Anti-Frustration Memorization Deck—Latin Flashcards
Loquor, loquī, locūtus sum, 3. tr. and intr.
Talk, speak
Prōgredior, prōgredī, prōgressus sum, 3. intr.
Go forwards, advance, proceed
Prohibeō, 2, tr.
Ward off, prevent.
Profectiō, profectiōnis
Setting out, departure
Proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum, 3, intr; ad. w. acc.
Set out, depart.
Idōneus, a, um; w. dat. or ad. w. acc
Suitable, proper, convenient.
Eō, īre, īvī, itum, intr.
Nam, conj.
Secundus, a, um
Second, favourable, successful
expugnō, 1, tr.
Storm, take by storm
Undique, adv.
On all sides, from all sides
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
Hiemō, 1, intr.
Winter, spend the winter
Appellō, 1 . tr.
Address, call
Concēdō, concēdere, concessī, concessus, 3, tr. and intr.
Withdraw, yield, allow, grant
Vīcus, ī
Relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus, 3, tr.
Leave, leave behind
Explōrātōr, expllōrātōris
Certiōrem (-ēs) faciō, facere, fēcī, factus, 3, tr.; acc. w. infin; dē w. abl.
intellegō, intellegere, intellexī, intellēctus, 3, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Understand, perceive
Suus, a, um
His/her/its/their (own)
Nondum, adv.
Not yet
Neque, conj.
Nor, neither, and…not
Jam, adv.
Already, now
Complēo, complēre, complēvī, complētus, 2, tr., w. abl.
Fill (with)
Ferē, adv.
difficultās, difficultātis
difficulty, trouble
patior, patī, passus sum, 3, tr.; w. pres. infin; acc. w. infin.
suffer, endure, allow
Tantus, a, um
So great
Contumēlia, ae
Indignity, affront, injury
Accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus, 3, tr.
Receive, take, accept
Voluntās, voluntātis
Will, desire, good will, consent
Dē, prep. w. abl.
Down from, concerning, about, for
Praemittō, praemittere, praemīsī, praemissus, 3, tr.
Send ahead, send in advance
Cohortor, 1, tr.; w. ut
Doceō, docēre, docuī, doctus, 2, tr.;acc. w. infitn.;w. two acc.
Show, teach, inform
Permaneō, permanēre, permānsī, permānsum, 2, intr.
Remain, stay, persist, continue
Anima, animae
Soul, life
īnstituō, īnstituere, īnstituī, īnstitūtus, 3, tr.
Set up, train, procure, build.
w. infin.: begin, determine.
Biduum, ī
(a period of) two days
Circumvallō, 1, tr.
Surround with a rampart, invest
Supportō, 1, tr.
convey, supply, furnish
Paulō, abl. of degree of difference
By a little, a little
Ante, adv.
Silentium, ī
Silence, stillness, silently
Coepī, coepisse, coēmī, coēmptus, 3, tr.
Began, have begun.
Intrōmittō, intrōmittere, intrōmīsī, intrōmissus, 3, tr.
Send in.
Dīripiō, dīripere, dīripuī, dīreptus, 3, tr.
Tear asunder, plunder, pillage
Dēdō, dēdere, dēdidī, dēditus, 3, tr.
Give up, devote, surrender
Dō, dare, dedī, datus, 1, tr.
In Fugam Dare: to put to flight
Inter sē Dare: exchange
Operam Dare: To give attention
Praeda, ae
Booty, loot, plunder, prey
Cognōscō, cognōscere, cognōvī, cognitus, 3, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Learn, find out
Cōgō, cōgere, cōegī, coāctus, 3, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Bring together, collect, force
Perveniō, pervenīre, pervēnī, perventum, 4, intr.; in or ad w. acc.
arrive, reach, come (to)
potior, 4, intr.; w. abl. or gen.
get possession of, become master of
Prōpōnō, prōpōnere, prōposuī, prōpositus, 3, tr.
Put forward, offer, explain
Animus, ī
Soul, spirit, mind, character, bravery
Receptus, ūs
Canō, canere, cesinī, cantum, 3, intr.
Sing, sound
Arduus, a, um
High, steep, difficult
Trānsgredior, trānsgredī, transgressus sum, 3, tr.
