Antibiotics/soil Experiment Flashcards
What are antibiotics?
chemotherapeutic agents produced by microorganisms that kill or inhibit bacteria
What are the four cell targets of antibiotics?
•Cell wall
•Cell membrane
•Protein synthesis
•DNA replication
What was the purpose of plating the soil samples on a TSA-CHX (cycloheximide) plate?
To prevent fungal growth
What piece of equipment did we use to inoculate the TSA-CHX plates after serial dilutions were performed?
A p100 micropipette and then a bacterial spreader
What is PBS and why did we use this during the isolation process?
A non-toxic solution, which prevents cells rupturing or shrivelling up due to osmosis.
We wanted to give the bacteria from the soil an isotonic environment to maintain osmotic balance
What was the purpose of performing serial dilutions prior to plating the bacteria?
To get isolated colonies
Which piece of equipment did we use to inoculate the plates with bacteria?
A p100 micropipette
What piece of equipment did we use to spread the bacteria evenly on the plates?
A bacterial spreader
What is a CFU?
(Colony functioning unit) a cluster of cells that are the same species that form a colony
How many bacteria are required to form an isolated colony?
What is the statistical range for countable colonies?
Know the formula for calculating CFU/g and be able to use the formula to quantify the number of bacteria of a sample (example: What is the CFU/g if 100 microliters of a 1ml sample of a 10 -4 dilution resulted in 95 colonies?
CFU/g= number of colonies X 1 / total dilution plated
How were you able to differentiate the different bacteria that grew on your TSA-CHX plates?
Colony morphology ; unique colonies and characterize them according to size, pigmentation, form, elevation, margin, and surface
What did you use to patch the bacteria on the master plates?
A sterile toothpick
What type of media was used for antibiotic screening?
MH; Mueller Hinton plates
How was this plate inoculated with the tester strains?
a process called picking and patching.
Each master plate will be divided into a 12-section grid to accommodate up to 12 unique isolated colonies
How were the isolates inoculated on this plate after the plates have been inoculated with the tester strains?
With a sterile toothpick
After incubation, did you tell which soil isolates were antibiotic producers?
by checking for clear zones around the growth (the positive control will be an example of clearing)
What is the difference between narrow spectrum, broad spectrum, and intermediate spectrum antibiotics?
classified by the number of bacteria that they have an affect on.
Narrow spectrum- effective against one to a few groups
Broad spectrum- effective against many groups’ bacteria
Intermediate spectrum- effective against a moderate number of groups
How did you classify your antibiotic producing soil isolates as narrow, broad, or intermediate spectrum?