Anterior & Medial Thigh Flashcards
The Great Saphenous V. starts at the dorsal venous arch, travels up the medial leg and thigh, and terminates in the Fermoal V. on the anterior side of the Saphenous Hiatus. On the way, there are 3 tributaries to the Great Saphenous V. What are their names?
Ep Sci Se
External Pudendal V.
Superficial Circumflex Iliac V.
Superficial Epigastric V.
The Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes have two groups the Horizontal Group and the Vertical Group. What is the location of the groups relative to each other?
Superior Horizontal Group
Inferior Vertical Group
Is it the Horizontal or Vertical group of Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes drains to the following:
Anterior abdominal wall inferior to the umbilicus, penis, scrotum, vulva, lower vagina, lower anal canal, lateral thigh?
Horizontal Group
Superficial Inguinal Nodes drain all superficial strucutres in the lower extremity, EXCEPT?
A. Anterior abdominal wall inferior to umbilicus
B. Penis, scrotum, vulva, lower vagina
C. Lateral Thigh
D. Dorsolateral foot and Posterior Calf
E. Lower anal canal
Dorsolateral foot and Posterior Calf
What lymph nodes drain the dorsolateral foot and posterior calf?
A. Horizontal Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes
B. Vertcial Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes
C. Popliteal Lymph Nodes
D. All of the above
Popliteal Lymph Nodes
What is the clinical relevance of Superficial Inguinal Lymph Nodes?
Pathology association with:
Medial Foot and Leg Cellulitis
Skin Cancer
Which of the following nerves associated with cutaneous innervation, is sensory for the anterior and lateral thigh?
A. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous N.
B. Genital Branch of Genitofemoral N.
C. Obturator N.
D. None of the Above
Lateral Femoral Cutaneous N.
Which of the following nerves associated with cutaneous innervation, is sensory for scrotum, labia majora, and medial thigh? Bonus, what is it’s motor innervation?
A. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous N.
B. Genital Branch of Genitofemoral N.
C. Obturator N.
D. None of the Above
Genital Branch of Genitofemoral N.
Cremaster M.
Which of the following nerves associated with cutaneous innervation medial thigh?
A. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous N.
B. Genital Branch of Genitofemoral N.
C. Obturator N.
D. None of the Above
Obturator N.
The Obturator N. supplies motor innervation to what 6 muscles?
Obturator Externus M.
Adductor Longus M.
Adductor Magnus M.
Adductor Brevis M.
Gracilis M.
Pectineus M.
Remember: Obturators Externally, Add, Add, Add, Gracious Pecs
Impingement of the Lateral Femoral Cutaneus N. gives rise to tingling numbness in the lateral thigh called what?
What’s another name for this pathology?
Meralgia Paresthetica
“Gun Belt Palsy” - when your belt is too tight
Fibers that make up the Fascia Lata are horizontal, except for what vertical traveling structure?
Iliotibial Tract (IT Band)
What two muscles aponeuros with the Iliotibial Tract?
Where does the Iliotibial Tract Attach?
A. Lateral Tibial Condyle
B. Medial Malleolus
C. Anterolateral Tibial Tubercle
D. Fibular Articular Facet of the Tibia
Gluteus Maximus M. & Tensor Fascia Lata M.
Anterolateral Tibial Tubercle
also known as Gerdy’s Tubercle
What is the name of the extensions of the fascia lata that attach to the femur and form 3 muscular compartments?
A. IntRAmuscular Septa
B. IntERmuscular Septa
C. Femoral Sheath
D. Fascia Lata Septa
IntERmuscular Septa
Intermuscular Septa: forms Anterior, Medial, and Posterior msucular compartments
Anterior Compartment of the Thigh includes 3 flexors of the hip, and 4 extensors of the knee. Name these muscles
Flexors of the Hip: Sartorius, Iliopsoas, Pectineus
Extensor of Knee: Rectus Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedius
All of the following muscles associated with the anterior compartment are innervated by the Femoral N., EXCEPT for which of the following that is innervated by the Lumbar Plexus L1-L3?
A. Psoas Major M.
B. Iliacus M.
C. Sartorius M.
D. Quadriceps Femoris Ms.
Psoas Major M.
The psoas major originates from which of the following locations? What M. comes off the other options?
A. Superior Iliac Fossa
B. Sacral Ala
C. Anterior Sacroiliac L.
D. TP of L1-L5
E. T12-L5
F. All except D and E
G. D and E
TP of L1-L5
The Iliacus comes off the other structures
Although the Iliopsoas M. is comprisde of 2 muscles, the Iliacus M. is innervated by the ________ and the Psoas Major M. is innervated by ________.
