anti kanser drugs Flashcards
Hücre siklüsünden bağımsız etki gösteren antikanser ilaç hangisidir:
Antimetobolitler S phase : Bine + 5FU+ 6(MP+TG) + MTX+ Pralaraxate
Topoisomerase 2 inhibitorleri g1s: Etopside
Topoisomerase 1 g2m: Camptotecins: Tecan’lar
Taxanes: Mphase: taxelle bitenler
Vinca alkolaids: vin ile baslayanlar
Antimicritubuller: ixabepillon Eribulin
Antitumors g2m: Bleomycin
Mercatopurine ve Thioguanin nasil çalışır?
inhibits denovo synthesis of purine ring and nucleotide interconversion
Methotrexate, pemetrexed, and pralatrexate nasıl çalışır?
Methotrexate (MTX), pemetrexed, and pralatrexate are antifolate agents.
Mechanism of MTX
inhibiting mammalian dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), the enzyme that converts folic acid to its active, coenzyme form, tetrahydrofolic acid (FH4). The inhibition of DHFR can only be reversed by administration of leucovorin
Note: Leucovorin, or folinic acid, is the N5-formyl group–carrying form of FH4.]
Pemetrexed ve MTXin farkı nedir?
in addition to inhibiting DHFR, it also inhibits thymidylate synthase and other enzymes involved in folate metabolism
Mtx Neye karşı kulanılır?
acute lymphocytic leukemia, Burkitt lymphoma in children, breast cancer, bladder cancer, and head and neck carcinomas
Low-dose MTX is effective as a single agent against certain inflammatory diseases, such as severe psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as Crohn disease
Pemetrexed Neye karşı kulanılır?
non–small cell lung cancer
Pralatrexate neye karşı kulanılır?
relapsed or refractory T-cell lymphoma.
İmmünosupresif etkisi nedeni ile romatoid artrit ve ankilozan spondilit tedavisinde Kullanılan antineoplastik ajan hangisidir:
metotreksat MTX
Aşağıdaki hastalıkların hangisinde metotreksat kullanılmaz:
akut lenfoblastik lösemi,
Romatoid artrit,
küçük hücreli akciğer kanseri,
küçük hücreli akciğer kanseri,
MTX’ın pharmacokinetik ozellikleri
absorbed at low doses from the GI tract
but it can also be administered by intramuscular, intravenous (IV), and intrathecal routes. Because MTX does not easily penetrate the blood-brain-barrier
intrathecally to destroy neoplastic cells that thrive in the sanctuary of the CNS
Small amounts of MTX undergo hydroxylation at the 7th position to form 7-hydroxymethotrexate. This derivative is less water soluble than MTX and may lead to crystalluria. Therefore, it is important to keep the urine alkaline and the patient well hydrated to avoid renal toxicity. Excretion of the parent drug and the 7-OH metabolite occurs primarily via urine.
Renal excretion is the main route of elimination
Care must also be taken when MTX is used in the presence of drugs such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, penicillin, and cephalosporins, as these agents inhibit the renal excretion of MTX.
MTX can be reversed by administration of the reduced folate leucovorin (5-formyltetrahydrofolate) or by L-leucovorin
Folinik asit aşağıdaki ilaçlardan hangisinin toksisitesini önlemek için kullanılır?
Metotreksatın toksik etkisini önleyen hangisidir:
folinik asit,
6-Mercaptopurine is good for threating?
beneficial for treating neoplastic disease. 6-MP is used principally in the maintenance of remission in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Aşağıdaki antineoplastik ajanlardan hangisi immünsupresif olarak da kullanılır: aminopterin, azatiopürin, bortezomib, daktinomisin, vinkristin
Bir immün baskılayıcı olan azatiyoprin, sitotoksik etkilerini 6-MP’ye dönüştükten sonra gösterir.
Aşağıdaki antineoplastik ilaçlardan hangisi ksantin oksidaz tarafından tiyoürik asite Dönüştürülerek böbrekten atılır:
aminopterin, karmustin, busulfan, 6-merkaptopurin,5-fluorourasil
Merkaptopurini yıkan enzimi inhibe ederek etkisini artıran ilaç hangisidir:
Kolşisin, aspirin, parasetamol, N-asetil sistein, allopurinol
Fludarabine ne için kulanılır?
hronic lymphocytic leukemia, hairy cell leukemia, and indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Fludarabine is a prodrug, and the phosphate is removed in the plasma to form 2-F-araA, which is taken up into cells and again phosphorylated (initially by deoxycytidine kinase). Although the exact cytotoxic mechanism is uncertain, the triphosphate is incorporated into both DNA and RNA.
