Anthro Final Exam Flashcards
Was java accepted or rejected?
Rejected. Found late 1890’s. Dismissed as a gibbon.
What is the common name for Homo habiilis? What tool tradition did it use?
Handy man. Oldowon T.T. Crude cobble tools.
What are the advanced features of Proconsul?
- Shortened snout - More rounded skull - Larger and more complex brain
Culture advancements of H.S.S?
- Portable art : figurines and cave art - Tailored clothing : buttons - Cooperative hunting of heard animals - Stone lamps : burn animal fat as a source of light -First musical instrument : bird bone whistle
What was special about the Pilt Down man?
Discovered in pieces: Ancient Human skull and mandible of an orangutan.
Who did Proconsul give rise to?
What are the cranial characteristics of A. afarensis?
- Small brain 2. Projecting canines 3. Ape like palate
What cultural characteristics are first seen with Homo sapian sapian (Cro-magnon). Include the evidence.
- Portable art : figurine and cave art -Taylor’s clothing : buttons, -Stone lamps - burning animal fat as a source of light - cooperative hunting of herd animals - First musical instrument : Bird bone whistle
What are two cranial differences between H. erectus and H. sapien?
- Massive super orbital torus - Low cranial dome
Who is the Black Skull possibly ancestral to?
A. boisei
Significance of sivapithecus? Evidence?
Ancestral to orangutans. - Large incisors - Concave face profile - Non projecting superior eye ridge - Broad flaring zygomatics - Rectangular eye orbits
Taung Child characteristics?
- Relatively modern teeth 2. Non projecting canines 3 Endo cast configuration shows complexity of brain 4. brain stem centrally placed indicating bipedal
Who gave rise to Dryopithecus?
Where was A. boisei discovered?
East Africa, Olduvai Gorge
What is Proconsul considered to be?
First true ape
General geographical area in which the Black Skull was found?
East Africa, Lake Turkana
What geological epoch was Gigantopithecus from?
Briefly discuss the cultural advancements that are first seen with Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (include the evidence).
- Care of individuals - Intentional burial of the dead - Belief in the afterlife - ceremonialism - tool tradition - Medicine - Cave dwellers
What are cranial features of A. africanus?
- Larger incisers - Small premolars - Narrow face (no large chewing muscles) - No sagital crest
List the cranial characteristics of H. erectus.
- Long low cranial vault - Platy cephalic - Super orbital torus - Occipital torus (v shaped) - Post orbital constriction
Who was ancestral to modern orangutan?
Name the various tool traditions, the typical tools which characterize each and the genus and species with which each i s affiliated.
-Oldowan : Crude, Cobble stone : Homo Habalis -Achulean : Multipurpose : Homo erectus -Mousterian : Homo sapien neanderthalensis
What is H. habalis cultural advancement?
First to manufacture and use stone tools.
Which tool tradition did H. erectus use?
What are general cranial characteristics for entire group of H.S.N?
- Occipital bun - Mid face prognathism (enlarged nasal sinus) - Large cranial capacity - Space/gap behind last lower molar
A gap behind the last molar of a mandible is a classic sign of?
The H.S.N Heidelberg mandible.
Why are physical anthropologist who are studying fossil record concerned with continental drift or plate tectonics?
As global position of the continents changes, there are two major results that occur: - Environment/Climatic changes : selective pressures change - Migration routes change : Land bridges or isolations : affects distribution
What are cranial features of A. robutsus?
- Small incisors - Large molars and pre molars - Broad flaring zygomatic - Specialized chewing machine.
List and discuss the skeletal evidence that indicates A. afarensis had a bipeadal striding gate.
A) Shape of PELVIS -Short/Broad illium -Gluteal muscles carried to the side -Table weight transmission B) Position of the femur -Angled underneath the body -Lower center of gravity - “Carrying angle” C) Length of legs -Elongated Legs -Lengthens the stride
Cultural adaptations of H.S.N ?
- Care of individuals - Intentional burial of the dead - Belief in the afterlife - Ceremonialism - Tool Tradition : Mousterian - Medicine - Cave dwellers
Where is Proconsul from?
Exclusive to Africa
What are unique cranial features of Homo sapien sapien?
- High domed skull, vertical forehead - Protruding boney chin
What was accepted in the time of Pilt Down?
Large Brain, Primitive teeth
What specimen was transitional between H. erectus and H.S.N? What is the evidence?
Steinheim Skull.
