antidepressants and mood stabilizers Flashcards
chemical imbalance between 3 neurotransmitters
- norepinephrine
- serotonin
- dopamine
- orally administered
- 90-95%bound to plasma proteins
- metabolized by the liver with metabolites excreted in urine
- long half lives
- relatively small therapeutic index
Classes of antidepressant drugs
- tricyclics
- Selective Serotoni Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s)
- Sellective Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI’s)
- Atypical
- Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI’s)
Attempt to remedy depression by inactivating the amine pump on the presynaptic nere terminal and limiting the reuptake of both NE and serotonin. May also have effects at muscarinic, histamine , and alpha receptors.
Tertiary Amine Tricyclics
-amitryptyline-can be given IM
Tertiary Amine Tricyclics
-clomipramine - given for OCD, not very selective,
can cause seizures
Doxepin (sinequan)
- tertiary amine tricyclics
- increased sedation
- no CV side effects
Imipramine (Tofranil)
- Tertiary amine tricyclic
- can be given IM
- long actin pamoate formula is available
Trimipramine (Surmontil)
-Tertiary Amine Tricyclic
Secondary Amine Tricyclics
- RX for sleepy depressive
- have affinity for serotonin and added affinity for the NE transporter
- add back the sympathetic component
Amoxapine (Asendin)
-Secondary Amine Tricyclic
_dibenzodiazipe that is a metabolite of the antipsychotic loxapine
-It has a dopaminergic and adrenergic mechanism
Desipramine (norpram)
- Secondary Amine Tricyclics
- metabolite of imipramine
maprotiline (ludiomil)
_Secondary Amine Tricyclic
- new
- increased ptotential for seizures
nortryptyline (pamelor)
- Secondary Amine Tricyclic
- metaolite of amitryptyline
- elderly patients
protryptryptyline (vivactil)
- Secondary Amine Tricyclic
- lacks sedative properties
- RX for sleepy depressives