of their peptdies by ALL MHC
• Question raised: If having 3 MHC loci is better than one, why aren’t there more? → Each time a distinct MHC molecule is added to the repertoire, all T cells that can respond to self peptide bound to it must be deleted. Number of MHC genes therefore is an optimal balance of increased range of preptide presentation, and minimal loss of T cells from the repertoire
What is the structure of the MHC-I?
- Heterodimeric glycoprotein
- TM polymorphic alpha chain from chromosome 6, non-covalently associated with the b-2 microglobulin chain (non-polymorphic) from chromosome 15.
- Only the alpha chain spans the membrane
- 4 domains, three from the alpha chain, one from the beta-2 microglobulin
- Alpha-3 domain and beta-2 microglobulin resemble Ig domains
- The alpha-1 and alpha-2 domains form the peptide binding cleft (these are polymorphic and determine the sequence of the peptide that can bind).
- In MHC-I, the cleft is CLOSED
Describe peptide binding to MHC-I
- Important feature is that binding of peptides to MHC molecules is that they are bound as an integral part of the MHC structure → MHC are unstable when peptides are not bound
- Binding is stabilized at both ends of the cleft by contacts between atoms in the free amino and carboxy termini of the peptide, and invariant tyrosine sites found at each end of the cleft.
- Other residues in the peptide serve as additional anchors
- Peptides that bind are 8-10aa long
- Longer peptides may bind but they are subsequently cleaved by exopeptideases in the ER
- Peptides lie in an elongated conformation
- Variations in peptide length are accommodated by kinking in the peptide backbone
- The MHC polymorphisms give different amino acids in the key peptide-interaction sites.
- Peptides that can bind to an MHC have the same aa residues at two or 3 points along the peptide sequence
- The amino acid side chains of these residues insert into pockets in the MHC linked by polymorphic amino acids
- The peptides involved in this are called anchor residues – they determine binding specificity
- A set of anchor residues is called a sequence motif
- Most MHC-I have a hydrophic anchor residue at the C-terminus
- Binding also depends on the nature of aa’s at other positions on the peptide, and in some cases particular aa’s are preferred in certain positions → these are called secondary anchors.
- Any given MHC-I can theoretically bind any number of peptides as long as they have comparable anchor residues.
Describe the 26S proteasome
- Typical proteasome composed of one 20S catalytic core and two 19S regulatory caps
- The 20S core is a large, cyclindrical complex of 28 subunits, arranged in 4 stacked rings of 7 subunits
- It is a hollow core lined by active sites of proteolytic subunits
- Proteins are tagged for degradation by ubiquitin → targets them to the 19S cap
- ATPases control the opening of the 20S core chanber
Describe the immunoproteasome
- The two inner rings of the 20S proteasome core are composed of B1, B2 and B5 subunits
- These are sometimes displaced by alternative subunits called LMP7 → encoded within the MHC near the TAP
- LMP7 is induced by interferons, thus the proteasome can exist in two forms:
- Constitutive 26S proteasome present in all cells
- Immunoproteasome present in cells stimulated with IFNs
- The replacement of the beta subunits with LMP7 alters the enzymatic specificity of the proteasome
- Increased cleavage of polypeptides after hydrophobic residues
- Decreased cleavage after acidic residues
- This produces peptides with carboxy-terminal residues that are preferred anchor residues for MHC-I, and preferred structures for TAP
- The production of peptides of the correct length is increased by a further modification that is induced by IFN-y → binding of the proteasome to the proteasome activator complex PA28.
- Binds to either end of the 20S core in place of the 19S cap
- Acts to increase the rate peptides are rleased
- Translation of self or pathogen derived mRNA in the cytoplasm may generate defected ribosomal products (DRiPs)
- Ensures both self proteins and proteins derived from pathogens generate abundant peptides for eventual presentation by MHC-I
What are the TAPs
- Members of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) family
- Mediate the ATP-dependent transport of ions, sugars, amino acids and peptides across membranes
- The two ABCs associated with the ER membrane, and the ones that are missing from mutant cells with fewer MHC on the surface, are TAP1 and TAP2.
- Form a heterodimer across the ER membrane
- Prefers to transport proteins 8-16aa long with hydrophobic residues at the C-terminus
Describe peptide loading to MHC-I
- Partially folded MHC-I alpha chains bind to calnexin until the b2-microglobulin binds
• Calnexin retains MHC-I in a partially folded state - MHC-I a:B2 microglobulin complex is released from calnexin, binds the peptide loading complex (calreticulin, ERp57) and binds to TAP via tapasin
• When B2 microgloulin binds to the alpha chain, the partly folded MHC-I a:B2 microglobulin heterodimer dissociates from calnexin, and now binds to the MHC class I peptide loading complex
• Calreticulin is similar to calnexin
• Tapasin forms a bridge between MHC-I and TAP
• ERp57 forms a stable disulphide link with tapsasin - Cytosolic proteins and DRiPs are degraded to peptide fragments by the proteasome. TAP delivers the peptides to the ER
• Proteasome produces peptides, and chaperones such as TRiC protect the peptides from complete degradation in the cytoplasm.