Step over, cross
Jubeō, jubēre, jussī, jussus, 2, tr.; acc. w. pres. infin.; ut/nē
Order, command
Cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cõnstituī, cōnstitutus, 3, tr.; w. pres. infin.
Place, decide, set up, determine
Tum, adv.
Vērō, adv.
In truth, but, however
Orior, orīrī, ortus sum, 4, intr.
Rise, arise, start
Repentīnus, a, um
sudden, unexpected
Perterreō, 3, tr.
Terrify greatly, frighten thoroughly
Intrā, prep. w. acc
Suprā, adv. or prep. w. acc.
Dēmonstrō, 1, tr.; acc. w. unfin.
Show, point out
Inde, adv.
thence, from that place, from there
Cēber, crēbra, crēbrum
thick, numerous, frequent.
Cursus, ūs
Running, course, career, passage.
Etiam, adv.
Augeō, augēre, auxī, auctus, 2, tr.
Increase, augment, enhance
Cōnsistō, cōnsistere, cōnstitī, 3, intr.
Take a position, halt, remain, form up, ride at anchor
Nec, see Neque
Neither, Nor
Contentiō, contentiōnis
Struggle, contest
Aequus, a, um
Even, level, just, right
Spatium, ī
space, extent, interval.
Dēfatīgō, 1, tr.
Completely weary, tire out, exhaust
Inīquus, ī
Uneven, unjust, unfavorable
Praemetuō, praemetuere, praemetuī, 3, intr.
Fear, am apprehensive.
Minor, minus
Smaller, lesser, less, shorten
Praesidium, ī
Garrison, protection
Ēdūcō, ēdūcere, ēdūxī, ēductus, 3, tr.
Lead out
īnfimus, a, um
Dexter, dextra, dextrum
On the right, right
Lateō, latēre, latuī, 2, intr.
Escape notice, lurk, am hidden
Impediō, 4, tr.
Hinder, impede
īnsequor, īnsequī, īnsecūtus sum, 3, tr.
Paulus, a, um
Little, small, small amount
Cōnstō, cōnstāre, cōnstitī, cōnstātum, 1, intr.
Stand firm, depend on, am complete, cost.
Acc. w. Infin.: it is: agreed, known, accepted, evident.
Ēventus, ūs
Outcome, issue, result
Comminus, adv.
Hand to hand, in close contest.
Ācerrimē, adv.
Most bitterly.
Apertus, a, um
Exposed, open
Later, lateris
Ascēnsus, ūs
Climb, ascent
Similitūdō, similitūdinis
Likeness, resemblance
Umerus, ī
Tametsī, conj.
Although, though
(Gr. 598)
Exserō, exserere, exseruī, exsertus, 3, tr.
Animadvertō, animadvertere, animadvertī, animadversus, 3, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Attend to, notice
In. w. acc.: punish
Cōnsuēvī, cōnsuētus, 3, tr. and intr., w. pres. infin.
Have accustomed
Fallō, fallere, fefellī, falsus, 3, tr.
Deceive, cheat, disappoint.
Admodum, adv.
Very, very much
w. numerals: as many as
Diurnus, a, um
During the day, by day
Cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectus, 3, tr.
Accomplish, finish, exhaust, wear out
Contrā, prep. w. acc.
Against, opposite
Contrā, adv.
On the contrary, on the other hand
Opīniō, opīniōnis
Expectation, reputation, opinion
Bracchium, ī
Arm, forearm
Vadum, ī
Ford, shallow
Reperiō, reperīre, repperī, repertus, 4, tr.; acc. w. infin.
Find (out)
Prō, prep. w. abl.
In front of (before), on behalf of (for), in place of, in proportion to.
Necessitās, necessitātis
Necessity, constraint, need.
Modo, adv.
only, at least, just now
Dispōnō, dispōnere, disposuī, dispositus, 3, tr.
Distribute, station.
Vīs, (acc. vim, abl. vī)
Force, power, violence
Refringō, refringere, refrēgī, refrāctus, 3, tr.
Break in, break open, break, diminish
Aspectus, ūs
Look, appearance, aspect.
Incolumis, e
Unhurt, uninjured, safe and sound
Pecus, pecoris (n.)
Cattle, herd
Nactus, a, um
(Perfect Participle of Nancīscor)
Having obtained possession, having met with, having found, having obtained.
Opportūnus, a, um
Fit, opportune, favorable, advantageous
Dum, conj.