5-Fluorouracil ne işe yarar
employed primarily in the treatment of slow-growing solid tumors (for example, colorectal, breast, ovarian, pancreatic, and gastric carcinomas). When applied topically, 5-FU is also effective for the treatment of superficial basal cell carcinomas.
Timin oluşumunu engeller
Pirimidin antimetaboliti olan ilaç hangisidir:
Folinik asit aşağıdaki ilaçlardan hangisinin toksisitesini önlemek için kullanılır:
Metotreksatın toksik etkisini önleyen hangisidir:
folinik asit,
C vitamini,
Vit B12,
pridoksal Fosfat,
pantotenik asit
folinik asit,
Pemetrexed and pralatrexate should be given with?
folic acid and vitamin B12 supplements
Pretreatment with …………….. to prevent
cutaneous reactions is recommended with pemetrexed.
5-FU enters cell via?
deoxynucleotide (5-fluorodeoxyuridine monophosphate
which competes with deoxyuridine monophosphate for thymidylate synthase, thus inhibiting its action.
…… is administered with 5-FU
because the reduced folate coenzyme is required in the thymidylate synthase inhibition. For example, a standard regimen for advanced colorectal cancer is irinotecan plus 5-FU/leucovorin.]
(5-FdUMP), which competes with deoxyuridine monophosphate (dUMP) for the enzyme ……. synthase
5-FU is administered?
IV or, in the case of skin cancer, topically
Elevated levels of …………………………………………………………………… can increase the rate of 5-FU catabolism and decrease its bioavailability.
dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD)
Capecitabine used for?
treatment of colorectal and metastatic breast cancer
cytotoxic activity of capecitabine is the same as that of ….
cytarabine used for?
in acute nonlymphocytic (myelogenous) leukemia (AML)
Cytarabine is given?
Given IV, it distributes throughout the body but does not penetrate the CNS in sufficient amounts.
also be injected intrathecally.
are excreted in urine.
Azacitidine pyrimidine nucleoside analog of ?.
Azacitidine used for the treatment of ?
myelodysplastic syndromes and AML. Azacitidine
Gemcitabine is an analog of the nucleoside ?
Gemcitabine used most commonly for ?
pancreatic cancer and non–small cell lung cancer.
Gemcitabine is administered by ?
excreted in urine.
The anthracyclines exert their cytotoxic action through four major mechanisms: (1) ………. 2……… 3…….. (4) ……
1 inhibition of topoisomerase II
2 generation of semiquinone free radicals and oxygen free radicals through an iron-dependent, enzyme-mediated reductive process
3 high-affinity binding to DNA
4 binding to cellular membranes
Antrasiklin ile ilgili yukarıdakilerden hangisi yanlıştır;
1 Topoizomeraz 2 enzimini inhibe ederek etki gösterir.
2. aritmi, perikardit, myokardit gibi yan etkileri vardır.
3. mitoksantrone bu grubun üyesidir
4. ön ilaçtır ve etki gösterebilmek İçin karbonyum iyonunu oluşturur.
Yalnızca 4
Doxorubicin usded for
treatment of sarcomas and a variety of carcinomas, including breast cancer, as well as for treatment of acute lymphocytic leukemia and lymphomas.
Daunorubicin and idarubicin are used in?
acute leukemias,
mitoxantrone is used in?
prostate cancer.
Extravasation is a serious problem that can lead to?
tissue necrosis
cardiotoxicity is the most serious adverse reaction and is more common with …… and ……..
daunorubicin and doxorubicin
…….. in protecting against the cardiotoxicity of doxorubicin
Aşağıdakilerden hangisi antrasiklin türevi kemoterapötiklerin oluşturdukları radikallere Bağlı organotoksik etkileri azaltmak için kullanılır:
Bleomycin cause …. of DNA in G2 phase
Bleomycin is primarily used in the treatment of …… and ……
testicular cancers and Hodgkin lymphoma
The pulmonary fibrosis that is caused by bleomycin is often referred as ?
bleomycin lung.
bleomycin lung. is caused by
Alkylating Agents binding to …… groups on various cell constituents. theya are used to treat a wide variety of lymphatic and solid cancers
Alkilleyici antineoplastikler ile ilgili yukarda yazılanlardan hangisi doğrudur:
- DNA da zincirler arası ya da zincir içi çapraz köprüler oluşturur, 2. non hodging lenfoma , burkit lenfoma ve meme kanserinde kullanılır,
- melfelan ve karmustin bu gruba ait ilaçlardır.