• Many of the peptides produced are too long to bind to MHC-I, so proteasome cleavage may not be the only mechanism:
• Evidence that the C-terminal ends are produced by proteasome cleavage, but the N terminal may be produced by another mechanism → proteins that are too long can still be transported into the ER, where their amino termini can be trimmed by ERAAPs
• TAP delivers all these peptides to the ER> - A peptide binds the MHC-I and completes its folding. The MHC-I is released from the TAP complex and is exported to the cell membrane.
• Not yet clear whether the PLC actively loads peptides onto the MHC, or whether binding to the PLC simply allows the MHC-I molecule to scan the peptides transported by TAP before they diffuse away
• Most of the peptides transported by TAP will not be bound by MHC, and are rapidly cleared from the ER by the Sec61 complex.
How can viruses interfere with MHC-I antigen presentation?
- Some viruses evade immune recognition by producing immunoevasins → prevent the appearance of peptide:MHC class I on the infected cell
- Some immunoevasins block peptide entry into the ER by targeting the TAP
- Herpes simplex and cytomegalovirus → bind to surface of TAP or inhibit its ATPase activity
- Viral proteins can also prevent peptide:MHC complexes from reaching the cell surface by retaining MHC-I in the ER
- Adenovirus → contains motif retains the protein complex in the ER
- Several viral proteins catalyse the degradation of the newly synthesized MHC-I by a process known as dislocation – initiates the pathway normally used to degrade misfolded ER proteins by directed them back into the cytosol
- Gamma herpes → direct association with the TAP:Tapsasin complex. Its ubiquitin ligase activity adds ubiquitin to the tails of MHC-I so it is targeted for degradation
What is cross-presentation?
- The problem with the cytosolic mode of antigen presentation:
- Majority of infected cells aren’t APCs
- Only APCs can prime a CD8+ T cell
- If the infected cell is not an APC, how can a CD8+ T cell response be primed?
- → an APC must be able to phagocytose an infected cell expressing MHC-I and re-route the ‘extracellular’ antigens to MHC-I !
- Cross-presentation first shown by Michael Bevan, 1976
- It is the “process by which exogenous antigens captured by phagocytic APCs are processed and presented onto MHC-I molecules”
• Propsed to be an evolutionary mechanism in response to evasion mechanisms associated with the direct infection of DCs by viruses (eg, inhibition of direct presention) → supported by the fact that DCs can perform cross-presentation without being infected.
What is the in vivo evidence for the role of murine DCs in cross presentation?
- Suggests cross-presentation is mostly performed by the mouse CD8+/CD103+ subset of DCs (cDC1s)
- Lung cDC1s pick up intranasally delivered soluble antigen and transport them to LNs, performing cross presentation
- Splenic cDC1s isolated from mice infected with plasmodium much more effective at cross-presentation than cDC2s.
- Monocyte derived DCs generated in inflammation capable of cross-presenting to some extent, but unsure of the role of this in inducing CD8+ T cells in vivo
What human DC subsets are important in cross-presentation?
- Some studies show cDC1s seem to be more efficient at stimulating CD8+ T cells using HIV or HCMV infected necrotic cells
- In contrast, analyzing tonsil-derived cDC1s, cDC2s and pDCs, one study concluded that both the cDCs have similar ability to cross-present that is not shared by pDCs
- In contrast again, another study showed the pDCs can cross-present just as efficiently.
What are the intracellular mechanisms of cross presentation?
- Antigens released form the lumen of the phagocytic compartments to the cytoplasm, where they are further processed into short peptides by the proteasome
- TAPs translocate proteasomal peptide products to the lumen of the MHC-I loading compartment
- → human moDCs use the cytosolic pathway
• Extracellular antigens are interlaised and degraded in the endosomal compartments by lysosomal enzymes
• Resulting peptides are loaded onto MHC-I within the endosomal compartment by a process akin to MHC-II presentation
What is antigen retention, and what is its role in cross-presentation?
- Evidence supporting the notion that limited endo-lysosomal proteolysis of engulfed antigens promotes their efficient cross-presentation
- Study showed that DCs express lower levels of lysosomal proteases than in vitro differentiated macrophages
- DCs also limit the activity of acid-dependent lysosomal proteases by maintaining a relatively alkaline endocytic pathway
- Finally, ‘antigen retention’ early endocytic compartments segregated from the normal progression of endosomes to lysosomes have been described in DC lines
- Might provide a long-term source for continuous loading of MHC-I
What is the role of endoplasmic reticulum associated degradation in cross-presentation?
