Anti cardiac failure agents Flashcards
Pharmacological effect
A. Stimulation of cardiac performance
A1 reduction in end systolic volume: increasing myocardial contractility
A2 increase in diastolic end volume (increase in preload):
1) prolongation of ventricular filling -
«-» chronotropy (diastole extension)
2) increasing (restoring) the volume (volume) of circulating fluid
B. Reduction of heart load if necessary:
B1 «-» chronotropy
B2 afterload reduction: arteriodilatation
B3 reducing preload
1) venodilation
2) reducing the amount (volume) of circulating fluid
C. Delaying of remodeling and fibrosis
RAAS activity reducing agents
Principles of action- B2, B3.1, C
Antifibrotic, remodelation inhibitory activity
Diuretic agents
Principles of action- B3.2
Decrease of diastolic end pressure ,decreases heart load,enhancement of cardiac systolic activity
Loop, thiazide and thiazide like diuretics are potassium excreting.
Principles of action- B3.2 & C
The underlying effect is not due to an increase in diuresis, but rather with the beneficial effects of aldosterone blockade on * myocardial fibrosis
inhibition and improved vasodilatory function in b/v
Potassium sparing.
**Spironolactone nonselective MRA
Eplerenone selective MRA
- Mild diuretic effect
- Antifibrotic effect
- Antiandrogen effect (S only)
=> CHF
SE: hyperkalaemia, **gynecomastia (antiandrogenous activity)
- BABgeneration
Metoprolol, Bisoprolol
Principles of actionA2.1, B1, C
- BAB generation
Nebivolol, Carvedilol
Principles of actionA2.1, B1, B2, B3.1, C
Short- and medium-term remodeling inhibitory effects
Ivabradine- Sinus node inhibitor
Principles of action - A2.1, B1
Due to Frank-Stalling’s law cardiac performance will be increased
with condition that the patient is not hypervolemic
There is no characteristic «-» inotropic effec
Neprilysin inhibitor
Neprilysin inhibits NP and AT 2, Bradykinin which is responsible for (vasodilation, diuresis, sodium excretion, antifibrosis)
Pre-drug / active form Sacubitril / Sacubitrilate Neprilysin inhibition Principles of action– B2, B3.1, B3.2., C
=>CHF with reduced ejection
Muat be combined with ARB to prevent increase in concentration of AT2
Cardiac glycosides
Operating principles - A1, A2.1, B1
Na and K channel inhibition->increase in intracellular Ca concentration-> cardiotonic activity
„+” inotropic effect, because myocardial cells have increased Ca2 +
concentration – cardiotonic activity
«- » chronotropic effect - n.vagus parasympathomimetic effect
SE: cardiac - overdose ~70% cases rhythm disorders !!!,
extrasystoles, atrial tachycardia, bradycardia, AV block
Extracardiac SE - nausea, diarrhea, visual disturbances
Caution in use!
Risk of material cumulation
Beta 1 adrenoreceptor agonist. Priniciple of action A1
„+” inotropic effect with increased Ca2 + concentration in myocardial cells –cardiotonic activity
Mild „+” chronotropic effect
Has mild beta 2 and alpha 1 adrenomimetic effects - reduces peripheral vascular resistance (after load), but
systolic pressure remains unchanged or increases (increases CO)
Dopamine 1 receptor, beta 1, alpha 1 adrenoceptor agonist. Priniciple of action A1.
The effect is dose-dependent: at low doses - improves renal microcirculation (GFR), at medium doses - induces a “+” inotropic effect - cardiotonic effect,
in high doses - predominantly vasopressor effect
Calcium channel sensitizers
Principles of action- A1, B2, B3.1
Binding to troponin C in cardiomyocytesincreases myofibrillar sensitivity against Ca 2+
Triple action:
- «+» inotropy (without oxygen) Consumption increase
- Vasodilation
- Cardioprotection
NO Donors
Principle of action- B3.1
Sodium nitroprusside
Vasodilatory activity
Opioid receptor agonists
Reduces tachypnoea
Use in AHF with pulmonary edema