Antibiotics Flashcards
What is the MOA of Amphotericin B?
Complexes with ergosterol to disrupt fungal cell membrane.
However, builds resistance to alteration to ergosterol
Given via IV
What does Amphotericin B cover against?
Spectrum of activity: very broad
Yeasts: Candida albicans, cryptococcal neoformans
Organism causing endemic mycoses: histoplamsa capsulatum, blastomyces dermatitidis, Coccidioides immitis
pathogenic molds: aspergillosis fumigatus, agents of mucormycosis
What are the adverse side effects of Amphotericin B?
Most common:
—immediate reactions: fever, chill.s muscle spasms, vomiting, headache, and hypotension
Long term:
—renal toxicity
What is the MOA of Flucytosine?
MOA: converted to 5-flyorodeoxyuridine monophosphate (FdUMP) and fluorouridine triphosphate (FUTP), which inhibits DNA and RNA synthesis, respectively
Resistant: altered drug metabolism
What is the spectrum of activity of Flucytosine?
C. Neoformans
Some candida spp.
What are the adverse effects of Flucytosine?
Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia
What are the MOA of azoles?
Inhibition of fungal CYP450 enzymes
Resistance: up regulation of fungal CYP450
What is the spectrum of activity of azoles?
Broad spectrum
Due to individual drugs
What are the adverse effects of azoles?
Relatively non-toxic
Minor GI issues
Abnormalities in liver enzymes
What is Ketoconzole MOA?
Greater propensity to inhibit mammalian CYP450
Describe Itraconazole?
Oral and IV formulation
Potent antifungal activity
Poor penetration into cerebral spinal fluid
Works against:
-dimorphism fungi: histoplasmosis, blastomyces, and sporothrix
-aspergillosis spp: largely replace by voriconzole as the azole of choice tho
-dermatohpytoses and onychomycosis
Describe Fluconazole?
IV and oral formulation Inhibitor of the mammalian CYP3A4 Visual disturbances are common (30%) Spectrum: -similar to itraconazole -Candida spp. And the dimorphism fungi -Rx for choice for invasive aspergillosis and some envirnmomental molds-enhanced activity against aspergillosis spp versus the azoles
Describe posaconazole?
Available only as a liquid oral preparation
-broadest spectrum member of the azoles
-Activity against most species of candida and aspergillosis
-activity against mucormycosis
Currently licensed for:
-salvage therapy in invasive aspergillosis
- prophylaxis infections during induction Chemotherapy for leukemia
Allogeneic bone marrow transplant pt w/ graft-vs-host disease
What are the echinocandins?
What is the MOA of echincandins?
Large cyclic peptides linked to a long-chain fatty acids
MOA: inhibit glucagon synthase