Anti-Terrorism Flashcards
Who is the SECO?
LCDR Almabrook
Who is the DLCPO?
MACM Gennette
Define deadly force?
Force that is likely to cause, or that a person knows or should know would create a substantial risk of causing death, or serious bodily harm, or injury
What is random antiterrorism measures? (RAM)
effective means to disrupt the terrorist planning cycle and deter an attack
What is defense in depth?
Layers of overlapping defensive measures and contingency plans
Characteristics of terrorist operations?
Seek to intimidate Military weaker Urban based Highly mobile Well trained Covert Simple
Basic terrorist threat types
Threat/Hoax Arson Sabotage Bombing Kidnapping Hostage taking Hijack seizure Skyjacking Raid Ambush WMD
Definition of terrorism?
An individual who uses violence, terror, and intimidation to achieve a result
Definition of counter terrorism?
Offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorism
Zones used in defense in depth? Naval protection zones
Common characteristics of terrorism
Urban based
Highly mobile
Well trained
FPCON Normal?
Will never exist again
General global threat
FPCON Alpha?
Increased general threat
FPCON Bravo?
More predictable threat
FPCON Charlie?
Incident occurs or intelligence is received
FPCON Delta?
Immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred
FPCON Charlie measures?
Material condition zebra
Cancel liberty
Restrict vehicle access on pier
Security bolster watches
FPCON Delta measures?
Cancel port visit and get underway
Employ all necessary weapons to defend against attack
Causes of security alert?
Bomb threats Demonstrators Intruders Hostage situations Small boat attacks Suspicious packages Swimmer attacks Alarm response
2 types of orders?
General - common to most sentry points
Special - situation peculiar to a particular post
Pre-Planned Responses? (PPR)
Guidelines used to assist in security’s response to many threats and situations
What is in-port security plan
Plan that ships and aviation commands develop when entering a foreign port/or airfield not in a US installation
Anti-terrorism Officer
Full weapons release authority
(ATTWO) Anti terrorism tactical watch officer duty?
Employ command assets to defend the unit against terrorist attack
Reaction forces?
Responding security forces
Anti terrorism training team?
Individual and team training for the commands security forces
Long range acoustic device
Mean of establishing intent