Femoral N.
Muscular Branches of L1-L2(3)
Which of the following actions is performed by both the Iliacus and the Psoas Major M.?
A. Flex Trunk and Vertebral Column
B. Stabilize Acetabulofemoral Joint
C. Flex Thigh
D. All of the Above
Both: Flex Thigh
Psoas Major: Flexes Trunk and Vertebral Column
Iliacus: Stabilizes Acetabulofemoral Joint
All of the following muscles that make up the Quadriceps Femoris M. extend the leg, EXCEPT which of the following that extends the leg and assists the iliopsoas with thigh flexion?
A. Rectus Femoris M.
B. Vastus Medialis M
C. Vastus Intermedius M
D. Vastus Lateralis M
Rectus Femoris M.
T/F: The muscles that make up the quadriceps femoris are innervated by the Femoral N.
All of the muscles that make up the Quadriceps Femoris Ms. insert somewhere on the base of the patella and onto the tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament. HOWEVER, one of the muscles only inserts on the tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament. Which muscle is this?
A. Rectis Femoris
B. Vastus Medialis
C. Vastus Intermedius
D. Vastus Lateralis
Vastus Medialis
The Rectus Femoris M. Originates from:
A. AIIS and Ilium above acetabulum
B. Greater Trochanter and Lateral Lip of Linea Aspera
C. Anterior & Lateral Surface of the Femur
D. Intertrochanteric Line to medial line of Linea Aspera
AIIS and Ilium above acetabulum
The Vastus Lateralis M. Originates from:
A. AIIS and Ilium above acetabulum
B. Greater Trochanter and Lateral Lip of Linea Aspera
C. Anterior & Lateral Surface of the Femur
D. Intertrochanteric Line to medial line of Linea Aspera
Greater Trochanter and Lateral Lip of Linea Aspera
The Vastus Medialis M. Originates from:
A. AIIS and Ilium above acetabulum
B. Greater Trochanter and Lateral Lip of Linea Aspera
C. Anterior & Lateral Surface of the Femur
D. Intertrochanteric Line to medial line of Linea Aspera
Intertrochanteric Line to medial line of Linea Aspera
Sartorius M. has what origin and insertion?
A. AIIS to Base of Patella
B. ASIS to Medial aspect proximal end of Tibia B.
C. Anterior Surface of Femur to articular capsule of knee
D. ASIS to Lateral aspect of proximal end of Tibia B.
ASIS to Medial aspect proximal end of Tibia B.
Articularis Genu M. has what origin and insertion?
A. AIIS to Base of Patella
B. ASIS to Medial aspect proximal end of Tibia B.
C. Anterior Surface of Femur to articular capsule of knee
D. ASIS to Lateral aspect of proximal end of Tibia B.
Anterior Surface of Femur to articular capsule of knee
Pes Anserinus is on the medial aspect of the proximal end of the Tibia, and is the insertion point for the tendons of what 3 muscles?
Sartorius M.
Gracilis M.
Semitendinosus M.
Sartorius is the longest muscle in the ody, so it makes sense that it would have a lot of functions. What are the 4 functions of the sartorius M.?
Hint: 3 for the thigh and 1 for the leg
Thigh: Flex, ABduct, and LAterally Rotate
Leg: Flex
What weird action does the Articularis Genu M. perform that makes sense if you think about its weird, random, distal location on the femur deep to the Vastus Intermedius M.?
Tighten knee capsule during leg extension
What is the spinal root origin of the Femoral N. ?
What are the main feeder arteries that come off the medial femoral circumflex A. to supply the head and neck of femur?
A. Posterior Retinacular A.
B. Anterior REtinacular A.
C. Acetabular branch of Obturator A.
D. None of the above
Posterior Retinacular A.
involved in avascular necrosis
What is the name of the artery that provides blood supply to the ligament of head of femur?
A. Posterior Retinacular A.
B. Anterior REtinacular A.
C. Acetabular branch of Obturator A.
D. None of the above
Acetabular branch of Obturator A.
All of the following muscles are part of the medial compartment of the thigh, and will perform at minimum what one action?
Pectineus M.
Adductor Longus M.
Adductor Brevis M.
Adductor Magnus M.
Gracilis M.
Adduction of the thigh
Which of the following locations does both the Gracilis M. and the Adductor Brevis M. originate?
A. Inferior Pubic Ramus and Body of the Pubis
B. Superior Pubic Ramus
C. Body of the Pubic ramus
D. Ischiopubic Ramus and Ischial Tuberosity
Inferior Pubic Ramus and Body of the Pubis
Which of the following locations does the Pectineus M. originate?
