ANTI-ICE, RAIN Flashcards
Which cockpit windows are heated?
All windows
Does the cockpit window heat system have a backup system?
Yes, the forward windows have a backup electric anti-fogging system
In flight with engine and wing anti-ice selected to AUTO, anti-ice operation is automatic, _____.
the engine anti-ice valves open, bleed air is supplied to the cowl inlets and wing anti-ice
valves open, bleed air is supplied to the three mid-wing slats
With Wing Anti-Ice selected to ON and TAT is 10C or above, the manual wing anti-ice operation is
inhibited until ______.
5 minutes after takeoff
The side windows have what type(s) of protection?
Interior surface anti-fogging protection only
Automatic (AUTO) wing anti-ice operation is inhibited, independent of TAT, for up to _____ minutes
after takeoff and while in the takeoff reference mode.
Which cockpit windows have exterior surface anti-icing?
the forward windows
Will wing anti-ice work automatically on the ground?
No, wing anti-ice is available only in flight
Will engine anti-ice work automatically on the ground?
No, it works on the ground only when ENGINE ANTI-ICE is manually selected ON
The INOP light on the WINDOW HEAT switch indicates _____.
an overheat, system fault, or the switch is off
How do you know when an engine anti-ice valve is open?
EAI is above N1 display
What is indicated when EAI appears above the N1 indication on the EICAS display?
An engine anti-ice valve is open
In flight, with wing anti-ice selected to AUTO ______.
wing anti-ice valves open to deice the three mid-wing leading edge slats