- Active transport of ER associated il-folded proteins into the cytosol for proteasomal degradation has been speculated to regulate cross-presentation
- Sec61 is involved in the export of mis-folded proteins from the ER → it has been found to be present in the phagosomal membrane
- GILT is involved in the reduction and unfolding of disulphide bonds in il-folded proteins needing export from the ER → GILT is also present in phagosomes, and mice lacking it have defective cross-presentation.
Describe the structure of the MHC-II
- Dimeric glycoproteins composed of two TM glycoprotein chains
- Alpha (different form the MHC-I alpha)
- Beta
- The peptide binding cleft is OPEN
- The peptide binding cleft is generated between the alpha-1 and beta-1 subunits
- Alpha and beta chains from the homologous chromsomes can pair up
- Ultimately there are 23 MHC-II expressed on human APCs
Describe peptide binding to MHC-II
- Open ended MHC-II can bind longer peptides of between 10-30aa.
- The ends of the peptide are not bound, instead, the peptide lies in an extended conformation along the peptide binding cleft, held by hydrogen bonds distributed along the length of the peptide
- Since the peptide is not bound, any length of peptide is theoretically possible
- However, long peptides appear to be trimmed by peptidases
- The peptide is held by interactions with polymorphic aa’s within the pocket of the groove, and conserved side chains of invariant amino acids lining the groove
- The binding pocket of MHC-II accommodates a wider variety of side chains than those of MHC-I, making it more difficult to define anchor residues
- nevertheless, can still detect patterns of amino acids that pemit binding to different MHC, giving specificity.
- The anchor residues are distributed along the length of the peptide, as opposed to being at both ends like in MHC-I
- Like MHC-I, MHC-II that lack bound peptide are unstable
Describe peptide loading to MHC-II
- Pathogens enter the cell by receptor mediated endocytosis
- In early endosomes there is neutral pH, so endosomal proteases are inactive
- These endosomes become increasingly acidic as they progress into the interior of the cell, eventually fusing with lysosomes → the endosomes and lysosomes contain proteases known as acid proteases, that are activated by low pH. Examples of these proteases are the cathepsins, L being the most active.
• Disulphide bonds may need to be reduced before proteins that contain them can be digested in endosomes
• GILT carries out this role
− GILT localizes in endosomal compartments
− GILT cleaves the disulphide bonds - Newly synthesized MHC-II is delivered to the acidified endocytic vesicles
• The biosynthetic pathway of MHC-II, like that of other cell-surface proteins, begins with its translocation to the ER
• It must therefore be prevented from binding prematurely to peptdes in the ER lumen
• Binding is prevented by the assembly of the newly synthesized MHC-II to the invariant chain.
− The invariant chain forms trimers, with each subunit binding non-covalaently to an MHC-II heterodimer
− The invariant chain binds to the peptide binding groove of the MHC
− While this complex is being assembled, its component parts are associated with calnexin.
− One when a nine-chain complex is assembled is this complex released from calnexin for transport out of the ER
• The invariant chain also targets delivery of the MHC-II to a low pH endosomal compartment
− The MHC-invariant chain complex is retained for 2-4 hours in this compartment
− During this time, each invariant chain is cleaved by cathepsin S
− The initial cleavage generates a truncated form of the invariant chain that remains bind to the MHC-II and retains it within the proteolytic compartmenbt
− The second cleavage releases the MHC from the membrane associated particle, leaving a short fragment of invariant chain called CLIP
− CLIP must dissociate to allow a peptide to bind –> catalysed by the HLA-DM molecule
What is the HLA-DM molecule?
• HLA-DM genes found near the TAP genes in the MHC-II region
• Encode an alpha and a beta chain closely resembling that of other MHC-II molcules
• Not present at the cell surface
• It has 4 functions:
• HLA-DM binds to, and stabilizes, empty MHC-II molecules that would otherwise aggregate
• It catalyses the release of the CLIP fragment from the MHC-II:CLIP complex
• It catalyses the binding of peptides to the empty MHC-II
• It catalyses the release of unstably bound peptides from the MHC-II → peptide editing!
− Antigens presented on the surface of APCs may have to stay bound for some days before encountering T cells, so peptides need to be stably bound.
• Its role parallels that of TAP in MHC-I peptide loading
What is the HLA-DO molecule?
- Produced in thymic epithelial cells, B cells and DCs
- Heterodimer of the HLA-DO alpha nad beta chains
- Not present at the cell surface
- Does not seem to bind peptides
- Acts as a negative regulator of HLA-DM
- Inhibits CLIP release
- Inhibits binding of peptides of MHC-II
- Expression of HLA-DO not increased by IFNs, whereas HLA-DM is → so in infection, HLA-DM can overcome the inhibitor effects of HLA-DO
What is the role of interferons in MHC-II antigen presentation?
