Anthropogenic climate change Flashcards
Caused by humans
Radiative forcing?
Change in energy flux of atmosphere caused by climate change
-Amount of energy entering different to amount of energy leaving
Positive feedback?
Loop where something occurs which causes effects which allows it to happen more.
Causes of short term climate change?
solar variability
volcanic activity
atm. concs. of radiatively active gases,
albedos of surface and clouds
Effects of human activity match or exceed changes from natural processes
Process of radiatively active gases increasing temperature?
-Radiatively active gases transparent to short wave radiation - let them in
-Opaque to long wave radiation - blocks
- Short waves converted to long wavs when reflected
-Traps reflecting long waves and so radiative energy in atmosphere - surface warms
- Called greenhouse effect
Surface temp. of earth without greenhouse gases? (Mostly Co2 and water vapour)
-19 degrees instead of over 15 degrees
What other gases impact climate change besides CO2?
Nitrous Oxide
- May be responsible for half expected warming
Indirect affects of non-radiatively gases?
-Oxidation of carbon monoxide (CO) to CO2
-Hydroxide (OH) concentration controls lifetime of carbon monoxide (CO) and methane (CH4)
What does aerosol formation lead to?
Scattering or reflecting of incoming _ radiation.
E.g. sulfur to sulfate
What causes thermal fragility of atmosphere?
Greenhouse gases make up less than 1% of the atmosphere’s mass.
Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases increasing due to?
-CO2 – fossil fuel combustion; land-use changes
-Methane (CH4) – fossil fuel extraction and use; sewage treatment; landfill; animal waste; rice paddies; biomass burning
-Nitrous oxide (N2O) – cultivated soils; industrial activities; biomass burning
-Halocarbons – refrigeration; air conditioning
- Sulfur dioxide (SO2) – coal combustion; smelting.
What effects the contribution as gas makes to greenhouse effect (Radiative forcing)?
-Wavelength where gas absorbs infrared radiation
-Concentration of gas
-Whether other gases present absorb at same wavelength
-Atmospheric lifetime of the gas
Earth’s radiation spectrum?
4-100 micrometres
Absorption of infrared radiation at high concentrations of water vapour and co2?
-Almost complete absorption at numerous wavelengths.
-As absorption increases logarithmically with concentration
Absorption of water vapour and Co2 at 7-13 micrometeres?
-Weak as radiation peaks at 10 micrometres.
- Called atmospheric window
- Most other greenhouse gases have absorption lines (weaker intensity) in this region.