Antibiotics 4 Flashcards
What are the 4 medications used to treat tuberculosis?
- isoniazid
- rifampin
- pyrazinamide
- ethambutol
What constitutes a tuberculosis infection?
- presence of organisms which may or may not cause clinically significant disease
- only evidence of a tuberculosis infection on an X-ray would be a tiny fibrocalcific nodule at the site of infection
How is tuberculosis spread?
- acquired by person-person transmission of airborne droplets or organisms from an active case to a susceptible host
What constitutes a latent tuberculosis infection?
- positive tuberculin skin test - no disease
What constitutes an active tuberculosis infection?
- pulmonary cavitation
- mycobacteria dissemination
- presence of bacteria in sputum
- malaise, anorexia, weight loss, fever
- increased sputum, at first mucoid and later purulent
- extra pulmonary effects (liver, bone marrow, spleen, adrenals, meninges, kidneys, fallopian tubes, epididymis)
Describe mycrobacterium tuberculosis
- acid fast bacteria
- high lipid content of cell wall causes it to stain gram negative
- slow growing (divides every 16h -20 h)
- resistant to drying
- resistant to most antibiotics
- resistant to host killing
- intracellular survival
How does a person become infected with tuberculosis?
- TB is spread by inhaled droplet nuclei
- approximately 10% of the inhaled droplet nuclei reach the terminal airways where they can cause infection
- once a droplet lands on something it is no longer infectious
- droplets produced in both coughing and sneezing
Describe the primary infection stage of tuberculosis?
- most often the patient is asymptomatic
- there is a regional lymph node spread and bacteraemia
- with the development of cellular immunity the infection is controlled
- TST becomes positive
Immune defences in tuberculosis are _____ and reinfection is common when the latent infection becomes reactivated
What has to happen in order for reactivation to occur?
- loss of balance between the immune system and bacilli
- reactivation most often occurs in the lungs but can occur in lymph nodes, pleural space, kidneys, guts and CNS
- the patient is now symptomatic (cough, weight loss, fever and night sweats are all common- if the patient has pulmonary TB they will now be infectious)
What are the first line antibiotics used in tuberculosis therapy?
- isoniazid
- rifampin
- pyrazinamide
- ethambutol
What are mycolic acids?
- mycelia acids are unique/essential mycobacteria cell wall components
- B-hydroxy fatty acids with a long alkyl side chain
- each molecule contains between 60 and 90 carbon atoms
- this is a multi-step synthesis
How does isoniazid work?
- bactericidal to actively growing bacilli
- a prodrug that is converted to active form by bacterial catalase peroxidase
- inhibits mycolic acid synthetase
What are the adverse effects of isoniazid?
peripheral neuropathy
hepatic toxicity
How does rifampin work?
- rifampin is a semi-syntheitic macrocyclic antibiotic
- – rifabutin and rifapentine belong to the same class
- effective against several gram positive and gram negative microorganisms in addition to M. tuberculosis
- inhibits DNA dependent RNA polymerase
- inhibits RNA synthesis
- mycobacterial cell death
- does not bind mammalian RNA polymerase
- froms stable drug enzyme complex