H. erectus feature : Small brain case
H.S.N feature : widest point of the skull is more rounded.
Briefly discuss the cultural advancements that are first seen with homo erectus (include the evidence).
-First controlled use of fire -Organized exploration of huge game animals -Season use of sites
Discuss the primitive cranial characteristics of A. afarensis.
Small brain, projecting canines, ape like pallet
Who was the first member of homo and where is it exclusive to?
H. habilis, exclusive to Africa
Who used the Achulean tool tradition?
Homo erectus
What hominoid has the most accurate date? Why?
Ramidus. Sandwiched between 2 volcanic layers. Potassium Argon.
Which geological Epoch does Aegyptopithecus belong to?
Discuss the possible reason for the decline of the prosimians at the end of the Eocene.
Continental drift Northwards - Cooling climate -restricted distribution of tropics - Lack of habitat Competition : Rodents -Very adaptable and numerically abundant. -Formable competition Possible Monkeys -Higher primates -Outcompeted
What footprints were discovered that indicated bipedality? What are the features?
Laetoli Footprints. A) Big toe in line with foot - Push off as a lever and balance B) Arch - Serves as a shock absorber C) Pattern of footprints - Striding gate D) No knuckle print - no support from hands
Discuss the cranial and post cranial advancements characteristic of Notharctus over the Paleocene forms. What basic trends are demonstrated by the changes in the forms?
Shortened snout, generalized dentition, boney eye ring, larger brain with larger convolutions, vision increases and smell decrease, nails, five digit hands and feet grasping.
What geological epoch is Proconsul from?
Miocene (23.3 - 5.2 MYA)
What is the common name for A. boisei (OH5)
What characteristics of Aegytopithecus indicating a transitional form
Elongated snout (lower primate) Boney Eye Socket (higher primate) Eyes rotated forward (Depth perception) Dental Formula 2-1-2-3
Is A. africanus more generalized or specialized?
Features of A. Ramidus?
- Not fully striding - Accomplished tree climber - Small brain proves bipedal predates large brain ancestors.
What specimen is transitional between H. erectus and H.S.N?
What was rejected during the time of Pilt Down?
Small Brain, Modern Teeth
What is the skeletal evidence that Proconsul was not an ape?
- No tail 2. y-5 cusp pattern on lower molars
Discuss two completely different reasons for the extinctions Australopithecus boisei.
-Too specialized : diet, dental, chewing muscle attachments. -More competition from a more general form
Where was the Taung Child found?
South Africa. Underground Limestone solution cavities.
Where was Aegytopithecus found? what is special about this location?
El Fayum, Egypt. It is the only place in the word where primate fossils are found dating to the Oligoscene.
What feature indicated Gigantopithecus was a hominoid?
- y-5 pattern - Huge size - Location of discovery
Why is Aegytpopithecus considered to be a “transitional” form? What two groups of primates is this transitional between? What is the name and the reason why this archaeological site so unique about where the fossil was found?
- Has an elongated snout (feature of a lower primate) and Boney eyes sockets (feature of a higher primate). - El Fayum, Egypt is the only place in the world where primate fossils are found dating to the Oligoscene.
Proconsul is ancestral to whom? Why?
All more recent apes. - Date. Oldest. - Geography. Africa was an island developed in isolation.
List the cultural advancements of H. erectus.
- First controlled use of fire - Organized exploration of huge game animals - Season use of sites
Which hominoid shows evidence of possible cannibalism?
H. erectus. Specimen : Java. Base of the skull is cut, possibly to procure the brain.
What is unique to HNM-ER 3733 Homo erectus?
Most complete H. erectus skull in our collection.
List the cranial characteristics of H. habalis.
- More generalized facial morphology - Larger brain -Larger frontal lobe (Better judgment, hand/eye coordination) - More developed brooches area
What are A. boisei cranial characteristics?
(Hyper Robustus) Small incisors, large molars/premolars, broad flaring zygomatic, specialized chewing machine.
Unique to Pilt Down Man?
- Accepted as a human ancestor - Bones were altered
Is Aegytopethecus ancestral to New World Monkeys?
NO. Because the number of premolars.
Is A. robustus more generalized or specialized?
What are general post cranial characteristics for entire group of H.S.N?
- Short robust arm and leg bones - Bone curvature (strong muscle attachments)
Discuss why scientist are interested in the extinctions of dinosaurs.
65 mya, the extinction of dinosaurs pended up niches and habitats for primates to develop.
Where was the Pilt Down Man found
Sussex England