Anth 463 Final Flashcards
Something that happens slowly over time.
It is thought as something that is “improving” what already exists, and comes often from times of colonization.
It is unilateral, has ethnocentric tendencies, and is comparative
“multidirectional cultural flows”
There is often a flow of exchange of politics, expansion, ideas, etc. and the flow of those things that effect them.
touches on economic, political, and cultural issues
Globalization facilitates and controls international trade
An idealism that puts faith in markets to efficiently deliver healthcare services
Began in the 1980s with Reagan’s election
“market fundamentalism”
a type of conservative idealism of the West
Health was turned into a commodity
Structural Violence
A form of social suffering that is historically given and economically driven to constrain agency. Structural violence includes, but is not limited to, poverty, racism, gender inequalities, and political violence.
Global South
The latest term for states that fit a certain criteria.
It is always a comparison of two parts
It is an imperfect term
Humanitarian intervention
Usually a response to some kind of disaster, war, or famine. Something that requires emergency relief. It is usually an immediate and extreme response from the international or global community.
Modernization Theory
modernization helps to show the disparities between countries on different points of the scale
It finds its way in our thinking because the world has taken on these symbols of modernity (as relates to westernization and globalization)
Focuses a lot on technology, social structures and values
Classic Demographic Transition Theory
Graph from class Shows how, over time, the death rate falls as we enter into industrial societies and post-industrial time periods. This is because food becomes more plentiful, technology and medicine advance, and people are living longer. The birth rate then declines due to increased protection and education. The two then even out in the post-industrial stage
Political economic approach
Looking at inequalities that are often produced by social structures (and are perpetuated through structural violence)
One example would be a political economy of health that looks at health problems that are the result of structural violence like a lack of access to effective healthcare.
Millennium Development Goals
MDGS these are meant to alleviate poverty in places around the world, but typically end up being very vague aspirations rather than operational goals.
These include goals such as eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, universal education, improving maternal health, reducing child mortality, etc.
Scaling Up
Improving, in Farmer’s case, models for healthcare, eradicating poverty, and shortening the disparities between the global community so that they can actually help the people that are targeted. To do this, though, there needs to be a broad range of social change. Scaling up is a push for a greater model and program that many factors must support for it to be possible.
Colonial Medicine
19th C term
established so colonizers could live where they were colonizing
long lasting legacy
Tropical Medicine
looking elsewhere
encouraged racism and comparisons of the West and elsewhere
pointed at those in the tropics as vectors for disease
International health
populations from country to country
efforts from GN to GS based off of development discourse - often with a hidden agenda
Global health
an all encompassing perspective on health for the globe