A. Inferior Pubic Ramus and Body of the Pubis
B. Superior Pubic Ramus
C. Body of the Pubic ramus
D. Ischiopubic Ramus and Ischial Tuberosity
Superior Pubic Ramus
Which of the following locations does the Adductor Longus M. originate?
A. Inferior Pubic Ramus and Body of the Pubis
B. Superior Pubic Ramus
C. Body of the Pubic ramus
D. Ischiopubic Ramus and Ischial Tuberosity
Body of the Pubic ramus
Which of the following locations does the Adductor Magnus M. originate?
A. Inferior Pubic Ramus and Body of the Pubis
B. Superior Pubic Ramus
C. Body of the Pubic ramus
D. Ischiopubic Ramus and Ischial Tuberosity
Ischiopubic Ramus and Ischial Tuberosity
All of the following muscles are innervated by the Anterior Division of the Obturator N., EXCEPT for which of the following that is innervated by the Femoral N.?
A. Adductor Brevis M. and Adductor Longus
B. Gracilis M.
C. Pectineus M.
D. Obturator Externus M.
Pectineus M.
The Pectineus M. inserts on the pectineal line of the femur with all of the following Adductors, EXCEPT? Where does it attach instead?
A. Adductor Longus M.
B. Adductor Magnus M.
C. Adductor Brevis M.
Adductor Longus M.
attaches to the middle 1/3rd of the linea aspera
NOTE: the Adductor brevis also somewhat insets on the proximal linea aspera
T/F: The Obturator Externus M originates on the external surface of the obturator membrane and margins of the obturator foramen, and passes the ANTERIOR neck of the femur to the TROCHANTERIC FOSSA
If wrong change it to make it right
passes Posterior to the neck of the femur to the Trochanteric Fossa
How do the actions of the Gracilis and Obterator Externus Ms. differ in terms of thigh rotation?
Gracilis M. MEDIALLY rotates thigh
Obturator Externus LATERALLY rotates thigh
T/F: The Pectineus muscle adducts and flexes the thigh
What muscle is responsible for holding the head of the femur in the acetabulum?
A. Adductor Magnus
B. Pectinues
C. Obturator Externus
D. None of the above
Obturator Externus
The Adductor Magnus is a big muscle that when working as a whole performs ____________, and when working on the hamstring side performs __________.
Thigh Adduction
Thigh Extension
Which of the following nerves innervates the upper fibers of the Adductor Magnus M., and the lower fibers of the Adductor M. ?
A. Anterior Division of Obturator N. and Tibial Division of Sciatic N.
B. Posterior Division of Obturator N. and Tibial Divison of Sciatc N.
C. Femoral N. and Tibial Division of Sciatic N.
D. Anterior and Posterior Division of Obturator N.
Posterior Division of Obturator N. and Tibial Divison of Sciatc N.
Which of the following muscles makes the anteromedial boundary of the Adductor Canal?
A. Sartorius M.
B. Vastus Medialis M.
C. Adductor Longus M and Adductor Magnus M.
D. None of the above
Sartorius M.
Which of the following muscles makes the lateral boundary of the Adductor Canal?
A. Sartorius M.
B. Vastus Medialis M.
C. Adductor Longus M and Adductor Magnus M.
D. None of the above
Vastus Medialis M.
Which of the following muscles makes the posterior boundary of the Adductor Canal?
A. Sartorius M.
B. Vastus Medialis M.
C. Adductor Longus M and Adductor Magnus M. (hastring portion)
D. None of the above
Adductor Longus M and Adductor Magnus M.
The adductor canal runs from the apex of the _________ to the _________.
Femoral Triangle (where Sartorius M. meets the Adductor Longus M.)
Adductor Hiatus
The Adductor Hiatus is the gap between what muscle?
Adductor Magnus M.
b/w its adductor and hamstring attachments
The Femoral A and V enter the Adductor Canal, but exit as what structures?
Popliteal A and V
What are the 5 contents of the Adductor Canal?
Femoral A.
Femoral V.
Saphenous A.
Saphenous N.
N. to Vastus Medialis M.
- Remember: Adductor Canal takes A VANN to Vastus Medialis*
- (feminist saphho loves canals)*
What is a groin pull?
think of the muscles involved and where they originate
A Groin Pull is the strain or stretching of proximal attachments of anteromedial thigh muscles, which originate in the inguinal region at the junction of the thigh and trunk
What is another name of the Adductor Canal?
Hunter’s Canal
What is the root origin of the Femoral N. ?