Anthropology Flashcards
Cultural Relativism
A culture must be understood on its own terms and by its own internal rules, cannot make snap judgments
How are humans unique from other species?
Bipedalism - Ability to walk upright on two legs over long distances
The opposable thumb - rotate thumb 360°, gives the human hand a greater range of motion as it is easier to manipulate objects
Binocular Vision - binocular means to see with both eyes simultaneously , 3D vision allows humans to better judge distances
The belief that all aspects in a culture function to meet the needs of individuals and the whole society
Cultural Materialism
Resources or conditions within the environment influence how a culture develops
Feminist Anthropology
- belief that it is cultures that determine gender roles,not biology
- debunks gender myths that marginalize the role of females in a culture
Cultural Anthropology
The investigation of the origin, development and functioning of human cultures
Physical Anthropology
The study of human evolution, human biology and other primates
The feeling that a lifestyle, values and patterns of adaptation of one’s own group are superior to those of other groups
The slow continual process of change over time
Natural Selection
Charles Darwin’s theory used to describe the process by which animals and plants best adapt to their environment to survive and produce similar offspring (survival of the fittest)
- The study of primates, their biology, thinking and communication patterns
- includes human and nonhuman primates as well as primates from our distant and evolutionary past