- The expression of the molecules involved in antigen processing and peptide loading is induced by IFN-y via the production of a protein known as MHC-II transactivator (CIITA)
- Acts as a positive transcriptional co-activator of MHC-II genes
How does MHC-II present intracellular antigen?
• Waste recycling system of all eukaryotic cells
• Cytosolic constituents enclosed in an autophagosome
Autophagy susbtrates are loaded onto MHC-II
• Treatment of macrophages abd B cells with the macroautophagy inhibitor prevented the presenation of an endogenously synthesized protein on MHC-II
• Macroautophagy may shuttle cytosolic proteins into MHC-II loading compartments
• The first study to document a role of macroautophagy in loading of cytosolic antigen dealth with the recognition of the nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) of Epstain Barr virus → EBNA1 gains access to MHC-II in EBV transformed B cells, and EBNA1 was detectable in autophagosomes when lysosomal proteolysis was inhibited
• Suggestion that macroautiphagy is constitutitely active (even under nutrient rich conditions) at a relatively low but detectable level in a variety of MHC-II +ve APCs, and autophagosomes frequently fuse with MHC-II loading comparments
Autophagy in Positive Selection of the T cell Repertoire
• Thymic epithelial cells found to be extremely inefficient at delivering epitopes derived from exogenous antigens onto MHC-II
• Was suggested that they may predominantly present endogenously derived peptides on MHC-II
• Macroautophagy in TECs contributes to the generation of MHC-II ligands for positive seeleciton
Autophagy in enhancement of CD4+ T cell Immunity:
• Bacteria and parasites that escape from endosomes and replicate in the cytosol, or condition the phagosome to serve as their replication nice (by preventing fusion with lysosomes, eg, TB) have been found to be delivered for lysosomal degredation via autophagy.
Regulation of macroautophagy by Immune signals:
• Mutual interplay between PRRs and macroautophagy
• Autophagy serves as an immune effector function downstream of PRR signaling
• Intracellular PRRs NOD1 and NOD2 (sense peptidoglycan from bacterial cell walls) can act as nucleation sites for macroautiphagy initiation following bacterial infection
• IFN-y reported to enchance TB degradation by macroautophagy
• TNF-a upregulates macroautophagy in cells lacking an NF-kB response.
What is MHC restriction?
Any given TCR is specific for a unique combination of a particular peptide, and a particular MHC.
Describe the classic MHC restriction experiment
• Doherty and Zingernagal, nobel prize 1996
- Infect a strain A mouse with virus
- Infect strain A and strain B target cells with virus
- Strain A CTLs recognize peptide presented on the strain A target cells
- Strain A CTLs do not recognize peptide presented on the strain B target cells → need correct combination of peptide and MHC!
What does MHC not explain?
The concept of mixed lymphocyte reaction:
• ex vivo cellular immune assay that occurs between two allogeneic lymphocyte populations (same species but genetically distinct).[1] It was first recognized when researchers mixed leukocytes from two unrelated donors in culture.
• After several days, lymphocytes underwent blast transformation, DNA synthesis and cellular proliferation in response to the major histocompatibility antigen (MHC Class I and II)
• → here, Donor Y APCs can induce T cell responses in donor X MHC-I and MHC-II expressing cells.
How do MHC restricted T cells recognise allogenic MHC (should really only be able to recognise self MHC:foreign peptide)
- Normal recognition → Self MHC presents foreign peptide to T cell selected to recognize self MHC
- Direct allogeneic:
- MHC dominant binding → Self MHC restricted T cell recognizes the allogenic MHC molecule whose structure resemebers a self-MHC:foreign peptide complex
- Peptide dominant binding → The self MHC restricted T cell recognizes a structure formed by both the allogenic MHC molecule and the bound peptide
- Indirect allogeneic → Uptake and processing of allogenic MHC by recipient APC. Recipient APC then presents allogenic peptide.
How does the MHC interact with co-stimulatory molecules?
- MHC interacts with more than just antigen and TCR
- CD4 and CD8 molecules associated with the TCR bidn to invariant regions of the MHC
- CD4 and CD8 binding does not inhibit TCR-peptide:MHC interaction
- CD4 and CD8 molecules through binding to the MHC localize intracellular signaling kinases to the TCR to amplify the response
What are superantigens?
- Distinct class of antigens stimulating a T cell response similar in magnitude to a response to allogeneic MHC
- Produced by many different pathogens including bacteria, mycoplasmas and viruses, and the responses are helpful to the pathogen rather than the host
- They are NOT processed into peptides before binding MHC → fragementation of a superantigen destroys its activity
- They bind OUTSIDE the MHC
- Egs:
- Staphylococcal enterotoxins
- Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1
- Binding activates T cells, but leads to a defective immune response::
- Causes a massive cytokine production (IL-10) leading too
- System toxicity
- Suppression of the adaptive immune response