Anterior mediastinal mass Flashcards
Risk of death from what?
airway obstruction and/or CV collapse
As for the anatomy-what are you looking for? how does this differ in kids?
location, size, degree of airway/CV compromise. In kids-tracheobronchial compression >50% preculudes safe GETA
Causes of this mass? MCC?
Benign or malignant tumors, cysts or aneurysms. Most common-Hodgkin’s or NHL
If it is unsafe to give GA-what are other options to get the tissue for diagnosis?
Extrathoracic mass/lymph node biopsy or CT guided needle biopsy or awake anterior mediastinoscopy with local anesthesia. Pt could also have chemo or radiation therapy
Do these pts sometimes require ECMO or CPB?
Hx you would expect from these pts?
Chest pain/fullness Dyspnea, cough, orthopnea Syncope Hoarseness/dysphagia Or-they can be asymptomatic
Physical exam of these patients:
Are they in acute distress?
stridor, cyanosis, SVC syndrome?
Which lab tests/imaging would you like ?
CBC, CXR, chest CT, ECG, TTE, and +/- flow volume loop to see if its an intrathoracic obstruction
Conflicts in this anterior mediastinal mass case:
Need for GA versus risk of cardiorespiratory collapse
How can you optimize ant. mediastinal mass pts?
What if there is airway/vascular compression?
Maintain spontaneous ventilation until airway is secured or procedure is complete
If there is airway or vascular compression-if possible-awake patient, reposition (determine PRE-OPERATIVELY) which position causes less compression
rigid bronch and ventilation distal to obstruction
sternotomy and surical elevation of mass off compressed vessels
-If CPB is necessary-consider in pts with SEVERE postional sxs-establish prior to induction; will take too long if airway deteriorates
Options for anesthesia in these cases:
general, local-may need awake fiberoptic
Room setup:
a line (pre-induction) and on right side ICU/Stepdown bed-maybe
How will you induce pts with an mediastinal mass?
slow, titrated induction using spon ventilation. Sevo, propofol, ketamine
Rigid bronch equipment available
How will you maintain these patients? (ant med mass)
Balanced anesthetic-manually ventilate to ensure positive pressure ventilation is possible BEFORE paralyzing.
ensure ventilation is maintained-be careful of post anesthetic obstruction .
Which structures can these mediastinal masses compress?
Tumors (thymoma, teratoma, thyroid CA, lymphoma, hygroma, cyst) of the anterior mediastinum cause obstruction of three structures: the tracheobronchial tree, the main PA (and atria) and the SVC.
Why do more mediastinal mass deaths occur in children?
because their airways are more compliant and they less commonly manifest symptoms
How can you prevent mediastinal mass from compressing main PA?
Maintenance of preload, PA pressure, and cardiac output may attenuate compression of the main PA.
Why can GA be dangerous for mediastinal masses?
Postulated reasons for the dangers of general anesthesia
include the fact that lung volume is reduced under general
anesthesia and relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle leads to
greater compressibility of the airway from the overlying mass
Where would you place the a line in pts with anterior mediastinal mass?
right radial artery because it allows us to know when there is compression of the innominate artery