anticoagulants Flashcards
prostacyclin (PGI2)
factor limiting PLT aggregation
3 factors released that further PLT aggregation
What activates intrinsic vs extrinsic clotting cascade
intrinsic = IX extrinsic = VIIa (tissue factor, outside vasculature)
activators of plasminogen to plasmin
SK (streptokinase)
UK (urokinase)
tPA (tissue plasminogen activator)
PT measures :
PTT measures
PT prothrombin time; extrinsic clotting factor
PTT partial thomboplastin time (intrinsic)
- what is it?
- normal/elevated values
since PT tests vary widely due to method and activity of tissue factor, INR standardizes measurements of PT
ISI (international sensitivity index) issues to manufactured tissue factors
normal: 0.9-1.3
high 4-5
low 0.5
therapeutic: 2-3
-inhibits synthesis of thromboxane A2 by irreversible acetylation of cylooxygenase (TXA2 is a factor that causes PLT aggregation)
-mostly commonly used anti PLT agen
CV indications: reduction of TIA, prevention of stroke, primary and secondary prevention of MI, prevention of coronary restenosis following MI/fibrinolytic therapy or bypass grafting
SE: excessive bleeding
thienopyridine derivatives that reduce PLT aggregation by irreversibly blocking the P2Y12 receptor (chemoreceptor for ADP) on PLT, no effect on prostaglandin metabolism
- standard practice in pt undergoing placement of a coronary stent, useful in those that cannot tolerate aspirin
- fewer side effects and less dosing than ticlopidine, preferred
- clopidigrel activated by CYP2C19 (2-14% of us pop has genetic variability of this CYP, tests can determine susceptibility)
thienopyridine derivatives that reduce PLT aggregation by irreversibly blocking the P2Y12 receptor (chemoreceptor for ADP) on PLT, no effect on prostaglandin metabolism
-standard practice in pt undergoing placement of a coronary stent, useful in those that cannot tolerate aspirin
SE: nausea, dyspepsi, diarrhea, hemorrhage, leukopenia
thienopyridine derivatives that reduce PLT aggregation by irreversibly blocking the P2Y12 receptor (chemoreceptor for ADP) on PLT, no effect on prostaglandin metabolism
- decreases PLT aggregation more rapidly and consistently than clopidogrel and is effective in most individuals
- activated via hydrolysis
heparin (UFH)
catalyzing antithrombin activity, linear polysaccharid must be delivered parenterally.
- binds to antithrombin, cuasing a conformational change that results in its activation through an increase in the flexibility of its reactive site loop
- inhibits IIa, Xa, IXa
- source: extracted from porcine or bovine sources, mixture of smaller molecular wgt fragments is isolated (5000-30000 daltons).
heparin SE
bleeding, allergy, thrombosis and osteoporosis. HIT is a systemic hypercoagulable state that occurs in pt rx w UFH for a minimum of 7 days
difference between UFH and LMW heparin
UFH binds to PLT, can lead to autoimmune destruction
LMW binds to ATIII, not PLT
reversal of heparin action
protamine sulfate
-highly cationic peptide that binds heparin to form a stable ion pair, inhibits anticoag activity
heparin removal
saturable (clearance by reticuloendothelial system) and non-saturable (renal excretion)
-contribution of clearance mechanism is determined by dose delivered and MW of heparin prep
- enhances antithrombin action on factor X
- MW 4K-6K daltons
- available for prophylaxis and rx
- no lab monitoring bc specificity, known activity
- protamine reversal is incomplete
- enhances antithrombin action on factor X
- MW 4K-6K daltons
- available for prophylaxis and rx
- no lab monitoring bc specificity, known activity
- protamine reversal is incomplete
- enhances antithrombin action on factor X
- MW 4K-6K daltons
- available for prophylaxis and rx
- no lab monitoring bc specificity, known activity
- protamine reversal is incomplete
-factor Xa inhibitor
-MW 4K-6K daltons
-available for prophylaxis and rx
-no lab monitoring bc specificity, known activity
-protamine is not a reversal for fondaparinux; no good reversal agent
fondaparinux is just the pentassacharide w added methyl groups
-parenteral admin
renal clearance
metabolism of LMWH, fondaparinux
enoxaparin, fondaparinux, tinzaparin, dalteparin
-diff metabolism than UFH. kidney is importance for clearnace of LMWH
- renally cleared
- 65 AA PRO
- direct thrombin inhibitor
- 20 AA peptide
- direct thrombin inhibitor
- hepatic and 20% renal clearance
- hepatically cleared
- small molecule, IV only bc short half-life
- direct thrombin inhibitor
oral -direct thrombin inhibitor -no monitoring needed -short half life no good reversal agent SE: GI bleeding max anticoag effect within 2-3 h 80% renal clearnace
choice of direct thrombin inhibitor is dictated by
condition of clearing organ
warfarin MOA
inhibits vitamin K metabolism which disrupts gamma-carboxylation of several glutamate residues in factors II, VII, IX, X & Proteins C/S
-partially inhibits synthesis, but not degredation, thus effect on coagulation is dependent on factor half life
-effects both factors that inhibit and stimulate clotting
-inhibits inactive forms
PRO C/S are inhibited before inhibition of other factors, why need anticoag bridge
-cleared by liver and kidney
warfarin SE
bleeding, skin necrosis, teratogenesis, thrombosis
-interacts with numerous drugs, diets, disease states
reversal of warfarin
-stop drug
-admin K
recombinant factor VIIa
oral admin factor Xa inhibitor -no monitoring -short half life no good reversal agen max inhibition of factor Xa occurs 4 hr after a dose once daily liver, renal, fecal/biliary clearance
source: streptococcus allergic reactions long half life plasminogen to plasmin -agents induce a lytic state that prod a bleeding tendency -1% risk of ICH
human source non allergenic shorter half life plasminogen to plasmin -agents induce a lytic state that prod a bleeding tendency -1% risk of ICH
human source non allergenic shortest half life plasminogen to plasmin -agents induce a lytic state that prod a bleeding tendency -1% risk of ICH