While, until
Supplēmentum, ī
A filling up, reinforcements, help
Nuper, adv.
Summa, ae
The main point, sum total, the whole, control.
Prope, adv.
Almost, nearly, recently.
Aetās, aetātis
Singulāris, e
One by one, single, extraordinary.
Scientia, ae
Knowledge, science, skill
Ēvocō, 1, tr.
call forth, call out, summon
Palūs, palūdis
Marsh, swamp
īnfluō, īnfluere, īnflūxī, 3, intr.
Flow into, empty into
Magnōpere, adv.
Especially, greatly, exceedingly.
Cōncīdō, cōncīdere, cōcēdī, cōnsessum, 3, intr.
Settle, take a position, halt, encamp.
Trānsitus, ūs
Crossing, passage
Vīnea, ae
vine arbor, shed (for the defense of a besieging party)
Posterus, a, um
Following, next
Cōnvocō, 1, tr.
Call together, assemble, convene
Incommodum, ī
Disadvantage, disaster, injury.
Numquam, adv.
Commodum, ī
Interest, advantage, benefit
Impetrō, 1, tr.
Obtain, achieve, succeed.
Dēficiō, dēficerre, dēfēcī, dēfectus, 3, tr. and intr.
Fail, desert, fall away, revolt
Adversus, a, um, w. dat.
Opposite, unfavorable, unsuccessful
Minuō, minuere, minuī, minūtus, 3, tr.
Lessen, impair
Priusquam, adv.
Mūnitiō, mūnitiōnis
Dīmittō, dīmittere, dīmissī, dīmissus, 3, tr.
Send away, dismiss
Discēdō, discēdere, discessī, discessum, 3, intr.
Go away, retire, depart.
Mandō, 1, tr.
W. Dat.: Commit, entrust
W. Ut: Command
Meritum, ī
Desert, merit, favor, service
Obtestor, 1, tr.
Call to witness, beseech, entreat
Neu, conj.
And not
Cruciātus, ūs
Indīligēns, indīligentis
negligent, lax
Octōgintā, indecl. numeral
Intereō, interīre, interiī, interitum, irreg. intr.
Perish, die
Initium, ī
Exiguus, a, um
Small, scanty
Trīgintiā, indecl. numeral
Parcō, parcere, pepercī, parcitūrus, 3, intr. w. dat
Pāreō, pārēre, pāruī, 2, tr. w. dat.
Obey, yield, be subject to
Compellō, 3, tr.
Drive together, collect, force
Administrō, 1, tr.
Manage, attend to
Sequor, sequī, secūtus sum, 3, tr.
Follow, pursue
Quidem, adv
indeed, at least, truly
Pedester, pedestris, pedestre
On foot, foot
Concurrō, concurrere, concurrī, concursum, 3, intr.
Run together, rush, gather
Prōdūcō, prōdūcere, prōdūcī, prōductus, 3, tr.
Lead forth, protract
Expleō, explēre, explēvī, explētus, 2, tr.
Fill out, fill up, finish
Summa, ae
The main point, sum total, the whole, control
Permittō, permittere, permīsī, permissus, 3, tr.
Give over, entrust, permit
Abdūcō, abdūcere, abdūxī, abductus, 3, tr.
Lead away, draw off, withdraw
Dēspectus, ūs
A looking down, view
Grātulātiō, grātulātiōnis
Congratulation, rejoicing
oōscō, nōscere, nōvī, nōtus, 3, tr.
Become acquainted with, know
Intentus, a, um
Intent on, attentive
Rārus, a, um
Sagittārius, ī
Archers, bowmen
Sagitta, ae
Expedītus, a, um
Unimpeded, free, unobstructed, without baggage, light armed, ready for action
levis, e
Armātūra, ae
Armor, equipment
Interjiciō, interjicere, interjēcī, interjectus, 3, tr.
Throw between, put between, place between
Succurrō, succurrere, succurī, succursum, 3, intr.; w. dat.
Run to help, aid, assist
Cēdō, cēdere, cessī, cessūrus, 3, intr.
Give way, yeild
Complūrēs, complūram
(m/f. n.)
Many, several
Excēdō, excēdere, excessī, excesssum, 3, intr.
go out, withdraw
Premō, premere, pressī, pressus, 3, tr.
Press, press hard
Contineō, continēre, continuī, contentus, 2, tr
Restrain, hold in